Has Eating Food That Sits Out Doing It For Years Unhealthy

I eat plenty of unhealthy foods but I'm losing weight?

I don't understand. I keep losing weight even though I'm eating whatever I want. I eat icecream, drink soda, and eat other unhealthy foods but instead of gaining weight I'm losing it. I think I look too skinny, and I might be (I'm 19, 5'6, and weigh 104 pounds). Help what do I do?!

Why are people still eating McDonald's food, despite the fact that everyone knows how unhealthy it is?

People eat McDonald's food because it is delicious and it is cheap. I'm going to get lots of sarcastic responses to my "delicious" comment. I cook dinner at home 4 nights each week, my wife does it 3 times, and any outsider would consider what we produce to be gourmet. For six years I owned a gourmet restaurant in Berkeley that was very highly rated, called "Inn Season". It competed directly with Chez Panisse: our food was 85% as delicious, and cost half as much.   I almost never eat at McDonald's. My favorite dishes to prepare at home are salmon (still red and fleshy) with capers and Sherry; and chicken cooked in a complex peanut sauceBut when I do eat at McDonald's, I am astonished at the nourishment I can buy for $1.  Indeed, their $1 hamburger (that they had last time I ate there) was a sufficient dinner; it provided all the calories I needed, and with the lettuce topping and bread bun it was a decently balanced meal.  Fast food is unhealthy primarily because you eat it so quickly that your body doesn't have to reduce your hunger sensations -- so you overeat.  Overeating is the primary problem with fast food. In terms of quality, their hamburgers would be considered gourmet by anyone who judged it by the food standards of 100 years ago. As I said, I rarely eat them myself because I prefer more variety and delicate flavors.  But from the perspective of most people in the world, they are delicious -- and amazingly cheap.

Is it unhealthy to lie down after having a meal?

If you lie down in upright that is in straight position or on the right side, than it becomes unhealthy. To lie down immediately after meals is not recommended.Ayurveda has recommended to sit comfortably in partially lie down position on left side. And also to sleep on left side after meals (not immediately). Sleeping on left side after meals prevents the acid reflux and other acidity and indigestion problem. While sleeping in upright position or on right side causes indigestion and acid reflux.The reason to sleep on left side after meals are -When we sleep on left side, stomach and duodenum comes in some what straight line, this helps in easy emptying of the stomach into small intestine.On left side of stomach there is greater curvature of stomach which has obtuse angle, this helps the food to pass easily into intestine.In left side position, food gose in downward direction instead of coming into esophagus.Thus it is good to lie on left side after meals. Taking short nap say of 10 to 15 minutes on left side after lunch can make you feel fresh. Try out yourself. But not more than 15 minutes.Sleeping on right side brings stomach and esophagus in straight line which brings the food particles and acids into the esophagus and causes acid reflux. That makes it unhealthy.

Is it bad to sit down after even eating a healthy meal?

Healthy or unhealthy, your body needs energy to digest food.A few things we should avoid doing after a meal:Consuming caffeine (tea, coffee, smoking etc)Taking a bath/ showerWalking or runningSleepingDrink cold water or aerated drinksContrary to popular belief, walking is not advisable after a meal. But that doesn’t mean one should go off to sleep!!Our body needs energy and time to digest the food. Yes, calories are burnt even while digesting food. So, running or walking after a meal disturbs the process of digestion. We need the nutrition we have had to be absorbed by the body and to be utilized for our benefit.Sleeping will also hinder the process as most of it will not be digested properly and stored as fat. So, its sleeping that is harmful not sitting. In fact, the best possible posture to sit is Vajrasana (Thunderbolt pose) which aids in the process of digestion. You kneel down, flatten your feet and sit with your back straight. It is advisable to sit in this posture for 5–10 minutes. You can keep a pillow below your feet if its difficult to sit initially.Cold water/ cold drinks/ alcoholic beverages/ aerated drinks all hinder the process of digestion. If you feel thirsty or the food is too spicy, you can have lukewarm water along with your meal or immediately after meal. Otherwise, you can have lukewarm water after 20–30 minutes after your meal.Taking a bath/ shower lowers the body temperature which obstructs the process of digestion. A minimum gap of 2 hrs should be maintained between the two.Some people advise taking fruits after a meal but never have fruits on an empty stomach. You can give a small pause (5–10 minutes) after a meal and then have fruits.After a meal, sit for 30 minutes atleast. Make sure you do not hunch (keep your back straight. Whether you are sitting on the chair or on the floor, sit straight.I am not an expert in this field but adopted a healthy lifestyle and lost weight.Going for a healthy meal now!! :)

Eating food left out?

>That's not true! I have eaten cooked chicken that sat out over night and it was still good. The best thing is to refrigerate all foods after cooking them when not being eaten, in order for them not to deteriorate so quickly. If a food has been properly cooked, it should be rendered safe to eat even though it sits out for a while. People just live off of ignorance because they are fearful. Don't beliee everything you hear. Salads and other uncooked food should be refrigerated right away because they still have live bacteria on them and these can grow rapidly.

The key is: cook all your foods until thoroughly done so that all bacteria are killed. Fresh foods like vegetables should be refrigerated to slow down the growth of microorganisms.

What happens if one eats a lot of junk food but also exercises a lot?

If you consume balanced meals three times a day plus junk food, you would be consuming extra calories but will be burning more calories so you would be less likely to be obese or overweight but won't be truly fit or sculpted with lean muscles, and less likely to have 6 pack/well defined abs with all the carbs and fat you consume.  If you consume only junk food and just exercise to burn the calories, you would not be feeding your body enzymes, vitamins, minerals, proteins..., the essential nutrients your body requires and you would most likely age quickly and will not feel the best most of the time, or catch cold/flu easily and would get more wrinkles than people who will be eating more well balanced diet.I have tested myself during high school days, I had fast food for lunch almost daily (burger, french fries, diet pop), ate potatoe chips, skittles (candies) all the time, but with somewhat balanced diet for breakfast and dinner, and I worked out all the time.  I was never overweight those days because I worked out all the time but I was never careful with my diet those days ate what and when I wanted.  I did not have well sculpted muscles and not much definition but I was skinny.  Now I never consume fast food, eat high protein diet, lots of veggies and never consume processed food, and I work out every other day with HIIT work out, lift weights...etc.  I must say I look what I see in the mirror everyday and I have defined abs, nice shoulder, smaller waist, well toned legs, nice butt, and overall I am in the best shape of my life and look better than when I was in high school!  So yeah what you eat really matters, for both health and looks regardless of exercise.

Why do people complain about high health care cost when they eat such bad foods and sit around most of the time?

You chose to link dietary habits with high health care and, IMO, is biasing the insincere question.High healthcare costs are a result of greed. Bad dietary choices are the result of personal choices. You are suggesting one causes the other which is a fallacious assumption. First decide what question you want to present: healthcare costs or dietary habits, then pose the question. You will generate better answers to either or both.BTW, I down-voted this question to ensure it is not shown.

How long can ice-cream sit out without going bad?

3–4 hours isn't generally enough time for microbes to grow, especially in a product full of sugar. I wouldn't worry about food poisoning. As everyone else has mentioned, it won't refreeze nicely at all. It'll be icy at best and a rock at worst.Here's a thought: do you have an ice cream maker? Melt it down and refreeze it in that! It might not be as nice as it was originally, but I hate to see good ice cream wasted.You could also try making ice cream bread. I've never done it, but there's some ice cream in my freezer just waiting to be turned into bread (more of a cake, really). Google ice cream bread and you can find a recipe; it's just ice cream and flour as far as I know.

Bad effects of leaving metal fork/spoon in a bowl in the refrigerator?

Some metals can be toxic, like copper and aluminum. Stainless steel is harmless and food can be stored in this type of container or with a stainless steel spoon left in the food. Copper, aluminum and cast iron are metals that will react with acidic ingredients that will make a person ill. Acidic ingredients like dairy and tomatoes should not be used in these types of cookware. Cream of tartar used in copper bowls can be especially toxic.

Do I need to measure cat food?

She's not underweight - she's normal - I'd suggest feeding her the recommended amount on the bag of food (there should be a chart) and use a measuring cup to get the amount correct. If she's constantly asking for more food, I'd bring a stool sample to the vet to make sure that she doesn't have any parasites which could explain her constant hunger.

Does she eat the food right away as soon as you set it down? If so, then I'd suggest adding a little warm water to the food bowl (shake it so the water takes on the flavor of the food) and that will fill her up more as well as keep her hydrated. Only do this if she eats right away because cat food with water can not sit out or else it will go bad.

I wouldn't constantly feed her - that's how you get overweight, unhealthy cats.