He Friends I Am Tensed For My Mercedes Car.

As a “concealed gun carrier”, have you ever accidentally had an unfortunate situation where someone said, “HE’S GOT A GUN,” or anything similar?

A few years ago my wife & I went on a double date with some really good friends of ours to a sushi restaurant. This couple is successful, educated and just really solid/fun people. In fact one of the only things we don’t have in common with them is that they are liberals & don’t believe in guns as a result. So naturally we don’t ever discuss politics.Anyway we are having dinner and enjoying ourselves and I get up to excuse myself to the restroom and my buddy sees my Glock 23 on my hip as I’m sliding out of the booth. He knew I had my conceal carry permit but I guess being ignorant to guns he assumed I wouldn’t have it on me all the time? He asked, “Why did you have to bring that to dinner”? I said, “Why what’s the problem” as I sit back down, instinctively knowing this was going to turn into a discussion. He proceeds to tell me he doesn’t believe in concealed carry and wishes he would have known I was bringing my pistol to dinner with them because that may have changed his opinion of joining us.I was pretty floored at this point, but remained calm and wanted to understand why he felt this way so I asked what was his main concern? He said, “If someone comes in the restaurant with a gun threatening harm I don’t want you drawing your pistol on him and bringing attention towards us, maybe putting us in the line of fire”. Openly amazed at what I just heard from my long time friend I asked, “Let me get this straight; if a criminal came in here right now with a gun you’d rather not have your licensed and trained friend in possession of his own legal firearm and able to protect you, but instead would rather be at the mercy of some lunatic out of fear I would draw attention to us”? Dude looked me square in the eye with a straight face and said, “exactly”.My wife looked at me and saw the confused bewilderment followed by a welling up of disgust for what I’d just heard and quickly defused the situation by changing the subject. To this day I love that friend like a brother but I’ve never looked at him again with the same respect I once had. The ignorance and intolerance about guns and their licensed operators in our Country is damn scary!

How much would car insurance cost for a 16 year old driving a new Chevrolet Camaro?

probably as much as your car loan: no trust whatsoever.