Had A Dream That My Dead Cousin Came Back To Life Help What Does It Mean Help

Had a dream that my dead cousin came back to life ? Help what does it mean ? Please help?

So it was basically that his father (my uncle) told us he might still be alive and he opened up a locker and he was in there alive, everybody started to cry and people were saying its a miracle ! . Then after me & my cousin talked for hours. We weren't that close as. Cousins so I asked him if he knew we were related... & we videochatted through our phones. He had long hair in his lifetime but it was all cut off. & basically we talked as if we knew each other & were really close.

I had a dream where my mom came back to life. What does it mean?

My mom recently died and unexpected death. She was in a coma so she couldn't say goodbye. Well I had a dream after that where I heard she came back to life. I ran to see her. When I got to her, she had this blank expression on her face like she was alive but not really, like she was unresponsive. What does this dream mean?

What does my dream of my dead cousin mean?

My cousin killed herself on friday the 13 of 2010, I never used to dream about her when she first did it. Now it feels like almost every night she is in my dream. She's never dead in the dream but alive and well. Then all of a sudden at some point in EVERY SINGLE DREAM I HAVE ABOUT HER she starts to break down crying and apologizing for what she did. Does this mean that she didn't really mean to do it, or am I just hoping she didn't.

I had a simple dream about my dead cousin. what does it mean?

I was walking in the road, when I saw a bright light flash in front of me. Down came my cousin Scotty, who died in august. He was walking with me when out of no where my other cousin Jake came. we all walked and none of us talked but then a car came right for us. And that is how my cousin Scotty died. I woke up before the car could hit us. I think that God was trying to take me back to that moment when Scotty died. But I want to be sure.

What does it mean to dream about your dead sister?

Sometimes, when you see a deceased loved one in your dream it could be something that is bordering them (their soul) that they're trying to tell you. Such as how they feel, who/what killed them, why you should stop worrying, etc.And if your deceased loved one ever answers any of your questions in a dream, it has high probability of being true. Don't take it for granted.This will happen if you constantly think of them, mention their name or miss them a lot.

What does it mean to dream of dead brother?

Dreams often have emotion-based content, nobody can tell you how you feel, only you know that... so try to think of how it makes you feel, perhaps your brain is trying to help you treasure his memory?... I don't think it is much about dream symbols, but instead about a lesson for you to take note of.  If you were close to your brother it makes sense that he would be in your dreams because he was probably a big part of your life.  I don't think you can treat this as a way that your brother is returning to you, its more about the way your mind is working.Good luck and I wish you many future... Sweet Dreams.

What does it mean when a dead person comes back to life in a dream?

It doesn’t mean that it comes back to life in your dream as with dreams there is no thing like “linear time”. You can dream about everything and everyone.The question is then: How do you characterize this person? Did you have a conversation in your dream? What was the interaction you had in your dream? etc.These questions will help you understand why this person appeared in your dream.

What does it mean when I dream about my dead husband?

My husband died about 2 months ago after a 3 year illness. I had a dream I picked him up from somewhere(it was not clear in my dream where) and we walked for a bit to the site of a dried up river. He was himself in the dream but his facial features were not clear. He did not speak to me, we just walked side by side, then he walked over to the dried up river and looked to the ground while I stayed off to the side. I remember thinking what is he doing. He then turned and walked back to me and we walked away together. The strange thing was he was wearing ugly white shoes, like bad tuxedo rental shoes. I am not a dream interpretor but I have to think there is some symbolism in this dream. Any thoughts? Thanks !!

What does this dream of my cousin being murdered mean?

I had this dream last night and in the dream it all took place in a living room and my cousin's ex (and the mother of his child) had just dropped off their child to daycare while my cousin was in the room with another guy (who I and they do not know in real life) with my cousin's ex being very pissed off at him for his partying ways and not being there for a daddy event at the daycare.

And my cousin's ex was holding a gun at him and told the other guy that he was the fall guy in the murder as she shot and killed my cousin and proceeded to do the same for the other guy (who turned down her offer) and was about to call the police to report my cousin had been murdered.

But I am wanting to know, what does this dream mean of my cousin and the other guy being murdered by my cousin's ex mean? Does it mean that something bad is about to happen to my cousin or does it not mean anything at all.