Have Liberals Lost Their Bonkers

What would a USA liberal dystopia look like?

I believe that this is what was intended by Brave New World - Wikipedia.It was specifically an attempt to take a utopian world and turn it into a nightmare. Literally, a trip to the United States by the author was said to have been central to its tone and topics. It is set in London, but everything about the culture of youth, sexual promiscuity, and inward-looking obsession is intended to be the U.S.Harrison Bergeron - Wikipedia, by Kurt Vonegut, would definitely be another example. Universal equality is achieved by placing physical limits on the most capable.In a literal sense, I really wonder if “liberal” ideas can be taken to an extreme. It requires secular governments, but at the same time demands freedom of religion. It is all about balancing between extremes, trying to achieve equal opportunity and equal status, but even then allowing personal choice that does not interfere with equality.Liberalism has to balance between several different disconnected things. How exactly can you have free markets and international cooperation and democracy get so far out of whack that one extreme doesn’t start to preclude these other requirements?Conservative ideas do not reach toward utopia in any fashion at all, while liberal ones strive for this goal. Conservatives feel, at their core, that the utopia already exists/existed and are striving to prevent things from slipping further away. Liberal ones don’t, as a whole, lead to a negative outcome.Perhaps if you picked one liberal idea taken too far, as the books I suggested do, you would be able to achieve dystopia.

Why are the media and some liberals trying to demonize conservatives?

This is a fiction.” The media.? “Listening this drives me nuts!Media:Am radio, Infowars, the 700 club, National Review,, The American Conservative, the Washington Times, Daily Wire, Fox News, Daily Caller, Red State, the Drudge Report.What are these if not media?Many modern conservatives have bought into a persecution complex that has become tiresome but profitable.The “ liberal media” has become a monster under the bed. There is this fantasy that conservatives do not adequate representation in the movies, news, literature, universities, anywhere. Some of the people that claim to loathe victim hood are masters in the art of manufacturing & exaggerating crises.The perception of a liberal-leaning bias in the mainstream media is not a new one. Ronald Reaganmade it a running joke during his term in office.As chronicled in David Halberstam's The Powers That Be, the Los Angeles Times, which had fiercely supported Nixon's first run for the United States House of Representatives, declined to support as strongly his run for the Senate, his 1960 presidential campaign, and his 1962 California gubernatorial campaign. The paper's final break with Nixon came during the Vietnam War and the Watergate scandal. At roughly the same time, Henry Luce's Time began running articles critical of the Nixon administration. Not long after this, then Vice President Spiro Agnewbegan attacking the media in a series of speeches — two of the most famous of these were written by White House aides Patrick Buchanan and William Safire — as "elitist" and "liberal".I think conservatives are mere mortals, nothing more , nothing less.However, if one considers commentary that criticizes or mocks as “ demonization” than sure, conservatives are being demonized.Somehow, one of America’s most entitled, bombastic bullies got elected to the White House & has managed to convince people he is the victim.It really is the great gaslighting of America.

Are Americans as obsessed with the word liberal as they used to be with the word Communist?

no, they are obsessed with the word terrorist

We are looking for the version of Going on a Bear Hunt that we sing in preschool because we have lost ours?

In the version we sing, the kids repeat every verse & it begins...
"We're going on a bear hunt"
"Take pictures with our camera"
"Open up the door....SQUEAK"
"Walk down the road"
**You eventually go through a wheat field, over a bridge, climb a tree & cross a river until you come to a cave where you see 2 big eyes & a big furry body.....our boys and girls love this & we are trying to find a cd with this particular version of the song :)

What do you do if you lose your CDA credential?

Yes, I just had to request a copy of mine. I had misplaced my original. You can order a copy for $15.00 by calling 800-424-4310 and speaking with the finance department at the Council of Professional Recognition.