Five Blog Writing Misconceptions And How To Avoid

Did Muhammad literally fly to heaven on a winged horse? Or was it a visionary experience? Or a lucid dream?

I'm intrigued by this article -- -- and by some of the comments.

As I understand it, according to the Koran and Hadiths, in Muhammad's "Night Journey" he was taken at night to Jerusalem and thence on a tour of the heavens in the company of the Archangel Gabriel. In the course of the journey, the prophet had meetings with Biblical characters including Moses and John the Baptist, and conversed with Allah.

My question is: how do Muslims interpret the Night Journey? Of course, different people might have different interpretations. Please select one of the following options:

A) Muhammad literally flew to heaven on a winged horse. That is, in his physical body, Muhammad rode a physical winged horse, from Mecca to Jerusalem, and thence to heaven, where he met and conversed with physical dead prophets.

B) Muhammad had a visionary experience; i.e., he was vouchsafed a vision of heaven, a vision that was more real than an ordinary dream, in the sense that the vision that came from Allah and may therefore be described as being "real". But he did not literally fly to heaven on a winged horse.

C) Muhammad had a lucid dream, or similar experience in a state midway between sleep and wakefulness, which did not come from Allah.

D) None of the above. (Please elaborate.)

No abusive comments, please.

My betta fish died after only 5 days and I don't understand why?

(Perdon me about my bad English. I am not a native English speaker.)

I saw a lot of dead betta at petco in my neighborhood. They are not treated properly.

Perhaps yours had some problem before you got him?? Was your betta active when you got from the store? If he wasn't, I guess he had some problem before you bought him at the store. Perhaps..

I think so from my experience.

When I got mine from petco, I knew NOTHING about betta.

I bought one from petco. I kept him in a half gallon tank with nothing in it, no gravel or fake plant or anything, for about 2 months. But he was doing fine in this small fish bowl. He was really healthy, active and were making bubble nest.This one was really active when I bought him.

I got another betta from petco. This one was really in bad shape when I bought him. He floated near the surface and did not move at all. I thought he would die in a few days. Then, I read through a few websites about betta and I put some of aquarium salt and he somehow revived. I cannot be sure if it was salt that saved him, though. Since then, he has been really active, healthy, enjoying making bubble nest.

I have not yet established nitrogen cycle. But I have somehow kept them in good shape for 5 months now. They look O.K. (They are in the bigger tank now.)

So, I think there is a possibility that your betta had some problem before you bought him.

I do not mean that you do not need to establish nitrogen cycle for your fish, though.

Another possibility is, I guess, the way you acclimated your new fish to your tank.

I'd like to suggest you to read the website below. It shows how to introduce new fish to your tank (new environment to the new fish). I just put mine into the half gallon tank without taking any proper steps and for some reason they were O.K. But in fact, it could kill fish if you do not take time and take proper steps. I think you may find a few more possible causes of your fish's death if you read this website (or other websites the others are introducing to you.)

Hoping my info. will be helpful for you.

What are some things foreigners believe about Africa but Africans know are laughably way off?

Zara's answer sums up most of the common misconceptions. I would add a few more:11. That there is no modern infrastructure in Africa. You know, skyscrapers, highways, internet, shopping malls, cinemas.12. That dangerous wildlife roams around everywhere (generally, wild animals are confined to national parks and game reserves, just like in America).13. That Africa is unsafe, everywhere, all the time. (Certain areas or neighbourhoods may be unsafe, just like certain parts of London or New York are not safe for a tourist).The questions our guests ask on safari reveal some other hilarious misconceptions they have about Africa and its wildlife in particular. In a recent blog post we listed 20 of the funniest guest questions asked on safari: 20 Funniest guest questions on safari | Wild Wings Safaris Blog.The Ebola scare in West Africa revealed widespread ignorance about the size of Africa. Tourists avoided visiting countries in South or East Africa, totally free of Ebola and thousands of miles away from the nearest Ebola case, because "there is Ebola in Africa".EDIT: It has been brought to my attention that Zara's answer no longer appears on this page, and some investigation revealed that her answer has been deleted. Strange, because it had 3.2k upvotes. Perhaps Zara was removed as a user. I found a copy of her answer elsewhere and therefore credit Zara Chiron for these 10 points:"This is a great question :) 1. That Africa is a country.2. That we all speakĀ  a dialect called African.3. That we have lions, tigers and bears - oh my! 4. That we are all naked and running around with the above. 5. That we all have AIDS.6. And now, that we all have Ebola. 7. That all Africans are acquainted with all other Africans, regardless of country. Oh wait - #1 comes back to mind.8. That we live in trees - how would that even work? 9. That we are all BLACK as charcoal with afro type hair.10. That those of us who no longer live there are so HAPPY to be abroad."You can look up Zara Chiron's more detailed response to some of these points on her tumblr blog here: What are some things foreigners believe about Africa but Africans know are laughably way off?