Gender Mainstreaming Is Not Just About Equal Numbers Of Men And Women In The Governance Of Water

If feminists and MRAs were required by the government to create a plan for gender equality that was satisfactory to both parties, what do you think that plan would look like?

DEAR Glyn Williams, I am writing it here, so that everyone can read it (answering a comment, feel free to look).Nobody is [in western society] making women work at the office or behind bar. Women are free to go by CEO’s of everything, they are free to be politicians, mathematicians, scientists etc. They just don’t want to. Wage gap is a proven myth (and if women finds she is legit paid less for same work, she is free to sue the company) and you arguing that women are less protected when MALE VICTIMS OF DOMESTIC ABUSE ARE WITHOUT ANY HELP is disgusting. I have yet to see someone, who so proudly says male rights issues are lesser than women’s. I’d like to also add that I will no longer respond to you, as I am disgusted by you. How dare you say that just because it [false rape allegations] doesn’t happen as often as rape, it is a lesser problem we shouldn’t focus on. We believe rape victims to the point that we [society] don’t even need a proof, we just listen and believe and that is objectively wrong. Anyone who is for equality, fairness in trail and democracy will agree, innocent until proven guilty is important for our society to work properly.Original response:3rd wave feminist or a “classical” feminist? Cause I think “classical” feminist and a MRA would basically agree. Now as for the 3rd wave feminist vs. MRAFeminist would want restriction on any male + female contact. Preferabely males are to be made second class citizens as the trash they are.MRA would probably want fair trial in cases of rape allegations, shelters for abused men, fair chance to win a custody battle etc.

What steps must be taken to improve women's condition in India?

Every person is a part of the nation, if the nation develops, everybody is benefited by it. Religion, caste or gender need not be distinguished. Women’s right, children’s rights, and aged people’s rights are one and the same. Why should we differentiate, different categories, for the sake of rights. Every individual should enjoy their rights.It is true that women suffer more than man in all walks of life. The toughest life for women, is family life. They are born to live with domestic violence. There is no law to prevent it. Family has become a private affair. Mostly man is the head of the family. He enjoys full authority. It is a traditional practice. There is no way to move away from it.Violence against women in public places is a regular affair. Severe punishment to the accused, have not reduced the crime. The only alternative is to provide protection for women at all places. Law and order have to be improved drastically. Women should not move out, without personal protection, till law and order, is fully in place.Employment in all sectors of the economy, is a different issue. Women can’t be replaced in all the jobs, in which men are engaged. Women can’t do all the heavy work, in which men are engaged. They have their limitations. Safety is the first consideration for women than right.

Are men naturally more violent than women?

here's what i think... and it should be noted that my opinion is based on simple observation.

all of the things you listed play a part, but more importantly it is a shift in culture.
certain segments of populations revere the winner take all approach to life. if you can take someones dignity physically, do it. if you can take someones property physically, do it. these segments have always existed but not the media who shines a light on it. with television shows and internet videos that glorify such lifestyles and make it easily accessible to the masses, more kids are inspired to behave badly. and with smaller families, shifting gender roles, and more latch key kids... girls who fifty years ago would have been expected to care for siblings, prepare family meals, and dedicate a larger portion of their time to familial chores are now left with less responsibility and more time to get into mischief.

Should women get equal pay for equal work.?

All humans should be paid equally based on their qualifications and performance, regardless of gender, race, political orientation or age. And enough of these Executives taking home millions when they can't even pay a subsistence minimum wage!