Having Issues With A Girl At Work And Being Compared To Her

Any songs about being compared to another girl?

I need some songs that get the "she's not me nor will she ever be" message across. Or something like 'more like her' by miranda lambert or 'teardrops on my guitar' by taylor swift. Or maybe even the "i hope she was worth it" type deal will work. Im sorry if this is confusing. I listen to pretty much everything but id really prefer it to be country or rock or pop.
please help!

Why do girls hate being compared to other girls?

Hit it and quit it. She's in the friend zone now man, you've talked to her about other girls. Show her who's boss by reversing the situation again. By hitting it and then quitting it, she will feel abandoned and will become obsessed with you. Unless she's a slut.

Why does this girl keep comparing herself to me?

So there is this girl who I work with and I’m now in a friendship group with her and a few other girls. The first time I met her, she said ‘no offence, but you kind of sound like you are from private school’ and said ‘if I could imagine what it would be like to go to private school, I would imagine people who looked like you’

On a separate occasion she said ‘you look like you could be royal, or belong to a royal family and I’m like a pig’

She keeps mentioning this to me all the time too, that I look dress and act like a royal. She said to me ‘I wish I could be like you and carry myself the way you carry yourself, it’s doing my head in.’ And she also said ‘I wish I was like you and looked nice all the time and fresh faced’
She also said ‘you look great in glasses and I look like an idiot’

Why does she keep comparing herself to me?

I am in a new relationship and my girlfriend keeps comparing me to her ex?

I have been in my current relationship for only 4 months and we are both out of bad marriages. the only problem is that she keeps comparing me to her ex and even prejudges what I might do about a situation based on what her ex did in the past. I have told her previously how much this bothers me and she said she will work on fixing this and I know its hard but how do I help her to realize I am not him and dont like being compared to him.

Are beautiful-looking girls always harder to chase compared to ordinary-looking ones?

No. I have dated a few women with uncommonly good looks: one was a swimsuit model; one did print work for a European lingerie house, and a couple weren't models but could easily have been.The reason this perception exists is because exceptional beauty is a form of power, one that often blinds men so much they fail to see anything else about that person.Imagine meeting someone who only cared about your IQ. They wanted to take you out because you had a high IQ. They agreed with everything you said -- even if you were wrong -- just  because you had a high IQ. They thought you were the most special, wonderful human on the planet because your IQ was so high. They didn't take the time to really understand your hopes, dreams, fears and insecurities because they didn't think you had any -- all that mattered was that you IQ was so high! Sounds absurd, right?Well, this is what dating feels like for an exceptionally beautiful woman. Most men like them not for who they are, but what they look like. Since nobody wants to feel objectified, these women turn down their (many) suitors, giving rise to the perception that beautiful women are "hard to get". So how *do* you date a beautiful girl?Stop caring about looks as long as some minimum threshold (set by you, not the media/society/friends) is met. You'd be surprised how often men are looking to date beautiful women, simply to compensate for their own low self-worth. Have the depth, self-esteem and confidence to set standards that go beyond just looks.Having high standards forces you to really see someone for who they are as a person. Therefore, it enables you to deeply understand and connect with the right person, when they come along. This is an incredibly gratifying feeling for anyone -- but especially so for women who've never been honestly appreciated for all that they are beyond their looks (of course many men will lie and tell them things they think they want to hear).This is how I was able to date women who were utterly out of my league in terms of conventional measures of attractiveness (of course, neither I nor they saw it that way). One of them told me that I was the first person in her life who truly made her feel special for who she is. This was a girl used to being flown around and wined and dined by the best of them.Having said all that, I agree that this is easier said than done.

How do you know if a girl has daddy issues?

So, let me guess.You've heard the infamous phrase from your bros/gals/pals, or family, or online, or from some sort of media. “Don’t stick your dick in crazy! Haha she has daddy issues!!!”Not once in my entire life have I ever heard this phrase used in a non-derogatory way. This phrase uses the intersection of misogyny and mentalism to humiliate women. It is an insult, and it is designed to hit where it hurts. To silence. It even adds a disgustingly sexual undertone to mess with daughters sexually abused by their fathers.It says, “You had an unfortunate life you had no control of. Therefore, you just have womanly hysteria and you're not rational enough to deserve my respect.”I recommend that you stop trying to single out women who fit the parameters of this culturally conceived nastiness and look at them as people who are not less human or less worthy of consideration because they had a traumatic relationship with their father. There is no way to spot one because women don't fit in either the “daddy issues” or “no daddy issues” categories. We all have unique lives.We shouldn't be belittled because we may have had shitty fathers. I've never heard of a man being told he's too irrational to be given any consideration simply because he had a bad mother, although they often aren't believed about having a bad mother in the first place. Of course, men abused by their mothers aren't always taken very seriously due to the patriarchal expectation that they're stoic, emotionless, and incapable of being abused, and of course that's a disgusting injustice, but that's still a little different than this term specifically, as I have yet to hear someone say to a man, “Shut up bitch, you just have mommy issues.”

My girlfriend is 7 years older than me. What are some issues we might have to face that same age couples wouldn't?

Hi there.I am in the exact  position as you so I will just tell you how it is for me right now. I met her at 20, she was 27. We've been dating for three years (and living a distance relationship on top of that). Here are the challenges we face:- I am now 23 years old and she is 30.- She loves me unconditionally and is willing to marry now, while I have just graduated last year and started working. I do not feel ready to face that.- Note that all her friends are getting married and having children.- Which brings us to the issue of having chldren: she is legitimately worried that she might not be able to bear a child if we wait too long.Regarding my side (or your future side), I do not feel ready to marry. I have just started working, I have been dreaming of working abroad and travelling. I feel like I am being hurried to make a decision. However, you don't want to lose her because you love her, so you are basically wondering if you should actually marry her. So I have no answer to give you yet. Sorry haha.I believe most people on the internet will tell you to break up, but please consider my point: I do not regret the time I spent with her. I do not know if I will marry her or break up as of today. I am completely lost right now, but I do not regret our time together.If you have the opportunity to live with her at some point in your life, do it. I cannot do it myself but you should if you can. People will tell you there are billions of fishes in the ocean, but you never really know if she's a special one. Ask for advice, but take the decision yourself. Try not to get influenced by your parents, friends, etc (easier said than done, I've been there).If you need support, don't hesitate to contact me ;)

My girlfriend is my boss at work...?

The attitude change has to start somewhere, seeing as you recognise the issue you should start the change, you need to recognise her as your boss and work as you would for anyone else.

Outside of the office talk to her about bringing work issues home, you need to both agree to not talk about work when not in work.

Obviously both need to agree on how you can continue working together without ruining your relationship, if she doesn't think there is an issue there isn't much you on your own can do.

Also check your contract about relationships in work with other employees you may find you have to declare your relationship and that you both may be at risk of termination or being moved to another department or moved to another branch.