Have You Wronged Anyone In Your Life Time

What do you do when someone has wronged you?

Everyone is different. That's why we have so much conflict and controversy on this poor Earth.

I think what everyone needs to realize that life is too short for petty remarks, "slaps in the face". If someone's irritating you, just leave them be. It's important to find your inner peace and remember that we're all human, that we all make mistakes, and that we have to be extremely wise with what we say.

Sometimes, it's completely natural to become so angry that you just may "lash out" at the person who has wronged you. The person will probably get the point after that, and you've vented at the right person rather than going off on someone who has nothing to do with your situation. And really, who cares what that person thinks after you've read them the riot act? They didn't seem to care what you thought when they said or did what they had to say or do.

Personally, I tend to not bother with that person if they've really ticked me off. Life's not worth being around people like that. Fill your life with fabulous people who you can trust, people who may hurt you unintentionally, but always keep in mind how you feel and end up apologizing anyway.

Is it wrong to get married without family?

I moved to CA from the East coast and my fiancée landed a great job. Everything is going great and we decided to get a court marriage to deal with the headache of name changing, Benefits, moving, exc now before we get consumed with daily work and life. I figured we can just renew our vowels in a year and nobody will now. Can I do that without family knowing? Its going to be such a pain to fly east plan a wedding. We have been engaged for 1 1/2 Yrs. and we both felt it was time. My family will be upset but hopefully will never find out that we were married in the first place! Do you think I can pull this off and how?

Is it wrong to love your brother or sister romantically ?

Won't judge you bro but any sane person would say its wrong.

If you're already into it and its mutual, being as open-minded as i can be... i'd say... no matter how many ppl give u an opinion on this... the decision is your heart's.

But like most of the ppl, i'd advise you about heridetary diseases if she's genetically linked to you. See a doctor before you start a family.

Choose wisely cuz this'll change a lot of things around you and be ready to face them.

A romantic relationship with your sister might sound weird and gross but to think about it... adam and eve... aren't we all their children? aren't we all siblings? So take whichever advice you like.. just follow your heart.