Good Trolling Gamertags

Good trolling gamertags?

So me and my friend are on a trolling spree on Xbox and I want to make more realistic. I need help coming up with some Microsoft gamertags. Example, Microsoft CEO. but I need them like spot on realistic. Also I need help finding a FREE and LIVE voice changing software to change the way I sound.
( I am not a squeaker ) If you have a software to use leave the website in the answer.

What would be a good gaming username?

notcringy1That would be a fairly obvious one although probably not one you’re looking.Your name Pol Dartasr is pretty cool but if that’s you’re real name I can understand why you wouldn’t want to use it.Coming up with a username is fairly difficult. I had a username which I absolutely loved which I used back with diablo 1, 2 and Starcraft we’re out. I’ve since dropped the name, left online gaming for about 10 years, came back and found out there were three people who used my old user name, two of which are still active. One still uses it for gaming as far as I know and the other claims it has a Twitter handle. The gamer uses a variation of it on Twitter.I have settled on another user name (pretty original) for myself but I don’t really play online games any more. It’s more light-hearted than my old name. I’m also pretty annoyed that I let the name go and the others couldn’t come up with original names, but hey stuff happens. I thought my old name was pretty darn original.I can’t come up with a name for you but how I came up with my names? The first was focusing on an emotion I constantly expressed as a teenager and tying it into the game Diablo’s hell theme.RageofHades.The second name, is more of a light hearted name and I came up with it as a troll for friends I used to game with. They wanted a serious name like Rathgar the buccaneer or some crap. Since I wasn’t feeling it, I decided onwalls2theball.

Whats a good immature xbox live gamertag?

I want to change my gamertag. I am very immature and like to get lots of attention and piss people off. I have come up with a couple but am looking for some more ideas.

Anybody got any good gamertag ideas?

Here's some things about me:
I love trolling.
I LOVE Doctor Who!
I love the Tarheels.
My Nickname is J3.
and I play CoD, Tomb Raider, Skyrim, GTA, Halo, etc.
Thanks and please help,


What are some good jokes on gamers?

This sequence from the episode The Dumpling Paradox Season 1 - The Big Bang Theory is quite hilarious :[The guys are playing Halo 3, and the atmosphere is intense]Howard: Sheldon, you got him in your sights! Fire, he's charging his plasma rifle!Sheldon: I can't shoot now, I'm cloaking!Leonard: Raj, kill Sheldon!Raj: I can't see him!Sheldon: That's why they call it cloaking, dead man!Leonard: Well, just start throwing grenades!Raj: I'm all out![Penny and her three friends enter the apartment]Penny: Hey guys, my friends and I got tired of dancing, so we came over to have sex with you.[The guys are too engrossed in their game to even notice the girls are present]Leonard: Raj, now jump in the tank!Sheldon: We said no tanks!Raj: There are no rules in hell!Howard: MED PACK! I NEED A MED PACK![Penny turns to her friends]Penny: Told ya![They leave, laughing]Leonard: [on his feet now] There's a sniper, use your rocket launcher!Raj: All I've got is a needler, and I'm all out of ammo!Sheldon: And now you're out of life![As he's about to kill Raj, Leonard suddenly pauses]Sheldon: Why'd you hit pause?Leonard: I thought I... heard... something.Raj: What?Leonard: Oh, er, never mind, sorry![They resume playing]

Can you get banned from Xbox Live for Trolling?

Yes you can. My friend has had this happen to him. The people will end up reporting you for inappropriate content. Thats the only thing they can really use against you, even though that may not be true, they can turn that on you. Inappropraite content is labeled as your gamertag, bio, or any other things you can write, but if the people you trolled say you were being inappropriate all they have to do is say something along those lines and you will be banned.

What to do when someone has a nazi gamertag?

View their gamercard and file a complaint from there.

You see people like this all the time. It's just part of online gaming.

There's your proof that reporting works. I will add that both of those sites are hilarious.

What voice changer can I buy for prank calls and trolling on ps4?

I recently saw a video where a guy has a voice changer on and he calls chuck e cheese using his natural voice, but it transmits into his earphones and changes it for the caller. Does anybody know of this product or a similar voice changer I can buy to troll on ps4?