Gum Disease Help Can

Would Waterpik help my gum disease?

Nothing beats flossing. And I mean NOTHING.

If you use a Waterpik, be sure that you are using it correctly and not pointing the water stream into your gums, as this will only push the bacteria further into the "pockets" and cause more damage.

If your teeth are loose, you should have a professional cleaning done.

Can laser help treat my gum disease?

There are several methods of treatment for gum(Gingivitis/pyorrhoea/ periodontal) disease. The standard treatment – until recently – has been scaling and root planing (SRP). This method involves a dentist using hand tools to scrape the bacteria out of the pockets and to smooth out the rough spots on the teeth so that the bacteria cannot easily return. Gum flap surgery involves cutting and flapping back the gum tissue for cleaning and then stitching it back in place.Laser-Assisted New Attachment Procedure (LANAP), as the name suggests, is a laser-assisted surgical process, which cleans out the infections below the gum line and in the bacteria-infected pocket.Laser gum surgery is the new technology on the block that simplifies the whole process. The laser, LANAP, is FDA-approved for the purpose of treating periodontal disease. It removes the infected tissue. Once this step is completed, the periodontist will conduct scaling and root planing, often using an ultrasound device.The treatment procedure is usually completed within two two-hour sessions. The traditional procedure would require multiple visits to a dentist that would last up to a year.LANAP had impressive results, it successfully reduced pocket depths and allowed regeneration of connective tissue to grow and fill in the areas damaged by the bacteria. Laser essentially vaporizes the bacteria causing the bone loss.The LANAP is one of the advanced dentist’s successful strategies that make a big difference in reversing these gum diseases and yes, it’s definitely a worthy procedure.

What can be done to treat gum disease?

I went to the dentist to have a tooth extracted. I hadn't ever been to a dentist before (my parents didn't really care about oral health and I couldn't afford it up until now).

Anyway, he said that I have some pretty severe gum disease. I'm terrified because I'm only 24 - I don't want my teeth to fall out before I'm 30 or something.

I plan on going back to have the dentist work on my mouth, but I wanted to know a few things before I go..

Can gum disease be reversed? Does it require treatments, like rinses or cleanings, or is there actual surgery involved? Does anyone know *about* how much it would cost? (I know you can't give me an exact answer, but a ballpark estimate would be helpful)

Thanks so much!

Anybody know a cure for gum disease? ?

Gum disease can be cured. If your gingivitis or periodontal disease is not too far along, some of the damage can even be reversed. The pockets can fill in again and the teeth become tight.

Plaque at the gum line is what causes the gums to swell, bleed, and pull away from the teeth. Eliminate the plaque, and your gums can begin repairing themselves.

Commercial mouthwash does kill germs, but it is very drying and irritates the gums. It's much better to do salt water gargles to soothe and kill bacteria or use a food-grade hydrogen peroxide like Heritage Products.

Switching out your toothpaste will also help the gums repair. Fluoride is not something you body needs at all, and it slows the healing process in your gums. Try a toothpaste without fluoride, or an antibacterial dental oil is even better since the oil slides into any pockets you may have in your gums.

Definitely brush and floss every day, but if possible brush and floss after each meal, especially while your gums are healing. It doesn't take long, and it really helps.

One supplement that speeds healing for gum disease is CoQ10. People with gum disease do not have enough of it. CoQ10 is good for a lot of things, but it really helps the gums heal faster.

Some people swear by a water pic. You can also try adding xylitol to your diet. It is a natural sugar that starves the bacteria in your mouth. Chew xylitol gum or suck on mints after meals, and that will stop the bacteria in your mouth from multiplying and damaging your gums and teeth.

I have a friend who used a pick at the gum line to heal her gum disease, but it was farther along that yours probably is.

Anyway, there are lots of ways to create a healthy environment in your mouth that turns the gum disease around. I don't know why many dentists act like gum disease will be with you forever. Maybe because the people using Listerine like they suggest have gums too dry and sore to heal? I dunno, but I have known many people who have successfully turned it around.

Hope you see your gum disease heal soon as well.

Do people with gum disease die early?

Recent research on gum disease and its link to systemic health conditions has shown that periodontal diseases diseases can increase the risk of certain diseases and can also be devastating to the immune system. While gum disease itself cannot cause a patient to die early, its effect on other diseases and the entire health system may.Gum disease has been linked in research to an increased risk of heart disease, diabetes complications, osteoporosis, respiratory disease and even certain cancers. More recent research has also suggested that this is due to inflammation. Meaning that treating inflammation can help manage periodontal diseases along with other chronic inflammatory conditions.Wondering if you have gum disease? Here are the most common symptoms:Swollen/Inflamed GumsTender/Bleeding GumsBad BreathTeeth SensitivityGum SensitivityLoose TeethAlthough periodontal gum disease cannot be reversed/cured it can be managed through proper at home dental care and professional routine dental treatments.

What can someone with gum disease pyria do to help toughen their gums?

Pyria is the technical term for gum disease: including irritation, recession and infection of the gums. Pyria is the result of poor oral hygiene that results in a receded gum line, bad breath, bleeding gums, and the deterioration of the health of gum tissue.Oct 9, 2017Get a bottle of Chlorhexidine Gluconate3 0.12% Pour a 1/2 capful, rinse and pit out, then you must not drink or eat for 1/2 hour. Do this twice a day.Go to Internet Explorer and do a lot research. I found out that doctors or dentist may not have all the answers. We are all human and do make mistakes etc.

How do you cure gum disease without a dentist?

Treating Gum Disease Without A Dentist Depends On The Severity Of Your Gum Problems But It Can Be Reversed In The Early Stages!!First of all you need to be self aware of what you are doing in terms of oral care.Are you brushing but not flossing, or maybe flossing and mouthwash but not brushing. Understand your habits and then work from there.So i would suggest a routine which incorporates Brushing, flossing, tongue cleaning to start off with. Do this everyday once in the morning after having your breakfast and again before you go to bed.Once this habit is in place (habits can take upto 30 days to cement into your subconscious) then you can go further and start incorporating xylitol chewing gum and using specialised products to help strengthen and reverse gum disease.You could also try home remedies to see if they have any effect on your gums, as i have heard many success stories about natural remedies doing wonders for people. Plenty of testimonials on Facebook groups and other social platforms if you want to read them for yourselves.I wil leave you with a video which shows some home treatments for gum disease. See if it can help you:

Gum disease - How long have you had periodontal disease?

A person should be visiting the dentist and hygienist every six months for cleanings. The "deep" cleaning you are referring to is called scaling and root planing and is only done on patients with periodontal disease who have deeper pocket depths than someone with healthy gums. Patients with periodontal pockets should be visiting a gum specialist called a Periodontist as often as every 3 months in order to stop or at least slow the progression of the disease. This disease is caused by inadequate brushing and flossing over a long period of time and irregular professional cleanings. It is a complicated process but basically the bacteria in the plaque and calculus on your teeth and under your gums eventually causes bone loss around your teeth and the eventual loss of your teeth.

Pocket depths of 5-6mm are considered fairly serious and need to be treated right away. The calculus on the root surface needs to be removed by a professional. Also, periodontal disease can absolutely occur in your thirty's and is even more serious because if it starts progressing at such an early age you could lose your teeth at an early age as well. I hope this info. helps! I am a dental hygiene student.