Guys Give Your Opinion About This Video

Need guys opinion, gamer girl?

I'm tired so I'll keep this short.

High school sucks. Girls in high school can be really b*tchy. I say. Don't worry about them.. ignore them.

To the guys who only wanted to get in your pants. They can go to hell. You'll find another guy who likes you for you

Bottom line. Yes. Most guys who are gamers themselves, would love to be with a girl who is a gamer. That's awesome.

And if guys say you're pretty, I'm sure you are.

A word of advice: A lot of guys in high school are trying to lose their virginity. So, if you want to not have sex, make sure you find a guy who respects you for who you are and isn't just interested in getting laid. You'll find a guy like that, but in high school, with so many raging hormones, its harder to find.

Good luck.. and it turns out that was pretty long huh?

Opinions of my singing? Check out my videos?

I think you are really good! You can try to work on the higher notes if you want to reach them.

The link to the video didn't work on my computer but idk about other comps.

You sound great just try to sing louder and more powerful. I love the "100 years" one! If you want people to hear you better sing more into the mic.

Otherwise you were very good, keep it up!

Can you guys give me a free safe online video converter? for my Sansa Fuze?

I had a Sansa once :] I used
You can convert files off of your computer or
you can even download videos off of youtube.
It's really simple and it will email you a download link
within 5 minutes. But the more you upload per
day, the longer it will take. And the quality may seem
a little pixel-ish but since it's for an mp3 player,
the resolution will turn out perfect.

What's your opinion about reaction videos on YouTube?

Warning: Severe bashing ahead.If there was an award called “The most useless content on the internet”, it would definitely go to this genre. The video makers are stupid, the people promoting such videos are even more stupid and the ones liking and sharing the videos are the most stupid. I have seen a few videos and I have never ever felt more guilty of wasting my time. I have been more productive than this by doing NOTHING. Seriously, NOTHING. These videos are extremely dumb sh*t. I have never felt sadder for YouTube due to existence of such content and the consumption of space on the internet.Do they provide quality content? No.Are they of any use? No.Do they have good entertainment value? Hell no.I fail to understand how in the world do they get so many views and subscribers. Is such a large number of humans simply halfwit?My opinion, guys. My opinion. You are free to have your own.[math]\Huge\huge{-Onki}[/math]

Guys and girls: What is your opinion about watching webcam girls?

Do you view webcam girls as the same as watching porn videos?

Girls: if you are ok with your guy watching porn, how would you feel if he used a webcam chatting session? without the chatting?

Guys: If you have a girlfriend and still watch porn, would you use a free webcam site? Do you think it's crossing the line?

I'll give my answer to the question as well. I don't mind if my guy uses porn. We all have needs and even I use it. However, I would consider cam girls whom you can chat with as crossing the line. It's not technically cheating in my opinion, but it is worse than porn. So what is your opinion?

Your opinion on the youtube stranger-kissing videos?

So there are like many youtube videos about kissing pranks or people kissing other people - basically not sure what to think of them: if they're staged or so.

I am lazy now to give you links, but here are a couple of examples:

Guys kissing 100 girls in sweden
girls kissing random girls in america...
a guy asking girl 3 questions an then kising her

And so on. So I am thinking...these videos are either staged or most girls in those countries have no moral?? I am not seeing myself kissing random people, regardless of gender or even if they're attractive. what do you guys think?

Hey guys how do u put a video on youtube please give me good answers?

he's what u do

1. put the video u want upload onto the computer
2. and after that / and or if u have it on already then just click the upload button on the top rite corner after signing in