Gallup Says Ocare Appears To Be Accomplishing It

Will corporatism lead to communism?

Well, the idea of Marx was - yes - if left unregulated all corporations will move towards a natural state of monopoly.

So, in the end, you will basically have only one company for every essential service (that one company having swallowed up all of its competitors). Then that one company might conglomerate with the others - and you'll have one super-company... If this happens, then you BASICALLY have a form of communism where the head or heads of these giant companies basically get to plan out the country's economy.

If/when this happens, there can be a revolution when the people will basically take control of this giant-super economy planning company and elect its leaders. Then, bam - you end up with communism.

Of course, in real life - the implementation of regulations prevents this from happening - things like anti-trust regulations prevent mergers from becoming this colossal. So, I don't think, as long as the system is structured this way, that we will reach that point.

But, for those of you who don't understand the PHILOSOPHY of communism, then - that is basically (in a nutshell) how it is supposed to work. It isn't something that you force... as much as your mind likes to turn to Gulags and Soviet Tanks... this isn't really what Marx had in mind. Marx just presented a theoretical philosophy... it wasn't even meant to be implemented - it was a thought experiment.