Good Studying Tips For A New School

Study tips for nursing school?

I am in community college for Nursing major. I have tried many study skills. What works for me may not work for you. Everyone is different and you need to find your own niche. But what Ive tried that works for me is highlighting parts in the textbook as I read it that I think are the most important to remember. I read slowly and grasp each concept. Its important to not just read but really find a way to learn and remember it. I use creative ways to remember things that are difficult to example was when I was in Anatomy 2 and we had to remember the order of the sizes of white bloods cells...the first letter of each one was NLMEB, so I made I memorized it by remembering Never Let Monkeys Eat Bananas...its silly but who cares as longs as it works. I also am the type that needs complete silence and an area that has no distractions...find a place for you that makes it easy for you to concentrate. I also find it hard to study for too long at one time, if thats you then break up your study times into smaller sessions. If you feel like you just cant concentrate anymore, get up and take a walk or get something to eat. I also do practice tests that were at the end of the chapters or on a CD...that helped me make sure I really knew the info.
Some things that Ive heard have worked for others but didnt really work for me was flash cards...writing the question or word on one side and the info or definition in the other side. You can also rewrite your notes or just writing info you learned on paper..some people learn better by writing it down and learning or reinforcing info while they're writing. Just play around with different things and you will find what work for you. If you lack the motivation to stay focused, remember your ultimate goal and picture yourself graduating with the degree...maybe write something that reminds you of your ultimate goal...something that motivates you to keep pushing....on a piece of paper or 3x5 card and hang it up in your study area or keep it in your binder an read it when you are feeling that lack of motivation to remind you. Well, I hope you find what works for you and I hope my suggestions helped. Keep pushing towards that goal! You will not regret it! :)

Why are some good studying tips to use in high school?

I like Daniel Wrafter's answer a lot so I will just add a couple things to it.  Get into a good routine for studying.  By that I mean have a time after school where you start working on your HW and then stick with it.  It has been proven that people who schedule things (working out, HW, studying) do better at not blowing it off.  If you make studying part of your routine then you will be better and more effective at doing it. The second thing is that most HS students do not have very long attention spans.  So when someone says to me "I studied two hours for this test last night" it is likely that they wasted an hour and a half.  Break your studying into 20-30 minute blocks and then take a break.  Get up, move around, sent an email or text, get a snack...and then when 10 min are up, get back to work.  See how long you can maintain your focus on something and then adjust your timing accordingly.  But to get the most out of studying, you need to be focused on the task at hand...really focused, so don't try to do something that your brain is just not developed enough to do yet.  Think of learning a new chapter as having to eat a whole cake.  You certainly would not try to do that in one sitting would you ? ;-) Good luck, and do your best !!!

How do you Asians study in school? Tips?

Since you Asians are so smart at school. Can you give some study tips? On how to study for each class? How do you go about reading and studying chapters in a book for a class?

What I do is I read very slow word for word trying to understand. Then as I am reading page by page, I jot down notes when I begin to understand what I am reading. So when I am in class, and the teacher reviews the chapter, I have my personal notes I jotted down and can discuss. But when test time comes, I re-read the chapter but already have the noteds jotted down that helps me remember what I learned.

Also one key is to use logic. Ask and understand why is this or that as your reading.

I hate memorizing. Logic is more easier to retain and understand what you are studying.

What are some good tips for a new grad student?

A2AThe best tip I can give is keep in touch with people.Yesterday, I had a phone call with a mate of mine - whom I met 25 years ago, while we were studying together, he has the same background and training as me, so we often ring each other up to talk through problems or idea.This afternoon, I visited my masters supervisor (from my masters that I finished 22 years ago), and had a coffee with him and his wife. We have become very close friends over the last 22 years.The people you study with, will be the people you work with and can reach out to for help and advice for decades to come.Phone a friend today!

What is the best way to study for finals in high school?

ok. i get All A's and A-'s and ace all my tests, BECAUSE i know how to study well. I have ALL A's THIS TERM, we just took our finals and my teachers told us our grades. (my school has trimesters, not semesters)

here is what i do. MAKE FLASHCARDS. buy 4 packs of the 100 notecards, and go thru ur classes and make flashcards. most teachers give you a sheet saying what is gonna be on the final, so go thru ur notes/txtbook and make flashcards of everything: authors, plot summaries, math properties, vocab words, history dates

this is an excellent technique, good luck for your friend!