Gonna Join Lapd But I Luv Gangsta Rap

What are some slang terms used among police officers?

The most derogatory terms for the bad guys and citizens who are just pains in the rectum:A.H. = Adam Henry (A-dam H-enry) If you don’t get it…..sometimes you will hear it as “Jack Hole”… what starts with an “A” that ends with HOLE ?RICHARD CRANIUM= What starts with a “D” and is a nickname for Richard ? What is the non-medical layman’s term for the Cranium ? Do these clues HEAD you in the right direction ?

Why isn't Snoop Dogg arrested for smoking marijuana?

Lol. I went to a snoop dogg concert around the year 2001–2002 in North Carolina. Let me just say this. When snoop got up on stage, he asked the crowd for a joint. Like a 100 joints flew up on stage, he picked one up and smoked it. Lol. He smoked throughout the whole show. Everyone in the crowd was smoking openly too. So many people smoking pot at the amphitheater, the cops couldn’t do anything about it. They couldn’t arrest one person, when 500 others were doing it too.

2pac..... 7 day theory?

"Doesn't all this sound a bit too ridiculous, although there is no specific fact that makes my theory valid, there is nothing the obviously disproves it, but it all adds up to something, there must be something funny going on. Don't you think?"

Whoever made this obviously doesn't know the definition of fact. You cannot, by definition, have a suspicious fact. All those things are mere coincidence or opinions. So, yes, everything does sound a bit ridiculous.