Have The American People Become Burned Out On The Constant Crises Manufactured By The

What are the causes of conflict in the Middle East?

People may give many reasons for lack of peace in Middle-East but the true reason is the rich oil resources of the region.Not just oil but this piece of land is also blessed with natural gas and other natural resources; 32% of the world’s natural gas rests in the hands of Middle-East states.So, to be very serious the war going on in Middle-East is more a result of international conspiracies than it is of sectarian violence.Middle-East is rich of oil,petroleum,gas,opium,gold and aluminium resources.Seeing these facts one must consider that ‘’Why these countries are not developing?The reason is that international powers are using these countries as nothing but their war grounds to fulfil their vested interests.All of this is a conspiracy of anti-Muslim powers.Yes, some of the middle-east states i.e. Saudi Arabia are progressing much faster than others but the reason is that not a single one of the 1.6 billion Muslims of the world would stay low if something happens to Saudi Arabia.Also that Saudi Arabia and other such nations sell petrol and natural gas to world’s powers on low rates and easy terms.You might be surprised but this is true, the human-blood is being shed for nothing but the gain of power.The UN has failed miserably in prevailing peace in Middle-East. In fact UN The United Nations is not more than a Debating Society.The so-called ambassadors of peace instead of making efforts to prevent war and save human lives give preference to their own interests.The current situation in Syria is hidden from none.Armies enter these countries ignoring their regional sovereignty, in the name of prevailing peace,fight for their own interests and once they have been fulfilled they leave. No one cares for the hundreds of thousands that have that and the ones that are being killed daily either by terrorists or the ambassadors of peace.The only thing these cowards care about is gaining control natural resources of the region at any cost of all.

You often hear people talk about an "energy crisis." What do you think they mean if, according to the law of c?

You often hear people talk about an "energy crisis." What do you think they mean if, according to the law of conservation of energy, the amount of energy in the universe is constant? Explain your thinking.

How do I get rid of my constant feeling of being in a mid life crisis?

Welcome to the feeling that every teenager around the planet feels, what with roller-coaster hormones and the unknown your facing for your entire life.  Insofar as "running out" of time, unless you have been diagnosed with a terminal illness (and you may want to visit the hospital of those who have to get a new perspective), you basically have nothing BUT time to do almost anything you want.Your anxiety probably comes from the fact that you look at your life and see hundreds of options for what you might do with it.  My grandmother use to say that maturing was the process of eliminating options from your life until you come up with the best choices (well, hopefully).  To do so, you really need to be as broad in your explorations of information as you can.  Have you really taken every free class the internet has to offer?  Listened to all the great TedX talks that are screened? Read all the different cultural and religious websites to see which correspond with your personal beliefs?  Traveled extensively outside your own area?  I sincerely doubt it.Know that this time is one of experimentation.  Remember that no scientific discovery would have ever happened without someone trying AND FAILING -- often many times.  So tell yourself you're in a scientific discovery of your life, and that failing at something is just part of what it takes to find out what works.  The inventor of the light bulb failed over one thousand times, and in the end said he'd just found one thousand ways NOT to do it.  But he only needed one that worked.

Do people in Hong Kong still hate/discriminate against Filipinos?

On August 23, 2010, the Manila hostage crisis took place. It was very sad and it involved Hong Kong nationals. Because of this, some people in Hong Kong hated Filipinos. I saw a photo of them burning the Philippine flag and because of this, I am worried because we are set to go to HK soon and people there might hate us or something. What do you think?

Is the total amount of water on Earth always constant?

Sure. We’re constantly getting pelted by ice from space - there’s a theory that most, if not all of the water on our planet came from comets in our early formation.Besides that, there are natural processes which break water down into its components (hydrogen and oxygen) and other processes which form them. Lightning, certainly, would give plenty of energy to split H2O in the atmosphere (although most of the free hydrogen would have so much energy it would almost immediately “burn” with the oxygen in the atmosphere and turn back to water).The single largest creator and producer of water, though, would likely be photosynthesis from plants, algae, and some bacteria. Photosynthesis is the process of using sunlight to break water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen, and use those components to build its body.There are a bunch of complex reactions which then create water again from the split apart components the plants made… they will break apart from reform into water in forest fires; during decomposition bacteria, fungi & such will “eat” the plant material, and release various gasses, and these building blocks will be combined & recombined until “new” water is formed - for example, methane (1 carbon atom surrounded by 4 hydrogen atoms) is a common waste product of decomposition bacteria. When methane reaches higher up in the atmosphere, typically after years, it will react with hydroxyl radicals (molecules made up of an oxygen and a hydrogen atom), to create water (H2O) and carbon dioxide (CO2).We do have one problem, though… whenever H2O splits into hydrogen and oxygen, hydrogen is an extremely light gas, and will escape our planet and into space quite easily.Now, this process is incredibly slow, but I remember reading about a Scandinavian research paper from a few years back that argued that because of this process, the Earth has 1/4 less water on it now, than it did billions of years ago.

Throttle body affecting the catalytic converter?!?

Well I've never heard of a clogged converter causing such a backflow of pressure that it blows a hole in the intake manifold. The throttle body for all practical reasons has no relationship to the converter besides its in the same line of fuel travel: Fuel goes through the throttle body, is burned in the engine, and passes through the converter as a gas. So for them to say you needed your throttle body cleaned or replaced might have been an indication to look at what comes after it, like the o2 sensor and converter. Now to say a faulty 02 sensor made your car jerk enough to break the motor mount would be incorrect in my opinion. A bad o2 reading would not cause the car to vibrate/jerk any more than it normally would under heavy acceleration. You just had the luck of the unlucky Irish in having the motor mount break amoungst all this. Now if you had to pay for the throttle body cleaning or replacement or whatever it is they did, I would demand a refund because the tb was not the problem all along, the converter was. I know the feeling of having one problem after the next, but I don't see any correlation between what happened after they fixed the car to what they did; hence no wrong doing on their part because all they did was carry out the fix on the recall. Now should they have inspected for further issues like the clogged cat? Yes they should have, but are they responsible for it, I don't think so.

Describe a scenario where energy is converted from one form to another. How efficient is this transformation?

You often hear people talk about an "energy crisis." What do you think they mean if, according to the law of conservation of energy, the amount of energy in the universe is constant?

There's a limited amount of fossil fuels (our main source of energy for powering our appliances and cars) on Earth. Why? What's an example of a "renewable" energy source, and why is it considered "renewable"?

Pls explain, im not doing this just for homework answers, i need help, could you explain it better please. answer.

Are people with borderline personality disorder (BPD) able to fully understand the extent of emotional damage they are able to inflict on others?

I unfortunately suffer from BPD. I had little realisation of the extent of emotional damage I was inflicting on others, until I began to form close friendships with others similarly afflicted with post-traumatic mental health conditions (most commonly, child abuse survivors). All of a sudden, I was on the receiving end of the extreme mood swings, idealisation/devaluation, and chronic suicide threats. I tried and tried and tried and tried to help these friends, but they would never take my advice, they would shoot down all my ideas, they never got any better, they just kept getting worse, the more I tried to help... I was really quite baffled, and eventually, totally burned out. I was forced to distance myself from them (which was extremely painful both for them and for me, due to their fear of abandonment, and my fear of abandoning others). It was only after my last friendship with a severe BPD sufferer ended, that I realised I can't save other people from their problems, I can only save myself. And it was only after that particular friendship ended that I really understood the pain I had unknowingly inflicted on everyone around me when I was a teenager (and still continue to do so, sadly).  That's why, ever since then, I've been able to forgive people who were forced to distance themselves from me. It's not that they hated me, but they just couldn't cope with my problems anymore. They needed to save their own sanity, and they did the right thing.