First Time Mother Just Hours After Birth Moves First Born But Didn

How does a mother feel just after giving birth to a child?

Being as I have given birth 4 days ago I feel I can answer this question quite accurately.I had to be induced due to gestational diabetes then late stage preeclampsia. I was in hospital for 4 days before that.My water broke like it does in the movies, and shocked the hell out of me.After 24 hours of pure torture and eventually an epidural, when it came to pushing I couldn't get him out!He had gone sideways! Head still down but sideways. He was very far down in the birth canal so they decided to rush me to the operating room and try suction.The suction didn't work…..So it became an emergency C section.He came out and I didn't get a look at him before he was whisked away, I made my husband go with him. I told him “I have a better chance of surviving all this than he does, he needs you right now”.After I was sewn up and in recovery the only thing on my mind was, I need to see my baby.I was eventually wheeled into the nursery and saw my little man hooked up to all these machines and an oxygen mask. I couldn't stop crying. My little man was here but not how I pictured it. I couldn't hold him or even see his face.I ended up finding out he came out blue and he was very sick.I got to hold him 24 hours after he was born, when I went to the nursery under my own steam and he still had tubes coming out of him.I've only held him a handful of times in the past 4 days but every time is so special that I cherish all the seconds I get.He's eating through a feeding tube but has been keeping down my milk all day which makes me so happy that I can do at least that for him.I felt scared, alone and numb when he was born.Now I just feel scared. I want him home and I'll never let him go ever again.I'll always have a scar to remind me of this tough time and I'm never getting rid of it like a lot of women do.I still gave birth like all women do he just came out of my tummy instead.Our first meeting.A very rare cuddle.

Why do mother cats sometimes eat their own kittens?

In addition to eating dead or sick kittens (to keep the living area and other kittens free from disease and infections) mother cats will occasionally (rarely) kill and sometimes eat healthy kittens due to stress.This can occur in young mothers, who are more prone to rejecting their kittens, and in older mothers with hormonal imbalances that cause them to reject their young. Basically, a cat sometimes won't bond with her kittens, and won't recognise them as her own, and in her confused and stressed state she will see them as prey or a threat and attack them.Cats (and dogs) will also kill their young if they feel stressed and unsafe. This sometimes occurs when humans try to move animals who have just given birth to a more convenient and safer place in the home - the animal chose the place they gave birth because that's where they felt safe, so humans moving them to a place they didn't choose (no matter how comfortable or safe that place is) can stress a mother animal out and cause her to kill her young.This can also happen if the mother and babies are disturbed too much. Mother wants babies to be safely 'hidden' from everyone but the people and animals she trusts, so if the owners start allowing lots of visitors to come and see the new kittens (or puppies) then the mother can get very stressed and kill her own offspring if she cannot move them somewhere she feels safer.

My boyfriend wants us to have a baby im just a senior in high school?

ok well im gonna be a senior this year in high school this year and my boyfriend really whants me to have a baby and move up their to live with him because he has a good paying job and he says he can support us but i really want to graduate from high school first and i have thought alot about it and in a way i want a baby but then in a way i dont know if i am really ready to be a mom yet he says we can get married when i move up their and he says he is going to go to college to we have talked to his his parents (well his mom) said they would help us but my mom and dad and his dad dont approve of it im so confused with everything b/c i have allready been pregnant once (my junior year lost the baby in a car wreck) and im not sure if i wanna get pregnant again b/c i dont wanna have to drop out my seior year so i could really use some advice

Mother In Law Issue..?

My mother law seemed like a very sweet lady at first and we had many similar hobbies we both liked so I thought we both would have no problem getting along at all. But everything changed once I became pregnant with my first baby, her first grandchild. March 2nd, 2017. I had my baby boy, he was delivered by an emergency C-Section because the cord was wrapped around his shoulder. I had some complications and became anemic as well from the major surgery, so I had to stay in the hospital for 7 days. From that point on everything just got worst. After my surgery, I was set up in a room and they placed my baby in a bassinet next to my bed, everything was great until the nurses left. The bassinet my baby was in was dragged away from my bedside to the very end of the room by the window where my mother in law was sitting. I felt like crying, I never knew that an action that simple could have such a impaling emotion on me. I just wanted to hold him after everything that happened, but I couldn't do anything, I was still very much drugged on the anesthesia and I just recall the room being very loopy, but way back in my brain I knew what was happening. It was just me and her and I remember her picking my son up and just taking a bunch of selfies with him, and holding him very loosely with one hand. It made me very uncomfortable. After awhile,I asked her if I could have him back over here so I could try feeding him and she did not even bat an eye or acknowledge me one bit.

Why do some babies not cry just after birth and what is the problem behind it?

*Cue ELO's "I'm Alive" when reading this answer* The majority of newborns cry at birth, and we try to facilitate that by drying and stimulating them as soon as they're handed over to their nurse. Why are we such huge fans of crying? It facilitates the opening of the lungs alveoli and absorption of the fluid that had filled the lungs prior to birth.Is crying necessary for this process? Not really. Babies can deeply breathe, or as most often occurs, rapidly breathe, and that seems to work for some just fine. We monitor how a baby is transitioning from intra to extra uterine life. So if we get a quiet soul who is otherwise pink, breathing easily, and has good tone then we will just continue to monitor them. I can only speculate as to the why of the reason for their quietness. In my years of catching babies and caring for them and mom afterwards, I honestly think it's just how that baby is wired. Some babies are pissed off at birth and scream bloody murder for hours afterwards, inconsolable and outraged by their circumstances.Some babies arrive with a calm and open eyed awareness that is humbling and awe inspiring. I always think of them as old souls who are calmly surveying their surroundings and responding to the loving and familiar voices of their parents. Each child declares its temperament at birth, and it's a privilege to be able to witness.

If natural child birth is so painful why do most women opt for it? Instead why not go for cesarean delivery? What are the benefits and costs of natural childbirth?

As a co-founder of International Cesarean Awareness Network, a cesarean mother, and a natural birth mother, I feel that I am qualified to answer this question. I have given birth five times. My first birth was, basically, an unattended hospital birth. The hospital staff didn't think I was in actual labor, so they never called my doctor. He finally called the hospital to see if I had come in. He arrived after I had birthed my daughter. I tore extensively due to poor nutrition and poor positioning. My second child was born by emergency cesarean, weighing one ounce more than her sibling. The surgery went well, and my recovery was uneventful. However, it was six months before I felt back to normal physically.My third child was a VBAC-Vaginal Birth After Cesarean-in a hospital with a family physician. The labor was intense, but I was able to sleep between contractions. My baby was born in one push, and weighed 2 1/2 pounds more than her sisters. I only needed one stitch, and I felt back to normal physically in a week and a half.My last two children were born at home, with midwives attending. Both births were calm and easy, despite my last baby birthing face up. Both home birth babes were 2 pounds bigger than my first two babes. Natural, unmedicated, unmanaged birth is the safest, easiest, least painful way to birth a baby for over 90% of all women. Unfortunately, doctors and hospitals in the USA do not understand this. Doctors want to manage birth, make it faster, more efficient, more convenient. These goals may be helpful to the doctor. They are not helpful to the mother. Birth, in most cases, should not even be considered a medical procedure. It is a natural process, but a delicate one. Mothers cannot labor and birth easily if they are feeling unsafe. Hospitals are inherently scary places filled with beeping machines, gowned and gloved strangers and super germs. No wonder so many labors end up stalling, or even stopping. Which would you prefer-eating a meal of your choosing at your own pace, or having a feeding tube shoved down your throat and proper nutrition pumped directly into your stomach? The tube is very efficient, and the nutrition is more than adequate. I think we would all want the meal, though. Woman would do best birthing in a place of their own choosing, birthing at their own pace.

When did you feel your baby move??

Hi, I am 16 w 3 d, and I was just curious as to when you ladies felt your baby move for the first time?? I hope I get to feel the little one soon, hehe, I am so anxious! Today at the doc apt, my husband and I heard the hb again but we also heard the baby kick twice, so maybe it will be soon?? I hope so!! I think maybe I felt something strange and I thought perhaps it was the baby but I wasnt sure, and Im still not was just an odd feeling.

So anywho, when did you feel your little bundle of joy??