Forearm Pain Near Elbow

Pain between forearm and bicep. Opposite side of my elbow?

Sounds like medial epicondylitis, aka golfer's elbow. It is due to repetitive use of the wrist flexors when you are pitching or playing tennis. Lateral epicondylitis or tennis elbow on the other hand is located at the elbow on the outside except that it is the wrist extensors that are strained. I suspect that this is caused by your pitching which requires a significant amount of wrist flexion during pitching. I would strongly recommend R-I-C-E which stands for rest, ice, compression and elevation. Heat would increase the swelling and is not generally recommended with these types of injuries, although heat/ice can be used to enhance the circulation. Heat can increase the swelling for Acute injuries. Icing is generally preferred due to its numbing effect, reduce swelling, and best of all, the surge of blood flow to the area after ice application which causes the "washing away" of the metabolites (lactic acid). You can minimize or prevent this injury by putting an ace wrap just below the medial epicondyle (the origin of the wrist flexors). This would transfer the pull of the muscles away from the epicondyles. (This also helps tennis elbow by the way.) I hope this helps.

My forearm, and elbow hurts when I bend it.?

To differentiate between tendon or ligament, have someone else move the elbow while you relax. If it hurts the you have strained one of the ligaments in your elbow. To see if it's tendon/muscle related, have someone hold your forearm while you try to flex it. If this causes pain you also have sprained or irritated the muscle and tendons in the area. It is possible to injure both at the same time. Use ice (15 minutes on, 1-2 hours off) for a few days and rest. Ice will help control any inflammation and swelling in the area (heat will allow to inflammation to continue, causing more damage).

I applaud your dedication, but continuing to work out when there is an injury there will only set you back more. Take a few days off, use the ice, and see ow it goes. If it continues to be a problem, then see a chiropractor who works with extremities.

Pain in Upper Forearm (Near Elbow) after IV injection?

I have recently been hospitalized and they were giving me fluids via IV my right arm -- at the crook of the elbow where blood is normally drawn (antecubital area). The IV was there for about three days before it began to leak so they had to switch it to my left arm. The whole time it was in my right arm, I had my right arm slightly bent. Ever since then, for about three days now, the area where I received the shot hurts. The pain is sore/ache like and it's very difficult for me to straighten my arm out. Also, the muscle/tissue area by the injection site is much more tense. I'm afraid they might have left something in my arm or maybe they hit a nerve. Could someone explain what might have happened?

How much do inner forearm tattoos hurt?

For me, that area is about a 2. Now, if right in the inside of the elbow, it's a 10 (maximum pain relative to all tattoo areas). The rest of the arm, except for the wrist and near the armpit was nearly painless. I could fall asleep.

What could cause forearm pain without a bruise and no pain from moving it?

You may have injured (pulled or strained) a muscle, tendon, ligament, or nerve. Most people assume that a muscle or tendon injury will cause pain when the affected area is moved, but there are many types of muscle strain and tendon injury that will not be painful during movement, but will be painful during rest or weight-bearing.

In the arm there are several different muscle groups - some are used during movement, others are used to bear weight. It is possible that you have injured one of the muscles (or muscle groups, or tendons or nerves) that are used for weight-bearing activity but are not used for arm movement.

Have you tried using ice or anti-inflamatory medications (Advil, Motrin, Aleve)? That may help to give you relief until you can see your doctor.

Why is my forearm sore?

dear little lady,i have two maybe cures,try them, it wont hurt. they are old home remedies. first, take a raw egg, this is when you go to bed,ok roll it over your sore spot over and over all around for about 2 3 minutes, and have a glass of water next to your bed. after you roll the egg all over your elbow ,crack it open and pour it into the glass. then go to sleep.the other is get peanut oil, and a flannel shirt .soak the shirt in the oil and then wrap your elbow, for the nite. let me know how it comes out.

How bad do inner forearm tattoos hurt?

I have a tattoo appointment scheduled for Saturday and it's my first tattoo! It'll take up about half of my inner forearm starting at the bend of my elbow, scale it from 1-10, 10 being the worst pain!

Is it normal to feel pain on Inner Elbow the day after a BICEP workout?

Your inner elbow is the common insertion point for muscles that flex your wrist (bring your palm towards your forearm).If you’re not keeping a neutral wrist during bicep workout movements (such as bicep curls), which is VERY COMMON, then you could definitely strain your wrist flexors.To avoid this, try to maintain a neutral wrist when performing bicep exercises.Hope you feel better soon!