First Day Of High School Tomorrow Im Nervous Help

First day of high school tomorrow and I am nervous!?

When your in a classroom look for someone that looks friendly then sit near them, i did so and made a friend, now we have lunch together, how awesome is that? Compliment someone, they'll remember u for that. Be nice, but don't let people step all over you. If someone insults u in anyway, just ignore them, ferreals, if you don't and u say a nasty comeback they will say something that will make you shut up and that will be even more embarrassing but just ignore even if they make fun of you [ i got made fun of today but who gives a rats, so everyone forgot prretty much ] don't be fake. Remember to not be the EMO girl, i saw this emo looking girl, didn't talk to her because she looked rude til today because her friend told me she actually is nice and doesn't bite so i talked to her and now we're friends! so if u don't look emo or sad or MAD people will go up to you and chat. Just be positive. Oh, and don't sit next to the loud immature people, not only will they distract you from your work , but they most likely will aim you as a target. Been there, done that.

One last thing, Don't get involved in drama. My friend and I bumped into this mean girl today who was a bully last year at my friend's old school, she warned me about her, she's no good , and she pretty much causes drama, so don't socialize with girls that look like they'll give you negative influence or drama, stick with the nice girls. Remember, looks aren't everything. (:

Nervous about my first day of high school tomorrow!?

Someone with experience please help me not be so nervous! I start high school fir the first time tomorrow and I'm so nervous! I honestly feel sick. I've never been this nervous before! Is high school fun? What is it like? Tell me how to stay relaxed because I really feel close to throwing up I'm so nervous! I don't need to worry about clothes because I have a uniform but please help me anyway you can with the beginning of high school!

I'm nervous for the first day of school tommorow , what do I do?

Just relax, its not like its you're first day of school ever, or your first time in this school (is it?) Just calm down, take a shower, listen to music, sing along, dance around, watch your favorite movie or tv show, find some bubble wrap, go find a coloring book, whatever you want! Just dont worry, you will be fine :)

I'm nervous about my first day of high school!! helpp!?

im a freshman and my first day of high school is tomorrow and im so nervous and scared like in my classes i have like no friends. they all have different classes then me. im afraid of like when i go into class everyone is gonna know each other and im not and im gonna be sitting there all alone. what is it like???? help me! ps im a girl! :))

First day of High School tomorrow, I'm scared, help me please :( ?

Okay, lets tackle one thing at a time.

Firstly, don't be scared of the sophomores, juniors and seniors. You need to remember that, however many years ago, they were the ones who were in your position. Everyone has to face it at some point in their lives. Some will empathise with you. Some will not. But if you don't get in their way, I'm pretty sure they won't get in yours.

Secondly, with the hallways being crowded: that's expected of a high school. On my first day of high school I was pushed around left right and centre. You just need to learn to get used to it and to find easier paths/routes to take that make your journey simpler and quicker. It doesn't matter how many students that the school has. Just think of it as you being one fish in a medium sized pond. You're all there to learn, make friends and (possibly) enjoy it, don't waste your time worrying about silly little things like that, trust me, it passes.

Thirdly, I'm a very quiet person and I made it out alive! If you're quiet, you'll find people who are just like yourself to make friends with! I very much doubt you'll be the only nervous, shy, quiet type on your first day. Just find people who are the same/ share the same interests as you. You'll all just click. Or, even better, find people who are in your classes to buddy up with. That way, if you stick together at break and lunch hours you'll be able to find your way together. It will all click together if you take things with a positive step.

And finally, my high school has 4 buildings and it's an old Nuns Convent. It's huge. When I first walked through those big oak doors (slightly like Hogwarts) I was a bit afraid but also excited. Your first time in high school is just like another journey and it's something you have to do. There will be maps in homework journals (assuming you have them where you are?) and, at our school, for the first week we had a group of year 11's guide us to all of our classrooms so we could memorise the routes we needed to take.
Everything will be confusing as first: you're being introduced to something bigger than you've experienced. But with like any challenge, you need to think positive and take it head on!

Have fun and good luck!!!

Tomorrow morning is my first day of high school. What is some last minute advice about the first day of high school or life, starting tomorrow in general?

First day... Good Luck.Well, there are a few things that I would recommend that are already one here I'm sure. Thus, please forgive the repeats.Don't walk into school like you own the building -you're new and many freshman think that they can do this anyway (you are just going to annoy the upperclassmen)Don't block the hallway with your friends (some people like to get to class quickly and you will annoy upperclassmen by disrupting the flow of things)Don't walk slowly -walk with a purpose (mainly because it shows that you are going somewhere, but also because of the reason for #2)Try to find a few friends, but don't go all out (desperation doesn't look good on most if not all people)DO NOT PISS OFF THE TEACHER ON THE FIRST DAY (do it on the second, if you must, but the first day is syllabus day = easiest day of the semester)Find out where your classes are beforehand, not in the last five minutes till the bell rings (this will just help you not be confused/lost/stressed)Figure out if you like your schedule, but don't change it just for a friend (go for your interests, not theirs)Thanks for the A2A.

It's the first day of my junior year of high school tomorrow and I really want to try out a new look, but I'm nervous about what other people will think. What should I do?

The first thing I learned on the tennis team before freshman year even started was something that a senior was saying to one of the juniors; “Once I realized that no one was focusing on me, that the world isn’t revolving around me, I was so much more comfortable with myself.” Teenagers are usually uncomfortable with their styles because they think everyone is focusing on them; but they’re not. So, be comfortable with whatever you choose, because what’s you is you! Even if you might get a couple of comments by your friends, that will be the end of it. They’ve also got projects, sports, etc on their minds.And, in the rare case they do care, remember what Dr. Suess said, “Be yourself- because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.” If they’re your true friends, they won’t make fun of you or give you a hard time about your style. They’ll support it!Good luck and be you!