Has Anyone Ever Asked Something And Then Somebody That You Knew Happened To Answer The Question

When someone asks me a question suddenly, I can't answer even when I know the answer. Why so?

Thanks for A2A Ritika JAinIt is completely normal to face such a condition.When someone asks you something you know, yet you are unable to answer doesn't mean anything negative. It’s just that you lack self confidence as pointed by Danish Sayed. Nothing serious, you need to improve your confidence and self esteem.This can be done, only when you get out and mix with people, exchange views, interact. Let people know that you have a good knowledge base. It’s okay if you go falter. But that is a stepping stone to interact well and thus be able to answer queries of people without fumbling.Not being able to answer business happens only because of a lack of self belief and maybe less interaction with the outside world.Hope, i have answered your question :)

What would happen if someone knew everything?

What would happen? What would they do or say? Would we even believe them? What would they want in life? When I ask everything I mean everything the universe, world, life and death has to offer. What if they knew all government secrets? Who really did what, who said what, who killed who, what exists what doesn t, if God is even real and is there more than one? Would they even tell us what they know? Would they be miserable or powerful? Would they live without a purpose or would they live with the intention to reavel all? What IF someone knows every single thing. Whether it may be in this life, past, or the next, what if? What would YOU do if you knew every little thing?

If you could ask one question to get to know someone, what would it be?

What's your biggest regret?What do you want to do before you die?What would you do if you knew you were going to die tomorrow?Describe a perfect dayWhat makes you feel most alive?What gives you hope?What life advice would you offer to a young kid?What inspires you?What holds you back from doing the things you want to do?How do you show your love?What's your favorite place on earth?What do you believe in and why?What's your take on religion?What's the most common assumption made about you that's completely false?Tell me about your familyWhat are you passionate about?Life story... go!What's the hardest thing you've ever been through?Teach me something that most people don't know but you know a lot aboutIf you could go out to dinner with anyone on earth, who would it be? Why?Is there something you've dreamed of doing for a long time now? Why haven't you done it?What's your favorite memory?What was the most embarrassing moment of your life?Who is your biggest role model?How would your friends describe you?What would you do if money didn't exist?What would you do differently if you knew no one would judge you?If you could travel anywhere right now where would you go?If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be and why?What is the craziest thing you've ever done?What's your definition of success?Describe yourself in five words.What are your biggest pet peeves?What is your best characteristic or ability?What blows your mind?What are your biggest fears in life?What are you looking forward to most in the next month? Year?What do you do for fun?What makes you tick?Would you rather be happy or have everyone around you be happy?What's the worst thing you've ever done?What's the nicest thing you've ever done?If you died today: would you be content with the life you've lived?What are the things you have to do in order to be able to say that you've lived a fulfilled life?The year is 2030... tell me about yourself.If money was no object, what would you do with your life?What was the scariest experience of your life?What accomplishment are you most proud of?

What happens if someone DOES protest?

I don't think she'd ALLOW him of course, but what's she gonna do if he just stands up and says it before she can say anything? Also, I'm not worried about him proclaiming he hates me as the reason - he's smarter than that. I'm sure he could come up with something that sounds more reasonable.

I'm seriously at my wit's end with this man. I mean, seriously...I've busted my a** trying to make him like me and he just can't see past the fact that I'm taking his son away. (Should add here that I've never once attempted to do that, they still see him VERY often and I would never even dream of making him stay away from them, for any reason.)

Have you ever asked a question, specifically to answer it yourself?

Original Question:>Have you ever asked a question, specifically to answer it yourself?>Thanks for the A2A Brent.I had to think about this one for a minute and the answer would probably be yes. This would be a life question, outside of Quora.I believe there are times we want someone to know or understand something that perhaps we're uncomfortable coming out and just saying. And we may find it easier to do this in the form of a question that we already know the answer to.Perhaps we're asking the question only to give the answer already known to us because we feel it puts us in a favorable light. For instance, people who are shy, self-conscious, or insecure or about themselves and, or their intellect may ask questions they already know the answer to as a way to gauge the other person's knowledge in comparison to theirs.

How do you deal with a close friend who avoids answering questions you ask them?

I had a three year relationship with a man who could not directly answer a question. If I really needed to know something as simple as, “are you coming over tonight?” He would answer, “how late you up?” Or “I want to.” Or just no response at all! I would have to wait about an hour or so and ask again, “so are you coming?” And then he would answer. But for more personal questions such as “Do you like that (specific thing)”, instead of yes or no, he would say, “well, it was hairy” or “it was higher than I thought it would be” or “it was far away” or just nothing. When it came to timekeeping, he was never ever on time if asked to be somewhere at a specific time, and would never ever, not even one time tell you when he was on his way or what time he would come. The issue is DEEP and habitual and exhausting. I learned I would never get a straight answer or even the truth. I had to accept it and pay attention to the nuances of his Spencer-speak… and interpret accordingly. I did not realize the profundity of his evasion from truth, habitual lying, natural deceitful methods until I stopped loving him. I always knew it… kinda… but now I’m OMG I KNOWWWWW it…. The bottom line is that those who evade are hiding a lot. They are overall and thoroughly dishonest and cowardly people. As a friend this may be okay to a certain extent, but in a relationship, run away!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It’s completely unacceptable behavior that will never change. I accept him and care for him as a friend but never ever more. I have realized that dishonesty is a huge indicator of a serious personality disorder, perhaps multiple personality disorders!!!

If someone did something to you that was unforgivable, can you forgive them?

You can forgive them, cause you would like to be forgiven by GOD in the things that you do.......... but that doesn't mean you have to associate with them anymore. Forgive them so that you do not have a heavy heart or the burden on your mind....... just don't give them the chance to do it again.