Have I Ruined My Sleeping Pattern

Do naps ruin sleeping patterns?

I would say it all depends on the person, some people can take naps and sleep just fine at night, but other people like me I take a nap I have a hard time getting to sleep or I wake up in the middle of the night not tired! LOL SO I think it depends on the person.

My sleeping pattern is out-of-wack, how can I fix it?

This is an unhealthy sleep pattern. When do you attend lectures? Do you have a part time job? you may need to get some regular routines back in life.

You need to get some good sleep hygiene (google sleep hygiene)
e.g bedtime routines, clean and tidy bedroom with no clutter, using bedroom for sleep/sex only, making bed when you get up to prevent cat napping. no cat napping, staying active during the day. physical activity etc...

Good luck
stay away from sleeping tablets because they do more harm than good in the long term. personal experience.

Thanks for the addit:
I see this is a new problem (that's good) My advice to you is DONT MAKE THIS A HABIT. Nip it in the bud before it becomes a real problem. Lecture tomorrow huh? Well it will be tricky given it is not far away. Maybe try going to bed and lying there. Switch off your comp and switch off the lights. do some wind down stuff. You might not sleep though given all the sleep you have had. You will struggle during the lecture. but like I said soprt it out before it becomes a preoblem becasue sleep problems are IMO one of the worst problems to have.
Good luck!

My colicy newborn triplets are ruining my family's sleep paterns???

Right before we had our triplets (two girls and one boy) on July 24th, my husband and I had finally gotten our 6 year old son and 3 year old daughter into a routine sleep pattern.

But now, two of our 22 day old newborns (our son and one of the girls) are very colicy and are screaming at various points of the night.
Between the two of them, my husband and I are only getting about 2 hours of sleep a night. On top of that, their screaming keeps my six year old son, three year old daughter and the third triplet awake, making them physically eshausted and VERY cranky.

I am worrided about when school starts again, and I have to send my sleep deprived children to school every morning.

The doctors have *hush, hushed* us, telling us that colic is normal and will pass with time. I know this is true, but I want to know what to do in the meantime!

Any advice is welcome, and please, if anyone knows anything about how to quiet a colicy baby, please help me!

How can I fix my sleeping schedule?

Easy way or hard way?Easy way first:Set an alarm for 1pm, and wake up at 1pm. 1:15 doesn’t count. Do this every day until you wake up at 1pm.Set an alarm for 12:30. Do this every day until you wake up at 12:30.Set an alarm for 12:00….…You get the idea.The easy way will take you awhile and you have a chance of stopping or regressing, or summer might be over before you get there.So, now the hard way:Tonight, when 3am rolls around, don’t go to bed.Drink caffeine, do jumping jacks, take a cold shower. (no hard drugs, don’t be dumb)Stay awake until sunrise, and then open all the windows. Go outside and take a walk, if you can. Your body will respond to the sun and you will wake up. Warning, it will hurt, in a way, because your body wants to sleep, but it feels like it can’t. This is zombie mode, so don’t do anything vital on this day.Stay awake until late afternoon or early evening. The time isn’t as important as making sure you don’t wake up before it is dark.If you sleep the whole night, then great, but if you wake up in the middle of the night, this is still ok.Don’t worry too much about waking up at 5–6am on this second day. Just make sure you don’t sleep until 1pm. Otherwise, you need to start over.On the second day, go to bed at 9–10pm.On the third day, wake up at 5–6am.

Sleeping from 9am to 5pm....? Everyday?!?

I did the same thing about a week ago lol. A good time to sleep depends on when you want to wake up.
Bed at 9:00pm Wake up at 6:00
Bed at 10:00pm wake up at 7:00
This is what my doctor told me to do so I get at least 9 hours of sleep.
The way you can change it is staying up later, I know that sounds weird but then you sleep longer and eventually you'll be waking up at 6:00 or 7:00am and going to sleep around 10:00pm.

Do late-night naps ruin your sleep schedule?

So I didn t get much sleep last night and I was tired all day. I went down for a nap at about 7. Bad idea, I know. I woke up at 8:30. Did I just totally ruin my sleep schedule? I usually go to bed between 11 and 12.

Is staying up all night and day a good way to fix my sleeping schedule?

Good luck doing that. I messed around with my sleep cycle a lot in college and learned that a funny thing happens when you've been awake for around 24 hours, you crash in a different kind of way. Sleeping for 4 hours or less for one night and then not napping should be enough reset. In college I tried out a 27 hour daily cycle once (I was a strange kid); don't do that.We travel back and forth between completely opposite side of the planet, between Bangkok and Pennsylvania, not regularly, but every two or three years. That jet lag works out to be a similar cycle shift challenge. The theory is always to go short on sleep a few days and switch over that way, by not letting yourself nap for six hours during the day. In practice jet lag is a lot worse than disruption, because that doesn't set in during one or two days. In the end you just keep trying to sleep at the right time, and to nap less, and in around a week it's not finished but mostly so.Melatonin is worth trying (look it up if you've not heard of it). I never know if it's working, or if the placebo effect is, or if it took the same adjustment time anyway. As for routine cycle disruption where I normally live, due to my kids, or stress, or once due to a crazy tropical bird who liked yelling at night, I tried all those standard themes that people mention. I'm not sure any of it works. It probably does help to keep the same cycle 7 days a week, to not switch it between 5 days on one time frame and 2 days on another.