Having Difficulty Letting Certain Things Go .

Do you have difficulty letting go of objects because you believe in the sentimental value it holds?

Yes, to me, more than the sentimental value, it is the feeling that I might be able to use it for something in the future.

What are some things to do when you find it hard to let go?

It depends on what you are having difficulty letting go of. Whether it is a situation or a person, you can start a massive self-enquiry to reach understanding about why this is difficult for you. I would list the pros and the cons of both the with and the without. Other things you could do? Keep busy, learn new things, cook, tidy up your home. Garden. Join a meetup group.

Why am I having such a hard time letting go of an ex who has disrespected me verbally many times over the last few months? I see people cut other people out their lives so easily yet I struggle with this. Why?

Man, breakups are hard. Even harder for the person who didn’t end it. Add in verbal abuse and it’s no wonder you can’t let go.The thing you need to understand is that he cut you down to build himself up. That made HIM feel better and damaged you. And that’s going to take time to recover from.What you’ve got to do is change your thinking and prove to yourself that everything he said about you was wrong and was meant to be hurtful. Love yourself however you can.I know a lot of people say the fastest way to move on is to go onto the next one. While that may work in most instances it won’t work in your case. Gather your support system. Talk to them, listen to their advice. Go out and have fun. Do things that you like and take adventures.If you do that, while repeating your mantra that you are better than what he wanted you to be, you’ll be just fine. And one day down the road you won’t remember him or the things he said. He will just be a stepping stone that made you stronger.

Capricorn risings have a hard time letting go?

I'm a Capricorn rising too. And yeah I have a hard time letting go because very few people really make it into my heart, so once they are there they are locked in no matter what they do. Idk what it is about certain people exactly.
As far as grudges, I don't have many. But I make people pay in little subtle ways. Maybe they'll get in trouble at work. Maybe I'll "accidentally" spill a drink on them or ash my cigarette on them when they aren't looking. Maybe they'll trip over my leg as they walk by "oops, my bad!". This will go on forever because I'll still help them when they need it. They think I'm their friend even, but I'm in fact not. I don't trash talk them because first of all its tacky, second of all it would surely get back to them and then my cover would be blown. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. They're snakes, so I'll never let it go cuz they won't change or disappear. I'm still going to have to see them, I can't trust them, so why not just see them suffer every now and then until one of us dies?

Capricorn rising
Libra sun
Scorpio moon/mercury/venus
Capricorn mars

What's a word for having trouble of letting go?

It depends on what you are having trouble letting go of. If it is a loved one that has passed, then bereave, bereft, mourn, or grieve. You can also use grieve in a more general sense. If someone is clinging to someone that has left them or to something that has ended, you could say the person is deluding him- or herself. If the person is having a normal (or slightly more than normal) time letting go, you could say that they retain feelings for the other. If he or she is really out there and refusing to see reality, you could call the person delusional.

How do I stop letting little things bother me?

This is my biggest problem. I am having trouble letting things that I'm not sure about go? I have gotten better throughout the years of letting things go that i am sure about. Like if someone talks about me I just ignore it and move on. But the situations that i;m not sure about are the ones that get me. For example, this has happened to me so many times. I am around so many people and I hear someone laugh or say something that i;m 60% sure it's towards me. But IDK who it is and it drives me crazy. I try my best to forget about but I can't. At times I do know who it is but I can't do anything bout it. It hurts me. What do I do to not let it affect me. Please any helpful ideas thank you.

Hey scorpios!, do you find it hard to let go of your thoughts or feelings?

yes! but don't worry. find a way to express your self creatively. you do have an insight and depth and sensitivity. even when you have friend , you still need that ''way out'' of your own thoughts and feelings. it don't have to be a bad thing, you can use all this into something meaningful and fulfilling. and one more thing don't believe the rubbish people write here about Scorpios, they keep venting on and on about this, but we are the one who ares supposed to be the vindictive and obsessed ones! embrace you are and make the most of it. i agree it is scary being a Scorpio,but you need to accept and use it to your own Advantage not the other way around.
Scorpios are the most misunderstood,most hated and feared sign by most people try not to buy into that, i did before and i hated many parts of my personality, and a harsh self analyst Scorpio that is the last thing you ever need. good luck stinger....

Pisces, do you have trouble letting go?

I'm a Pisces rising and I experiences these sort of memories and past like a flash back. When it happens I feel what I felt then all over again. This happened to me this morning, I actually started talking to myself. I was practicing confronting an ex that used me. I can't let go of it! I want revenge from it! Every time I see people I haven't in a long time memories from our past flash through my mind. When ever I see my Aries ex I feel like punching him in the face all the anger comes back to me and we broke up years ago. Experiences don't escape my mind, its almost torture! I had to sing in front of my class once and I was horrible, every once and awhile I twitch thinking about that experience and all the nervous-ness comes back. Its crazy..