For Who Say Those Who Oppose Obamacare Are Racist Would That

If you oppose Obamacare, are you a racist?

No I oppose it and I am not a racist

What’s it like to be a racist?

I didn't vote for a racist president, nor did i know one ran for POTUS, huh, the more you know.But, I was once labeled as a racist in school once, the reason behind it was so phenomenally moronic I will never forget it.Here's some background knowledge for you:As of my birth, I have been a skinny white Jewish-Canadian kid, and I am proud of ethnic groups. My friends and I would always crack jokes on each others ethnicities so when they gave us personal iPads for school work, I changed my iPad screensaver to a mix of the two flags as a little inside joke (i.e. Israels and Canadian flags mixed) which looked like this:https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.c...Now, that's pretty funny looking right? Okay, so I always got comments that either comsisted of "Oh so you are Jewish cool!" Or "what is that supposed to be?" To where I would happily explain. But one day, some kid saw my screen while I was doing something else away from it, now you would think someone would see it an not think much about it. But this kid looked completely blown away by it, being the curious little Jew I am I ask what is so interesting about my screensaver. He looks up at me with a shock expression and, I shit you not says "Isn't that a Hitler symbol!? What are you some kind of nazi!" Now I'm shocked, but also trying to choke back laughter. Now it would have ended there, but now other kids who never saw it before were joining in on his side while the others joined in on my side. I have kids calling me racist, a neo-nazi (Big words for a twelve year old), etc.Now the teacher has a group of eleven through thirteen year olds yelling nazi, racist, anti Semitic, etc. at each other until Ms. Shabitzer lost her damn mind and yelled at all of us. She pulled me and IQ of two aside to find out what happened. I gladly showed her the screensaver, me and the other guy had smug "I know I'm right" smiles glued on our faces and I swear Ms. Shabitzer looked like she wanted to cry, scream, and laugh when she saw it. She told me to go back inside the classroom while she talked to the other kid.Needless to say, he came back in extremely embarrassed, and every one calling me racist had to come by and apologize to me and the students who defended me.So yeah, I got called a nazi/racist/anti Semite because I had the Maple leaf of David as my screensaver in middle school.

83% of Americans oppose illegal aliens from getting health care subsidies?

I am so sick right now I should be in the hospital I cannot afford it. The illegals comes here kicks out dozens of kids and they get free medical, food stamps etc. For those of you that deny this screw you, I live in the middle of a bunch of them, they have nice cars, but are on welfare. This is because the female of the bunch sleeps with her legs open not marrying the male, the male is out doing God knows what its obvious because of the car most are driving. 12% of the town is out of work, but they are driving BMWs, Cadillac SUVs...etc....doesn't take much to figure this out. And again pay attention to the part I said for those of you that deny this....screw you.

If Obamacare was so horrible, why do Republicans act like it needs to be replaced with anything after repeal?

Because it has the word ‘Obama’ in it.Seriously, most Republicans are all for the Affordable Care Act, but Obamacare? No way! They aren’t informed enough to know that its the same darn thing. Most people are sheep, no matter the party, and just goes along with everyone else. Obamacare is another word for the Affordable Care Act, which many are in favor of. If you explain Obamacare to them without mentioning the name (yes, I have tried this out) they say “Well, that sounds pretty good”. Obama is probably the most hated president since Abraham Lincoln.Hopefully, he gets that legacy too. Both of them were fighters against racism. Barack Obama being what many people call a disgusting mulatto, ruffles more than a few feathers. Truthfully, most people who don’t like Obama are secretly racist.I live in L.A, and its socially unacceptable to be outwardly racist. You can pick them out if the voted for Trump, and hate Obama for seemingly no good reason. The people I know anyways. I live in a Republican area, so its much more outwardly racist than the rest of L.A. I’ve heard people in my neighborhood say “Well, he’s alright for a BLACK GUY, but he can’t compare to the rest!” I mean, what other president has been through all he has? He has been accused of being from another country, being muslim, a terrorist and more. But really, he is one of the best presidents we’ve ever had, I mean, look what he has done. He is much more respectable than that orange creep who’s going to repeal it. If he were white, he would be praised. Then again, he might have not gotten the nomination in the first place.

Why are the Republicans so strongly opposed to working in a bipartisan way on healthcare?

Fundamentally, conservative thinking believes that the only people who deserve access to healthcare are those that can afford to pay high prices for it. Everyone else should just die quietly. It certainly is not a right that all human beings are entitled to. That’s . . . . socialism! And better to let your five-year-old die painfully of leukemia than submit to that.But some Republicans don’t agree. They get something like brain cancer and suddenly they realize that maybe other people get sick, too, and don’t have government-supplied health insurance. But the problem is that the party set repealing the ACA as their goal 7 years ago, because it was President Obama’s signature achievement, and their overarching goal was to make him fail. They knee-jerk obstructed him so much that it was beyond believable. The saying went around that if Obama endorsed oxygen, Republicans would stop breathing.‘Willfully Negligent’: Obama Writes HuffPost Op-Ed All About ‘Republican Obstructionism’Why Opposing Trump Isn't Like the GOP Obstructing ObamaThe Victory of ‘No’Because they had to show the black guy that white guys rule, Republicans just sat on their white arses and refused to work with him, period. Who did it hurt? Not Obama — he’s going to go down in history as one of the best presidents, and he never sank to their level; he was miles ahead of them in intellect, education, wisdom, ability, and family values. But it hurt the American people, who needed their elected representatives to focus on something other than schoolyard pouting.And it hurt the Republican party. For a while, racist outrage helped them, especially in the midterm elections when the old racist white guys really turn out. They tapped into an angry racist base and rode them to victory, installing a bunch of uninformed and largely incapable Tea Party newbies in the House. (These guys hate their jobs almost as much as Trump, and that’s saying a lot.)But now, they can’t get off. They’ve driven most of the moderates out of the party and also those who can think for themselves and those who aren’t solely driven by greed. As a result, they have Trump for president — and he’s a liability, not an asset — and they have no way to please that angry base. No wall, HRC’s not in prison, and they’ve failed spectacularly to get the ACA repealed.The only people happy right now are Trump’s crooked cronies.