Great Chance Of Winning Lawsuit But No Money

What are my chances of winning a lawsuit such as this and if none, what is the exact reason as to why?

Naming the former Jefferson Airplane singer Grace Slick because I soiled my pants on a fairground ride last night.

I am certain I would win, since she elderly and senile, it's guaranteed she would rather avoid the stress of a lawsuit damaging her health and offer me a generous 8 figure sum at least to keep me happy. Then, if I injure myself on a ride at my next trip to a fairground, she'll be obliged under a legal oath to award me a 9 figure sum of money for my troubles, 10 figure sum for my next major misfortune in life etc.

What are the chances of someone winning an opiate lawsuit?

The chance of someone winning an opiate lawsuit are probably better if the plaintiff joins one of the many large-scale, current class-action lawsuits against opioid manufacturerers.However, the odds don’t look so great on a single plaintiff lawsuit winning any kind of a big pay-out:Opinion | Opioid Makers Are the Big Winners in Lawsuit SettlementsFurthermore, these class-action lawsuits are taking years to wind their way through the court systems; some lawsuits started in the early 2000’s are still in the court system:Drug Companies’ Liability for the Opioid Epidemic | NEJMClass Action Suits Over Opioid Epidemic Ramping UpHowever, the most current information shows pressure from the judiciary to settle the cases, so that mitigation and opioid addiction treatment programs can be instituted as quickly as possible:Over 600 Lawsuits Against Opioid Companies Become One Federal Court Case - Working PartnersOpiates are currently one of the most misunderstood drugs in the U.S. The spectrum ranges from post-surgery patients being cruelly under-prescribed opiate pain medications to crafty addicted opiate drug abusers managing to “game the system”; with the result that pain patients in genuine need of opiate pain relief find themselves unable to find treatment, while all-too-often, the undeserving somehow manage to get all they want.The result is that deserving, suffering pain patients all too often find themselves unable to receive proper pain management (including judicious use of opioids); while recreational addicts get all they desire; with the side-effect that opioids are universally feared and condemned.

Does VidAngel have any chance of winning their lawsuit with Disney?

VidAngel is countersuing. Disney lost the VHS suit at the Supreme Court by one vote and in the following year made more money from The Little Mermaid video sales than from all of its theme parks combined.The lawsuit is by no means a given outcome either way. There are a growing number of AI algorithms in use to predict trial outcomes. I've seen no credible predictions. I do see opinions, like this:

What are my chances of winning a lawsuit for finding a bug in my sun maid raisins?

slim to none.
First, nothing happened to you because of the bug so there are no damages.
Even if you ate it, bugs are not harmful to eat. Many folks in other countries eat bugs on purpose.. Good source of protein you know.
Second, no lawyer would take a piddly law suit like that one.
Third, did you save the bug? If so, how can you prove you found it in the box of raisins?
You would make more money taking the bug, in the raisins, back to the store for a refund.

What are the chances of winning a mesothelioma lawsuit?

Thanks for answering. The lawyer says that because he has the disease that we have a good case. Mesothelioma is caused almost exclusively by asbestos exposure.

We have filed the suit against the manufacturer because we believe that he was exposed while working in the boiler room while in the army and suing the army just isn't an option.

The lawyer we have retained has been involved with thousands of these cases. He has given us examples of awards won by his law firm, but I want to know what the chances are of not winning.

If you win a lawsuit in the US against someone who doesn’t have any money or assets to pay you, does it mean you may never get the money you are owed?

Yes. This is called being “judgment proof.” You can get a jury award for a billion dollars, but if the defendant doesn’t have any assets, or can conceal them, or can get the award discharged in bankruptcy, you get zilch.The parent of Ron Goldman, one of O.J. Simpson’s murder victims, are in this situation. After the murder trial where Simpson was acquitted, the Goldmans filed a civil lawsuit against Simpson and obtained a judgment of $33.5 million. They were able to seize some of Simpson’s assets, but he was successful in shielding most of them. They were not able to attach his NFL pension (at the time, around $20,000 per month), or his new home in Florida. In Florida, a homesteaded property cannot be seized or attached in a civil judgment.In a stunningly karmic development, Simpson is apparently losing his Florida home, anyway. He entrusted his affairs, including the pension, to his daughter while he is in prison. She has apparently been squandering it and not making any payments on the mortgage, so it is in foreclosure.O.J. Simpson 'furious with daughter for squandering his $25,000-a-month NFL pension and letting his mansion fall to foreclosure as he sits in jail'

What are the chances of a contractor winning for suing a homeowner after the homeowner sued the contractor?

You can't sue someone for suing you.... that is simply NOT ACTIONABLE. You must have an actual claim of damages that can be attributed to someone else. Pretending that his work slow down is somehow your fault is patently absurd and completely unprovable. How would this guy go about proving that some unnamed third-party WOULD HAVE hired him if not for your lawsuit?? Claiming things that are not subject to offers of proof (like proving a negative) is the very definition of frivolous.

Imagine the consequences to the legal system if what this guy is trying to do was actually possible.

Say you sue a restaurant chain because you feel they made you sick. Due to lack of proof you do not prevail and you get nothing and you have legal bills. Now the restaurant chain turns around and sues you for pursuing a good faith action to protect your rights.... even though they have no damages they can attribute directly to you.... they just claim that after you sued them their business slowed down nationwide.

What if Toyota was able to sue the people that do not prevail in the lawsuits related to stuck accelerators??? No one would be able to sue them for fear that they would lose.... and then deep pockets Toyota could pursue claims against them. it just doesn't work like that... and for good reason.

His suit is unlikely to survive a summary judgment motion. You did not slander or liable the company... you sued the company in a Court of Law... which is well within your rights.... and even if you lose a suit so long as you had a good-faith belief that there was legitimate claim then this guy has no recourse OTHER THAN not having to fix the work he should have.

P.S. You are also well within your rights to give HONEST reviews about this contractor in any forum you like. Which he may not like... but that is why we give bad reviews to bad contractors.

Striving is correct... any matter directly related to the job done at your house should have been dealt with as a "counter-claim" in the original suit. This is so that once a matter is resolved it is resolved once and for all..... and any amount that might be owed to him is offset from any amount he might owe to you. Failure to follow this procedure USUALLY results in the dismissal of the claim but not always.

How much does it cost to hire an civil lawsuit attorney?

I want to find out how much does it cost to hire an attorney for a civil lawsuit involving wrongful death, only in seeking monetary compensation, however, if I decide to go to trial how much more would it take? please give me prices from low to high. how much for the initial hiring, at what point would the attorney ask for more money. Please do not say "a lot" this is a serious questions. at least give me a ball park. thanx

Can I file a lawsuit for finding plastic in my cigarette?

One of the major problems in the USA today is people are sue happy