Has The Plan To Destroy America Moved One Step Forward By Crippling Nsa

You have to destroy the world in 15 minutes. How do you do it?

Realistic answer: I wouldn't even try to do so in such a short period of time.Interesting answer:A lot of people are sitting around a futuristic, round table; their frustration can be seen in their eyes as I'm walking in circles, handing around papers.“Nora, this isn't going to work. The military would instantly fight back as soon as they realise that we're under attack,” says one of them.“Excuse you? When did you think that I'm going with such an uninspired plan? No, no one wouldn’t even be able to think of predicting this.” I answer annoyed.“Well, then what it-”“Okay, we're gonna text every single person on planet Earth. We tell them the following-” I say.“But a lot of people don't even have access to the internet, not to mention a working pho-”“Shut up, okay. So, we're gonna use an advanced AI to text everybody in the world, giving them the instructions to jump around and blow air with their mouths just like they would when trying to inflate a balloon. While on drugs. And just like this we'll move Earth as a planet and send it into a black hole… but NASA'll have to help us out a little bit here.”“But-actually, nothing. Nora. Look, we have to take in consideration gravity and all of the forces that make Earth stay in-”“Excuse you? Have you ever took a physics class?”“…”“Good, neither have I. Please, I know what I'm doing. I don't cheat on tests because I didn't study anything. Actually, why are you even here; do you even know how much 2+2 equals?”“Why am I even trying, time's already up…”“EXACTLY!” I dramatically scream while exiting the room.Well, if I don't have more time to play around with destroying Earth the least I can do is to make a fool of myself.Or maybe I could just have everybody listen to Jake Paul and we'd be dead in two minutes.Huh, now that I come to think of it…Dab on the haters.

Why are Trump's possible ties to Russia a big deal? Would they be good or bad?

It is a big deal due to few reasons. Some of them are:To many American politicians, Russia is the number one geopolitical enemy of the USA. Russia: The threat from Russia | The EconomistThe USA has initiated every sanction against Russia in the past. Those sanctions have crippled Russia economy to some degree, and Russia's would like to see such sanctions lifted.Russia had interfered in the US election when it hacked the DNC servers. Think about this for a mement and try to absorb the consequences of this act alone and what could be another target in the future.President Trump has business dealings with Russia. Unless he releases his tax returns, it would be difficult to gage the threat these dealings could pose. Remember, he is the President of the USA, not another businessman.What if the Russians really have something that is embarrassing on the President, don't you think Russia will try to threaten to blackmail him to get some favors, like lifting or easing some of the sanctions?My two cents as a citizen of one of the now infamous 7 countries.