Grade 11 Maximum And Minium Problems Help Asap

Hey I have a few math problems I need help on, could someone help explain to me how to do them? Thanks!?

1) This depends on where each angle is...if the 30 degree angle is along the bottom or if it is the 60 degree angle. I will go with the 60 degree angle on the bottom...if that is wrong, switch the order of the answers.

a) Half of the 7 feet.
b) The length of the short leg times the square root of 7sqrt3 feet.

2) I do not see another correct answer as they are written.

3) I'm not sure what they want...but:
a) 7x(3-9x)

b) 15x+8x^2

c) (5x^2-x+7)+4x(3+5x)
25x^2 + 11x + 7

d) (450-8a+7b)-3(5a-2b)
450 - 8a + 7b - 15a + 6b
-23a + 13b + 450

e) (2x+3) (5x-7)
10x^2 - 14x + 15x - 21
10x^2 + x - 21

4) 14<8x-2
2Draw a number line. At 2, draw an open circle. Since x needs to be bigger than that, draw a line to the right of the open circle.

5) Find the following from the data:
Quartile 1 (Q1)
Quartile 3 (Q3)
Draw a number line that has enough room for all of these points.
Draw a short vertical line (bar) at Q1, median and Q3. Add a top and bottom to complete the "box" part.
Draw a dot at the maximum and minimum points. Connect these dots to the box for the "whiskers".

Hope that helps!

Dividing by Fractions- Word Problems HELP asap please... THANKS!!!?

5/(1 1/3) = 5/(4/3) = 5 * 3/4 = 15/4 or 3 3/4 recipes
The problem states that he has all other ingredients on hand, which means he has enough of them. The only reason this statement was included in the problem was so that you DIDN'T have to take them into account.

(5 1/2)/(2/5) = (11/2)/(2/5) = 11/2 * 5/2 = 55/4 or 13 3/4 banners

Mr. Fu bought 3/4 of 1/3, so you multiply.
(1/3)(3/4) = 3/12 = 1/4 of the pan of brownies

(3 3/4)(3 1/2) = (15/4)(7/2) = 105/8 or 13 1/8 cups of flour

Dividing fractions is the same as multiplying by the reciprocal. For example, 1/2 divided by 3/4 is the same as 1/2 times 4/3 (you keep the first fraction, change the division sign to multiplication, and then "flip" the second fraction). When dealing with mixed numbers, you convert them into improper fractions first. To do this, multiply the whole number by the denominator and then add the product to the numerator and keep it over the original denominator. For instance, if you have 1 5/8, you multiply the whole number 1 by the denominator 8, which gives you 8. Then you add it to the numerator 5, which gives you 13. The denominator is still 8, so 1 5/8 = 13/8.

Friction physics ? help asap! please :)?

F be the friction force,
u be the coefficient of static friction,
R be the normal reaction of the road,
m be the mass of the car,
a be the acceleration,
v be the initial speed,
s be the stopping distance,
g be the acceleration due to gravity.

F = - uR
F = - umg
ma = - umg

0 = v^2 - 2ugs
s = v^2 / (2ug)

50 mph = 50 * 22 / 15
= 73.333 ft / sec.

s = 73.333^2 / (2 * 0.100 * 32)
= 840 ft.

s = 73.333^2 / (2 * 0.600 * 32)
= 140 ft.

Find Maximum and Minimum? (t)sqrt(4-t^2) on the interval [-1,2]?

f(t) = t√(4 - t^2)
f '(t) = 2(2 - t^2)/√(4 - t^2)

f '(t) > 0

2 - t^2 > 0

- √2 < t < √2 intersection -1 ≤ t ≤ 2

f(t) is increasing on the interval [-1,√2)

at x = √2 it has its relative maximum
at x = - 1 has its absolute minimum f(-1) = - √3

f(√2) = 2

t√(4 - t^2) ≤ 2

square both sides

t^2(4 - t^2) ≤ 4

4t^2 - t^4 - 4 ≤ 0

(t^2 - 2) ≥ 0

f(t) < 2 for any t
so t = √2 is also absolute maximum

f(x) = ln(1- ln x)

1 - ln x > 0 AND x > 0
- ln x > - 1
ln x < 1
0 < x < e

lim f(x) = +∞ (as x → 0⁺) ln x → -∞ so (1 - ln x) → +∞ and f(x) as well

y axis, x = 0 is vertical asymptote

lim f(x) = -∞ (as x → e⁻) ln e = 1, 1 - 1 → 0, ln x → -∞

x = e is another VA

f '(x) = 1/(x(ln x - 1))

f '(x) is always negative in (0,e)
function is always decreasing
no max/min

f ''(x) = - (ln x)/(x^2(ln x - 1)^2)

f ''(x) > 0 if - ln x > 0, ln x < 0

for 0 < x < 1 concavity is up
for 1 < x < e concavity is down

there is an inflection point at x = 1, f(1) = 0

Here is a sketch of the graph

I am very weak in maths. How can I develop it?

I'm very weak in Maths, or I don't know whether it's something that I, myself developed over the years. From my 7th grade, I started loosing interest in Maths since my teacher wasn't that good and she only appreciated students who did well and insulted us very badly. From that year, I just gave up my hopes on Maths and considered it as a shitty subject and pretended like I didn't care when I was really really very sad on getting very low marks in Maths when I was an excellent student in the class and scored more than 91% in other subjects, Maths always bought me down when it came to ranks. I was so depressed, I started hating Maths, and it became a nightmare for me. The day before the exam, all I remember doing was crying, crying and crying. I couldn't bear the tension it gave me. It still does. I suffer from anxiety even though I'm young; and no one is allowed to put so much pressure on me because it's trouble. Whatsoever, I still have chills and I failed in this year examination and writing a retest on Monday, and this time, I just googled whether there's anything I could do to score better in Maths, and that's when I read this interesting article and found out that I'm not alone. Because this is exactly like my story. I'm weak, I always get the just-pass marks, my brother is a top-scorer who is hopefully cracking a AIIMS soon and has 95% marks in his 12th grade and all, and I left a group tuition cause I was insulted and then joined a tuition where I used to be the only student, and I'm continuing that, but the thing I failed to keep is being regular. I'm never regular to the tuition because I hate maths firstly and I'm a lazy girl who spends her weekend by watching new movies, with drinks and chips and popcorn and stuff and going out every weekend for shopping with my family or friends, or going to stay at cousin's or mom's or spending quality time with my best friends or my best-friends-cum-family my cousins..Okay! I've told too much. I hate maths. No, I hated it. Not anymore. I'm going to pretend like I love it and work hard. I've got 5 days from now, that's like huge time to cover 6 lessons and then practice extra questions and sums. Well then! Let's see how I'll score and whether the hardwork will pay off! Fingers crossed! Maths!! HERE I COME BROTHER.