Getting Started With Ios Programming

How to start getting into video game programming?

I’m 23 and have finally found myself in a position where I’d like to peruse something I’d love to do but I don’t know exactly where to start. I always loved the idea of programming video games (understanding it’s a competitive field) was wondering if anybody had advise on where I should get started

I am a Java programmer, but I want to start with iOS programming. Where do I start?

Wow welcome to iOS development. You are a Java programmer as same as me 5 years ago. Let get started with iOS development concept that how mobile work, the concept of mobile computing, how iOS work and so on. When you understand it clearly, you should download free ebook from Apple in iBook: Objective-C, Swift, and how to integrate Swift with Objective-C. Make sure you understand it clearly as you can. Then about facilities, Java developer usually use Ubuntu or Windows computer for there work someone use Mac but it's minor number. Let start with how to use Mac, how to manipulate and control with Command Line in Terminal, if you haven't use Terminal of Unix based before, there's a little trouble with its commands, but don't worry everything you will be fine when you get familiar with it. Then you should buy a Mac computer, iMac or Macbook it's up to you. I'm using a Macbook Pro and Macbook Air for my work and it looks great with all my app and developer tools. You can use VMWare to run Mac OS X but I advise you shouldn't it can be a huge impact to your productivity and your easy to get frustrated with it. Install Xcode and learn by heart what is main functionality and how hit hot key correctly, it help you to improve productivity lotsNext let get started with your first line of code, syntax of Objective-C is a little bit difficult for Java dev, Java looks friendly but ObjC has lot of brackets for each func and methods. Then give a try with Interface Builder with xib file, asset file, plist file and so on. You must read Apple dev document to understand what is bundle and how it organise file inside, what is bundle id and so on. Finally, if you want to deploy, testing or run your app on real device, you must join Apple Dev Programme (from $99.0 per year). The last thing is edit your Scheme, set your app mode is Release, archive it and submit to AppStore. It takes a week for Apple's verification on your app and then you app will be ready on AppStore for download. Good luck!

How do I get started learning iOS programming with Swift?

I know your pain and I’ve been there several times.I’m guessing everyone out there who learned programming has it’s own system how they got started. I don’t know yours but I can tell you how I learned and still learn new programming languages.I just do exactly what the tutorial says. I don’t copy-paste anything. Just follow it blindly. Even if I don’t understand anything the tutorial wants me to understand I just type the code exactly like it tells me to.Then when it’s time to compile the code - voila, it wont’t run. Errors everywhere.Then I go back to the places in the tutorial where I have errors and write these parts again and try to find where I went wrong. Then the next error and so on, until my code compiles.Then I already slowly start to understand parts of the code.I blindly take tutorial after another until I finally start to see the connections and patterns on how stuff has to be done.And that’s it really :) No magic trick. Just chew through the hard tutorials and you’ll get it eventually. Your brain just needs some time and repetitive assignements to make through it. It is somewhat hard but it’ll be worth it and easy after you do get it.

Why is “Start Developing iOS Apps (Swift)” no longer updated? Where can I find the newest official get started documentation for iOS development?

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH*dies*Oh, man…The iOS docs will never be updated.Okay, they will. Just not very soon.Every iOS developer has had to put up with Apple’s shitty, outdated docs since time immemorial. That means you have to as well. Think of it as a rite of passage.In any case, that document is perfectly fine as a starter tutorial.I don’t know why you think that just because something isn’t continually updated, it automatically becomes useless. I’ve found much of Apple’s crap from the early 2010’s to be useful!In any case, that page is the tutorial that I always recommend to people here. It’s actually a really good tutorial. None of its material is ever going to change. It teaches you fundamentals that have been around, more or less, since iOS app development has been a thing. Seriously.You have to remember that the vast majority of “changes” that Apple rolls out are just changes to the Swift syntax. That’s because Swift is a new language (and a pretty aggravating one to work in, if I’m being honest), and they don’t know how to settle on one style of syntax.So, when Apple says “this doc is no longer being updated” (which is very nice of them, usually they just quietly abandon it without telling anyone), just take it to mean that the Swift code you graft from that document may or may not compile on the first try in the future. It’s very easy to fix; Xcode generally just takes care of it for you.Oh, and if you think that’s outdated…oh $DEITY, just wait until you start combing through the rest of Apple’s docs…many older Apple programming guides are still written in aged Objective-C, and they won’t be updated any time soon.

Apple's SWIFT programming language?

I don't know if the information is correct or not, but it's always both fun and challenge to learn a new language. I've been primarily a C++ and Java developer for years, and then I started learning Python, Perl and C#.
From what I know is that Apple is still very keen on Objective-C (Cocoa framework) - though GNUPlot tries to mimic some of the functionality it's still not the same thing as the "real Cocoa" which is one of the most powerful frameworks I worked with. And if they're going to implement SWIFT it's entirely up to them to decide.
Basically if you're already a programer you know the logic, and you get 80% job already done. Other 20% is the syntax of the language. So even in the case that Apple makes this decision there wouldn't be a steep learning curve for the new language if it follows the logic of the previous programming languages.
But before you proceed ask yourself a couple of questions? Is it worth learning? Will I ever use it? How will I benefit from things I learned?

ANy one knows how to solve this programming question?

Write a unit conversion program using the conversion factors of Table 1 in
Chapter 2. Ask the users from which unit they want to convert (fl. oz, gal, oz, lb, in, ft, mi) and
which unit they want to convert to (ml, l, g, kg, mm, cm, m, km). Reject incompatible
conversions (such as gal → km). Ask for the value to be converted; then display the result:
Convert from? gal
Convert to? ml
Value? 2.5
2.5 gal = 9462.5 ml

What are some app ideas to get started with iOS development?

If the idea here is to learn ios app development via building a few apps then I would definitely recommend subscribing to an online video course which takes you step by step through over 14 different applications ranging from basic all the way to complex apps such as clones of Uber and Tinder.  I personally find this the best way and if you get stuck along the way you will have a video showing exactly what you need to do as well as other people asking the same questions as you.  Have a look at Start Developing IOS Apps Today for the most efficient way to learn app development.