Has This Happened To You

Has this happened to you with Ritz crackers?

Over the last year, I've been buying Ritz crackers (of all flavors) at my local Fred Meyer store. It seems that every time that I buy a box, there's always several of the plastic packages that are partially opened from the top. The cardboard boxes seem like they're sealed securely shut though. I've even sent a complaint to Nabisco about this problem telling them that they need to use a stronger adhesive to seal the plastic packages. They said that they would work on the problem and they also gave me coupons for free Nabisco crackers.

I know it might seem stupid that I keep buying their product after having this happen to me for almost a year, but I crave them so much. Has this happened to any of you with your Ritz? Nabisco can't keep doing this to customers!

What is the most random thing that happened to you?

Okay, there's two moments in my life that I was lucky enough to witness (I'm giggling right now as I type).My friend and I were walking through the school's hallway, having a tiny argument about PBJs and Ham & Cheese Sandwiches, until something caught our attention. There were two students that were obviously older than us, not even aware of our presence. "I'm only gonna do this once." says one. He then proceeded to whip out a plastic water bottle and place it between his legs, and squeezed. The cap flew away, following by a burst of water flying out of the bottle splashing onto the ground. Bags around it were unlucky to be soaked in mineral water, and a few droplets managed to reach me and my friend's legs. We were stunned, while the other student just stared and chuckled. Being a naive kid, I asked them: "What's this?" And the student who was watching his friend whipped his head around with a crazed look on his face,  kneeled down, whispered into my ear: "Pisssss..."  Grabbing my hand, my friend took off, me following behind. As we ran, I glanced behind me, and saw a teacher who was as shocked as we are, confronting them. The student just grinned, the  plastic bottle still dripping between his legs.This was another story in another school, but this time it was 3 years later, and there were two students younger than me. I was heading to class, but then I saw them both. The taller one had his arms carrying the smaller sized kid by his butt (as if he was sitting on a chair). Arms reaching out, the smaller kid cried: "Help meeee....." while grinning. I was going to approach them, but I soon found out that they were running towards me. Backing away, I laughed as I saw how ridiculous they looked. I tried to get through them, but the smaller kid was kicking/hitting me, while the taller one was blocking the way! I darted away, and they chased me for 1 minute, until they stopped. I even managed to get to class without being late!As you can see, most of the schools I go to are crazy XD

Okay guys, has this ever happened to you.?

My girlfriend and I had sex for the first time last night and it was painfully obvious that she didn't wipe fully after a bowel movement and I could smell her butt during sex. The room smelled like very strong butt afterward. I could smell it on my sheets and she even left a little brown stain on my sheets. She's really hot but i'm afraid she has hygeine issues. She's not the type of girl that you would expect to have this kind of problem with. She's really hot.

Has this happened to you???

This girl has only gone to my school for one year, and she already has alot of guys crushing on her. The only guy I know that doesn't like her is my boyfriend, but secretly I wonder if he wants to date her.He's also the only guy who likes me. We are friends, but I'm secretly jealous of her. And like Paula Deanda said in her song When It Was Me,"What makes her so much better than me?, What makes her just everything I could never be?, What makes her your ever dream and fantasy?..." I'm crying now because of this cuz to some people it's no big deal, but to me it's really big. Every boy I've ever liked, except for my bf, has gone out with her and considers me as just a "friend" How should I deal with this???

Which one is correct, "What did happen?" or "What happened?"?

Both, depending on the circumstances. “What happened?” is simply a question of what occurred, in the past tense. “What did happen?” is asking for verification or clarification and, in speaking the question, “did" would be stressed. “The car is wrecked! Did you hit a tree?” “No.” “Well, what DID happen?”

Funniest thing that has ever happened to you?

One night I was leaving a party where I had a bit too much too drink. I was going down the stairs and turned to wave good-bye to the party giver and somehow fell and tumble to the bottom of the stairs. I wound up with my arms wrapped around the legs of a really cute guy. =O
He picked me up. In more ways than one.

What is the worst thing that has happened to you today?

I got myself this pretty beige dress to wear to a concert[1] that I was supposed to go to today. It cost me about 40 bucks.I booked myself a car from 8PM to 12AM. Cost me another 60 bucks.Tickets for me and my huaband, cost me roughly 150 bucks.Husband is late and we reached the venue 15 minutes after the concert was supposed to start.We reach the venue and, guess what, the concert is CANCELLED for the night.It was raining outside. We see a guy handing out flyers with the revised concert date, which is, sometime in June.With nothing else to do we go shopping in a nearby Walmart. Another 200 bucks.Pretty disappointing. I am a peace-loving person but for once I felt like punching the concert organizer for all the inconvenience caused.Footnotes[1] http://Chicago Sonu Nigam with N...

How do you say "Has it ever happened to you?" in French?

"Est-ce-que ça t'est déjà arrivé ?"