French Paragraph Correction

French help/corrections?

does this like make sense if there are parts that don't please tell me how to fix them. and also i wasn't able to put accent marks in to don't count that.

1-J'aime manger de la fruit comme une pomme et un orange
2-je tu aimes prendre un citron presse quand je suis soif
3-je prefere le repas lu petite dejauna quand je suis daim
4-je manger a resturant quelque fois quand je fais je manger au cafe felix

Is this paragraph correct in the way someone would speak?

One man's chicken is another man's feather.  The problem isn't grammar, per se; it's the basic approach.No body is "average" weight, in a description.  I'm 6'0" tall; anyone under 5'9" is short.  My 5'2" GF thinks anyone over 5'6" is tall.  The same principle applies to weight.  There is no average.  There is fat, obese, thin, skinny, and morbid.  (Among other options.)  I think I'm fat; fat people think I'm skinny, and you over there, you with the BMI = 22?  Just leave...>I think he had brown hair, average  weight, and average height. Other than that I can't remember.Consider:  I'm thinking, brown hair, my height (or taller, or shorter, or several inches taller, or John's height, or ...), probably 30 pounds heavier...  Anyone under 160# has trouble understanding the 200-300 pound range and will get it wrong.

Paragraph Corrections. HELP PLEASE!?

I'm usually good at corrections like this, but my grade is depending on it so I wanted all the help I could get. It's urgent, please help me. Here it is:

My brother and me were in 1st grade at Barnes elementary school. We cutted black outlines of our adorable, childlike profiles, pasted it on white sheets of paper and proudly took it home to our Mom and Dad. The word silhouette comes from Etienne de Silhouette the minister of finance in France in 1759. Silhouette tried to place new taxes on the rich, and initiate a cutback in expenses for the royal family, who were not known for his thrifty ways. This did not make Silhouette popular in some circles and he was soon forced out of office. As a hobby Silhouette mad shadow portraits. People likes them but they were often considered art “on the cheap,” and they became known as “silhouettes.”

French paragraph corrections - help?

I've used Google translate, so obviously some parts of this paragraph will be wrong.
I'm a girl by the way, if that helps (I'm using a friends account, that's why the username is Paul).

Il y a douze pièces dans ma maison.
J'ai une petite cuisine. Il a des murs bleu et une table avec des chaises. J'aime les chaises et elles sont confortables.
Mon endroit préféré est la salle de jeux parce que je peux jouer sur ma Xbox 360.
Ma chambre est ma chambre est petite et que je n'aime pas la couleur des murs. Je vais peindre les murs bleu parce que j'aime ça. J'ai un lit simple dans ma chambre.
Mon salon est beige et il ya deux grands canapés avec une table en bois et une grande télévision. Il y a deux miroirs dans cette pièce.
J'ai vécu dans Hale et ma maison était grand car il avait trois niveaux. Maintenant, j'habite à Timperley, mais je voudrais vivre à New York car elle est chargée et excitante.

What it's supposed to mean in English:
There are twelve rooms in my house.
I have a small kitchen. It has blue walls and a table with chairs. I love the chairs and they are comfortable.
My favorite place is the game room because I can play on my Xbox 360.
My room is my room is small and I do not like the color of the walls. I'll paint the walls blue because I like it. I have a single bed in my room.
My living room is beige and there are two large sofas with wooden table and a large TV. There are two mirrors in this room.
I lived in Hale and my house was great because it had three levels. Now, I live in Timperley, but I want to live in New York because it is busy and exciting.

Thanks in advance.

Is this short paragraph on osmosis in plants correct?

Osmosis can explain why duckweeds placed in high nutrient concentrations fail to grow as well as lower concentrations, or at all. Osmosis can be defined as the movement of water from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration passing through a cell membrane (Osmosis. 2005). This means that;
1. If the water potential is better outside the plant cell, water will move into of the cell.
2. If the water potential is better inside the cell, water will move out of the cell
3. If the water potential is equal on both sides no movement will occur (Osmosis. 2005)
This basically tells us water will move from greater area of potential to lesser areas of potential. A waters potential is lowered when solvents are added to it. This works well for the duckweed when the plant contains more nutrient than the water because this lowers its water potential. The water when then go IN to the cell rather than OUT. However when the water potential outside the cell in the water (a high nutrient concentration) is lower than that of the water in the plant, water then moves OUT of the plant. This explains why high nutrient concentrations prove to be fatal to the duckweed. It also explains the equilibrium phase of plant growth. (Osmosis. 2005)

Is this correct? or have i got the idea wrong?
thanks so much!

Is there any free app to check your grammar in writing?

I’m not sure about the apps for smartphones, but you can definitely use this Grammar Sentence Structure Checker on PC or use the mobile version of this site to get your writing fully checked. It is free and instantly gives you report on every type of mistake you’ve managed to do:Grammar (Subject-Verb Agreement, Sentence Fragments…);Punctuation (Missing Comma After Introductory Element, No Comma In A Compound Sentence…);Bad spelling;Enhancement (Word Choice and so on);Style (e.g. Inappropriate Colloquialisms);Sentence structure.What you will need to do is simply paste your text into online editor and click submit: all the work will be done by tool. However, I still recommend you to pay attention to mistakes and proofread your text after all as tools also make mistakes sometimes.

French! Translation and correction! ?

Hi:) School has just started and I was given a French homework to make a speech about my family. But I've forgotten EVERYTHING D:
Please could you correct this terrible paragraph below, I don't want to make a fool of myself:) 
I also don't trust google translate to help me;D
And I can tell if you put something stupid like 'I am a slut' or 'I am gay' in it;) my old teacher taught me that! 
But anyway THANK YOU:D

Bonjour, je m'appelle Katy. J'ai les cheveux brun, yeux verts et des lunettes. J'ai une sœur et deux frères. Ma sœur, qui s'appelle Charlotte a les cheveux, courts, brun et les blues verts. Elle est courte et mince et elle ressemble à ma mère. Mon frères sont appelles William et Henry. William a les cheveux bruns et les yeux blues, il est treize ans. Henry a les cheveux blonds et les yeux blues et il est huit ans. Ma mère a les cheveux courts brun et les yeux verts et ma père a les cheveux brun et les yeux blues. 

Also, if you want to, could you translate this into French:

We have a few pets. We have two cats, a rabbit and two chickens. 

(if you could phrase it better, PLEASE DO) 
Thank you:D xxxx

Translate this paragraph into french?

Most of Hannah's answers are correct but some are wrong, here is the correction:

J'aime jouer au cricket, AU hockey et AU football. J'aime aussi regarder la télévision mais je préfère l'ordinateur. Mon plat préféré est les pâtes aux champignons parce que c'est sain et savoureux! Pour rester en forme je fais du sport et JE DORS au moins huit heures. Je pense quE C'EST important de garder la forme! ON devrAIT (it's general, so "on" is better than "vous") manger sainement et FAIRE SON POSSIBLE POUR RESTER en BONNE forme. Quand j'étais petite, j'aimais manger du chocolat et des bonbons. Je vais rester en bonne santé! : Or, better, "je suis décidée (= I'm determined) à rester en bonne santé.

What are common French word phrases used in English writing?

The rivers of all languages have flowed into the vast reservoir of English. I have encountered one chapter regarding this French phrases while I am reading Norman Lewis & Wilfram Funk Book. They gave one passage in that which is the best example of English and which is the proof of earlier saying.Here is the paragraph, observe italic words a bitThe sky was teeming rain. The boss has a touch of influenza. He came upon the veranda, put down his mammoth umbrella, entered the comfortable oasis of his living room, and sat down. He filled his pipe with tobacco, warmed himself first with hot cocoa, then coffee, and listened to his pet canary song.Boldened and italic words are literally from different languages as such,Sky - Old Norse Boss - Dutchinfluenza - Italian Veranda - Portuguesemammoth -Russian Umbrella - ItalianOasis - Egyptian tobacco - West IndianCocoa -Mexican coffee- Arabic Canary - SpanishAbove, None are French words but we imported many words from French, Latin, and Greek. We have umpteen number of French phrases in English. Of them, we use not more than more.Here are the best ten French phrases which were mentioned in that bookcoup de grace - Final blow of mercyDe trop - Unwanted and unwelcome because too muchDouble-entendre - Having double entitiesEn rapport - In harmonious relationEsprit de corps -Spirit and proud moment of bodyPar excellence - Best excellence of an exampleQui vive - AlertPotpourri - Mixed bagFaux pas - Embarrassing social situationSavoir-faire - Know how to doYou may face words like En rapport, Par-excellence, Potpourri in most of the editorial or opinion pages.Some words seem like French but they are not. The modus operandi(Particular way), sine qua non(Essential condition) and etc. These were derived from Pure Latin. Don’t confuse.Thanks