From What You Have Learned About The Three Branches Of Government The Federal Agency Known As The

What branch of the federal government does the Federal Reserve Bank belong to?

The Federal Reserve controls all credit in these United States.
How did that come about, and why? And what did Woodrow Wilson have to do with the opperation of the Federal Reserve?

Why do we have three branches of government?

The answer is that the three branches of the government provide checks and balances on one another. The legislature passes laws. The Executive branch executes those laws. The Judicial branch decides questions about following the law.The legislature is comprised of people elected by region, congressional district for Congress and state for the Senate. So those people are beholden in a relatively small constituency. The executive, by way of contrast, is elected by the whole country and so he or she is supposed to represent the interests of the entire country. The Judicial branch is supposed to be as isolated as possible from politics.There was just one teeny-weeny little flaw. The President is not elected by the people, but by the electoral college. The electoral college is comprised of electors. Each state has as many electors as senators and congresspeople. Thus, Texas has 1 vote for about 700,000 people. By way of contrast, Wyoming has 1 vote for about 200,000 people. As it turns out, the smaller states tend to be conservative.

Is the Federal Reserve a Government Agency?

Nope, it's a private banking corporation in charge of your money and credit. Don't believe me? Watch this:

Which branch of the government is the most powerful?

Well, interesting question. The Government was set up with three “co-equal” branches.However, as in life, nothing is equal.The branches are the Executive (President), The legislative (Congress) and the Judicial (Courts)Congress can pass a proposed Law - the President has to sign it for it to actually become a law. The President wins on this one.But, if the President Vetoes it, it goes back to Congress. They can over ride his veto if enough congress people vote for it!So Congress wins in that power struggle.Now the law is on the books. But, several states don’t like the law and sue to stop it. It works it’s way up to the Supreme Court. They make a decision. The President can’t change it. Congress, in theory, could over ride that decision, but it has only happened a handful of times. They cannot change the Court’s decision, but what they do is re-write the law and try again.The Supreme Court are the Gods of the land. Once they decide an issue, no other power can change that decision. Congress can try another law to go around the Court’s decision, but that new law is subject to the courts review.No one can overturn or change a Supreme Court decision, except for the Supreme Court!This was a simple answer to your question. I hate reading answers that drone on for page after page.

Which of the three branches of government of the USA is the DOJ a part of?

The Department of Justice is part of the Executive Branch, and as such falls under the authority of the President. The Department of Justice enforces the laws of the United States, and represents the interests of the Government of the United States in court.  Within the Department of Justice, the Solicitor General is responsible for representing the Government in the Supreme Court, while U.S. Attorneys represent the United States in lower courts. The U.S. Marshals also fall under the Department of Justice, despite being considered officers of the federal courts.  They provide enforcement of the courts' orders and security for the courts.  One special case is the Supreme Court, which has its own small police force to provide security.  The Supreme Court Police are part of the Judicial Branch, not the Department of Justice. The courts themselves are, of course, in the Judicial Branch.  The Judicial Branch also has its own administrative structure, topped by the Judicial Conference of the United States, the highest policy-making body of the Judicial Branch.  Under that is the Administrative Office of the United States Courts, which provides a variety of support services for the courts, and a few small specialized organizations like the Supreme Court Police already mentioned above. Summary: if you commit a federal crime, it's the Department of Justice that investigates you, decides whether to bring charges, prosecutes the case against you, comes to find you if you try to flee or hide, and administers your sentence if you're convicted.  It's the Judicial Branch that runs the trial, instructs the jury, and sentences you if you're convicted.

How do the three branches of the US government each check the power of administrative agencies?

Congress can pass laws that countermand what an agency is doing or use the Congressional Review Act to reverse actions taken by an agency. A prime example of heat in action is what Congress is doing now to the FCC ‘s broadband privacy rules.Agency decisions also can be appealed to federal court. The FCC had argued it had the power under the federal Telecommunications Act to authorize cities to build broadband networks even if there were state laws against muni broadband, but the 6th federal circuit shot that down in 2016.The executive branch has a more indirect route, in who it names to head such agencies and their approach to rule making.

Why are the three branches of government important?

Why are the three branches of government important?In the U. S. dividing the government into three branches was because of the founders’ concerns with concentration of power. Neither the legislative nor the executive branch has absolute power, and the two branches compete to achieve their respective goals, and to preserve their authorities. The third branch is another center of power, with its authority resting on its role as a theoretically unbiased judge of the actions of the other two branches.The scheme is not infallible. At any given time the power is not balanced, with either the President or the Congress having more power, and over time more power seems to have accrued to the President. The judiciary branch has not been consistently nonpartisan. Nevertheless, the U. S. has not succumbed to dictatorship, even in times like today when one political party controls all three branches.Other forms of government, such as parliamentary systems, have avoided dictatorship in other countries. Nor is it to say that the three branches in the U. S. system are a guarantee against dictatorship. However, the three separate branches may have been part of the reason we have avoided dictatorship so far.

Is the judicial branch part of our government?

Yes, it is one of the three branches, along with the executive and legislative branches. The executive branch enforces the law, the legislative makes the law, and the judicial interprets the law.

The judicial branch is also called for in the Constitution.

What does the United States Federal Government do?

The Federal Government was established by the Constitution to provide services to the public. While these services vary considerably, all are designed to improve the lives of the United States population, as well as people around the world. The Federal Government's essential duties include defending the United States from foreign aggression, representing U.S. interests abroad, crating and enforcing national laws and regulations, and administering domestic programs and agencies.