Friends Are Costing Me All Of My Money Help

Having a boyfriend & friends is costing me money?!?

If I understand your situation correctly, you have money in savings but at the rate you are spending it, you will run out before you finish school.

The answer is simple. Either find a job or cut down on spending. If you don't spend less now, you'll end up having to go back to work anyway when your savings runs out. You don't want to risk having an emergency pop up when you are flat broke and have no way to deal with it, so I suggest doing one of those two things right now.

It's tough when your friends have money and you don't. I know, I've been there. But all I could do is not go to everything they were doing because I simply could not afford it. And tell your boyfriend that you can't go out as often because you have to spend less to get through school with the money you saved. He can either be OK with that, or he could offer to pay more than half.

You don't cut down on necessities to make up for your social life. Necessities are necessary, aren't they? I know I would not want to eat rice and beans every day just to go to Olive Garden more than I can afford to.

How much should my best friend's wedding cost me?

My best friend got engaged on New Year's Eve and she has asked me to be a bridesmaid. I have always told her that I would be in her wedding and I'm happy to share her special day with her. She informed me today that they chose a date for the wedding and it's in seven months instead of the year and seven months she had originally planned. I live on the east coast and the wedding is in Seattle, so I will be paying for airfare plus the cost of the dress, etc. She wants to do a weekend getaway bachelorette party that will likely cost at least $300 a person.

I can afford to spend all the money for her wedding, but barely. It's definitely going to sting financially. In the end it will probably end up costing me well over $1000.

Two months ago we were trying to plan a girls' trip but we had to scrap it because she couldn't afford plane tickets. Every other girls' trip I've ended up paying 2\3 and I said I just wouldn't do it this time.

I feel like you shouldn't ask people to spend more on your wedding than you could spend on theirs. She could never and probably would never spend that kind of money on me. Why are her expectations so high? What is a reasonable amount to expect someone to dish out for your wedding? I kind of feel like I'm being taken advantage of. I have a hard time believing that most of the other bridesmaids could afford it.

I'm getting married in a courthouse so this will never be reciprocated.

I am in debt, and my friends all want to do things with me that cost money. How can I politely decline?

Be honest. Just tell your friends you’ve got financial obligations that are putting a crimp in your entertainment budget, and ask them to be understanding. Any true friend would. Now, here’s something you can do: just because certain activities cost money, doesn’t mean you can’t find some cool free stuff to do with your friends. Start by Googling “free events (city or town you live in)”, and see what pops up.You’d be surprised at the number of free plays, concerts, demonstrations, museums and the like that have fun and free events going on. Some places, like museums, offer one night a week with free admission. Find out what that museum’s ongoing exhibitions are, and see if one might be a good fit for you and your friends. And as for dining out, why not your friends over for a tailgate party? Ask each person to bring over a food or a beverage, and spread the whole thing out, buffet-style. Then, as an added bonus, find a fun comedy or action movie you’ll all enjoy seeing, and either rent it (Redbox is available inside major supermarkets, and you can rent a movie for as little as $1 a night), or dig up a classic from your personal DVD collection, and make a movie night/tailgate party!

My friend always want money from me!! what to do and how to politely say no?

aw honey! i totally hear you. she sounds like a total brat and if i had a friend using me like that, i would be pissed and have no sympathy at all. it's much easier than you think it is to say 'no.' but the easiest way would probably to never go shopping with her again. just tell her you don't want to give her money, and that you already helped her pay before. in the future, don't lend money to any of your friends unless you know for sure they'll pay back. once you start giving money, they'll never stop asking. you have the right to be angry, and i'm so sorry about your birthday locker. now you know who your true friends are and aren't. good luck in the future! x

Does calling the line 411 cost any money?

I don't know about a number in miami, but 411 will always charge you. The amount will usually depend of who your phone service is through. If it's through AT&T it's $1.75 per 411 call.

If you call 1-888-FREE 411 (1-888-373-3411) it will be free. You will have to listen to 1 or 2 recorded advertisements, but you will not have to pay anything. The only catch is that it will not connect you to the number, it will just give it to you and then you have to call it.

My friends are rich. I always hangout with them but it costs me so much money and pressure to buy expensive stuff. Sometimes I want to get rid of them, but I don’t have any other friends with same as my financial condition. What should I do?

It’s hard to, as the saying goes, “keep up with the Jones’s” but there are many people who are in your shoes. Hanging out doesn’t necessarily require spending lots of money. I am willing to bet that your friends know that you are not rich. I believe the pressure you feel is pressure you are putting on yourself to fit in. Just because you are not rich doesn’t mean that you are not worthy. So, if these are true friends, they will love you regardless of your economical status. Now, if you know that these are not really “friends” but more so people you hang around because it makes you look better to someone else, don’t waste your time. Love yourself for who you are. Having status and money is not everything. If you take off the mask and just be yourself, you may find that these same rich kids can have just as much fun hanging out in places that suit your needs, as they do in their own circles — maybe even more-so.

My friend flaked on me, and it cost me some cash. Should I and how do I ask her to reimburse me?

First, know NOT to invite that friend again on that kind of event.Second……is the friend really going to pay you back? I think you know that answer.In closing, and I speak from experience, sometimes you want to share really nice things with others, who ONLY WANT TO PARTICIPATE, and don't value as you do. Separate what you need to.You are right to feel less than Happy about what this cost you. Save yourself from future drama, ijs.


my friend gave me a couple of 1-800 numbers. They are numbers like that one fake rejected number, except it had 1-800 infront of it. not paying attention, i called each one a couple times because they were really funny. I know that buisness 1-800 numbers dont cost anything because they are buisnesses. Now i am just wondering if these numbers are going to cost me a lot of money. I used my brand new cell phone that i got as a present from my dad. i already got it taken away once already and if it costs money i am going to get it taken away again. so are these numbers going to cost money since they are fake joke numbers?

Someone else's wedding is costing me a fortune... Help!?

I am an attendant in a wedding and my husband is a grooms man. We have known the couple for less than 2 years.

There were two showers in a town that is 3 hours away. I couldn't go to the first, and didn't go to the second one because I have a 2 year old and an 8 month old. 6 hours of driving and 4 hours for a party was too log, even if I took my baby with me like the bride suggested. Also, we just bought a new house, so money is a little more on the tight side right now. I really couldn't afford to drive up there and back and bring a gift, etc.

Was I wrong not to go?

Also, the joint bachelor and bacheloret parties are next weekend (in town). We are supposed to go to a fancy restaurant (will cost us $200 for food and drinks) and then go to Dave and Buster's afterward (more $$$$).

My dress cost $200, Tux $100, the wedding is 3 hours away so gas, plus hotel room for minimum 1 night, babysitters for all these events, gifts, hair, shoes, ahhhh!

It is getting to be too much. I don't think the bride understands. I am so frustrated. Does anyone have any advice for me before I go nuts?