Food Gets Stuck In Gums When I Eat Everytime And Hurt My Tooth

Food gets stuck in my teeth. What are my options?

You might consider looking into a Waterpik or similar oral irrigator, which I think will provide a less abrasive experience.  They have a travel version, which should work better for you at work.Admittedly, you can't carry it around like you would dental floss or toothpicks.

Why does my teeth hurt when I eat meat?

I got my braces off a month ago and ever since then, getting my retainer my back teeth hurt when I eat meat, like in between the gum area gets sore and tender?

My dentist has told me my teeth and gums are doing ok, since I'm flossing and stuff, but that my gums are a little flappy. What's wrong?

Gums are swollen around tooth?

I had a gum area do that last week. It's really distracting. I have gingivitis, and it's worse on one part of my mouth (lower left, if you were curious).

If the gum isn't injured there, the bleeding could be an indication of gingivitis, which is inflammation caused by bacteria/plaque rather than food. It's uncomfortable, so rinse your mouth with salt water (1-2 tsp salt in a mug of water), and swish with it as you would with ordinary mouthwash. It takes some time, but work your way through the whole mug over a few hours, then start again in the morning. This not only kills the bacteria, but also makes the mouth extremely inhospitable to them, so they don't just start growing back as soon as you spit it out.

Other than that, keep up with the gentle flossing and brushing -- take it easy on them for the weekend and don't scrub your teeth. If you don't see any improvement by the end of the weekend, call your dentist and ask about it. They can give you a deep cleaning to get the plaque and tartar off the roots of the teeth.

Hope you feel better.

Why do I get gum pain after eating meat?

I guess probably your gums are damages, either because of teeth problems or tartar. Since meat is tough to chew, your gums hurt after chewing them. It may probably happen after you eat other hard foods like almond or other nuts, or hard bread. I guess your gums are already swollen. I recommend you visit a dentist as soon as you can.But as a home remedy washing your teeth with a mixture of water and salt every time it hurts, helps a lot. Add one teaspoon of salt into a cup of water and wash your mouth with it for five minutes. It relieves swell and pain. And in long term it may be healing too.If your teeth making tartar, your dentist or pharmecist can give you mouthwash toothpaste and other products which prevent tartars.