Frnds What Is The Minimum Size A Solar Cell Can Have

What limits the maximum size of cells?

To expand on the first answer, the cell has to be able to exchange materials with the extracellular environment. The only way for this to happen is for materials to cross the cell membrane. As the cell grows, the volume grows much faster than the surface area of the membrane. Therefore, the cell loses its ability to keep up in its exchange of materials because the membrane just isn't big enough. The cell will accumulate toxic byproducts that it would normally be able to send outside. It will also not be able to receive essential nutrients. Eventually this will lead to cell death.

So again the answer is surface area to volume ratio.

At what time in morning does a solar panel starts generating electricity? And at what minimum intensity?

I can show you with a recent graph of my Solar City installation:The system uses wi-fi to report its performance at 15-minute intervals. The inverter is in the garage, and I have been near it a few minutes after dawn and heard a click and a hum as it gets enough power to be worth converting to alternating current.  All it takes is a few watts. By the middle of the day, it might peak at 5 kilowatts of output like it does in the above graph at 1 PM, and then fade out to sunset. These panels are somewhat east-facing, so the curve is not symmetrical.In the middle of summer, it might produce significant power from 6 am to 9 pm and a total of 40 kilowatt-hours in a single day. In the middle of winter, it might be more like 9 am to 5 pm, and produce only 20 kilowatt-hours. Less if it is overcast or rainy, of course. Over several years, it has averaged very close to 1 megawatt-hour per month, which paid for the installation in a very short time… even without taking into account the value it adds to the home for resale.

Would it be possible for a solar car to travel faster than the speed of light?

It is impossible *as far as we know*, which doesn't rule it out in the long run. Some scientists claimed to have gotten around the limit already:
Mostly, those who postulate the existence of particles that travel faster than the speed of light, also admit that it is impossible for said particles to cross the speed of light boundry.

However, to explain the current rule, you can look to Einstein's theory of relativity. There are many equations, but they basically say that as velocity approaches the speed of light, your mass would increase to infinity, your length would decrease to infinity, and time would dialate to infinity (stand still). We cannot mathematically explain anything crossing the speed of light boundry. To be more precise than saying "infinity", what actually happens is that a term in the equation becomes a complex number, causing a singularity.

Traditional methods of propulsion (rocket engines, jets, ion engines, solar sails, etc) are of no use either. This is becasue that the amount of energy necessary to increase one's velocity increases as you approach the speed of light. When you are very close to the speed of light, in order to speed up more, you would need vast amounts of power. We just don't have the technology to do it that way.

What everyday object is similar to mitochondria?

it looks kind of like a pinto bean,

But it is like a furnace, a power plant in a city,

It is the power house of the cell where energy is made.