Health And Safety At Work Carrier In Germany

Why can European nations afford universal health care and the USA can't?

I am from Europe and live in the US now - hence, familiar with both systems.The short answer is: The US, just as Europe, can afford universal healthcare just as well as Europe does. But the political situation in the US prevents it from happening.Due to the facts that …a) US politicians (senators, representatives, presidents, …) need lots of money to be able to run their campaigns to get electedb) Citizens United makes it legal for companies to donate millions to such campaigns… many politicians are indebted to their donors (companies and rich individuals) and hence work to implement policies that are beneficial to THEM, i.e. the insurance companies, the pharmaceutical companies and the medical industry as a whole.The current US healthcare system is extremely lucrative for these industries while being extraordinarily expensive for the insured.When comparing the US health care system to that of Europe, it becomes immediately clear where the solution lies: to wit, in regulating or centrally negotiating the prices that healthcare providers and pharmaceutical companies can charge for their products and services AND by making health insurance mandatory for everyone.This would solve all of the US system’s inherent issues:Prices and premiums would come down and there would be enough money in the risk pools to cover everyone and offer a fair profit for insurers.The fact that no one in the government is even talking about doing this or maligning any such efforts (by say Bernie Sanders) to do so as “socialist medicine”, is a telltale sign that they are more aligned with corporate interests than those of their citizens.Being a businessman myself, I asked myself:With so many readily available Best Practices out there in the form of the many countries that have working AND affordable health care, how come that the US population doesn't simply demand that their government copy and adapt any of these existing systems?The only explanation I found so far is that over many years of misinformation and outright manipulation, parts of the general public are so misguided by now, that they don't see through all this or even side with those that want to maintain a system biased to benefit the health care providers over the patients.Mass manipulation, funded by the corporations and aided by right-wing media, has managed to get many sheep to vote for the slaughterhouse.

How to text germany from the u.s.a?

drop the first zero and add 01149

using your example, you'd dial

How long does it take for an aircraft carrier to make a u-turn?

While airplanes can turn quite fast (30 deg/sec) ships are much more limited. There is also a problem as to an absolute minimum turning time (i.e. dodging a torpedo) versus a practical turning time (conducting flight ops with jets on board, etc). Few people will notice 1 degree per second which is easy to do at 30 kts, so 180 degrees would take about 3 minutes and operations could continue. This is a very realistic answer as the carrier must counter sea currents which may need 1 degree/sec of rudder. If nothing is loose on deck, MUCH more agressive turns can be taken as the deck will tilt 30 degrees into the turn. Anything not tied down will roll off into the ocean, i.e. equipment, airplanes, people, etc, and no planes could land or take off with such a turn in progress. These turns are done on first sea trials to prove that the rudder can handle the stress of a tight turn at max speed. Here I would estimate a full U turn (180 degrees) in well under 60 seconds, probably 30 seconds, but you'd want to hold onto something. Realize that in 24 hours an aircraft carrier can be 700+ miles away - that is a totally unrealistic figure just to turn around. Future ships with bow thrusters will be even more manuverable.

Which Country has the best Health Care System?

Great Britain and Canada both provide universal single payer systems. Everyone has care that they pay for through taxes. There are NO uninsured patients. And cost is not really an issue. These systems also have downsides, disease survival rates, waiting times, shortages of medicine and medical technology, and quality of care and doctors all are major problems in both of these systems.

In France, Germany, and many other developed nations they have universal multipayer health care. Basically these systems have a large portion of Health Care costs covered by the government, they also have government insurance available to everyone, while also having a small private insurance market. These countries also have ups and downs. Quality and disease survival rates are not as big of issues, but they are still issues. Shortages also plague these systems
Finally, the US (my country) has a private Health Care system, with a good amount of government regulation and a robust safety net (which has gotten bigger due to the recent passage of "Obamacare". The US system undoubtedly has the best doctors, highest quality, shortest waiting times, best disease survival rates, most innovative medicine companies, and the best availability of medical technology. However, our system is VERY expensive. We have 46 million uninsured. We also have people who struggle to pay for medical care becuase they get dropped...

So, which one is best?

How to call a german cell phone with 12 digits?

Ok if it is a Cell phone and you are calling from the USA and their number is like this

0179202021753 you would dial 01149-179202021753 and drop the 0 before the 17. The same also applies with a house phone.

Calling a Cell phone usually costs more per minute and their is also usually a special connection fee as well depending on your carrier.

If you are calling cell phone to cell phone only a few in the USA have the ability to call overseas where they can call us with there's. Odd huh!! But true.

So in your case of 0114915208659xxx you have only 11 digits here not 12 after the country and area code 01149 you are missing one digit you have 11 there not 12. Maybe that is why as well.

Good luck.

Why does Germany hate Serbia? They seem to go out of their way to prevent anything that may benifit the Serbs.?

I think Aeiou's answer explains it good.

Recent years (after october 2000. and democratic changes) Germany acted 'friendly' and supportive towards Serbia, investing much and giving us economic support (Germany is among the biggest trade partners of Serbia). But in term of the most important things for Serbia - civil war in the 90's and Kosovo situation, Germany acted opposed to Serbian interests. In the 90's as you said yourself, Germany completely supported Croatia, probably participating in illegal equipment of their forces with weapons.

Hideous act of ethnic cleansing of Croats toward Serbs wasn't criticized from anyone from the West and was mildly prosecuted in the Hague. Complicated ethnic conflict in Kosovo where crimes were on both sides, was interpreted as an 'aggression' of Serbian forces towards innocent group.

So, you said it nicely, you believe in fair play. I believe in that too, or I used to believe. I thought it's the same rules for all. But, as time goes by, I'm convinced it's not. While Serbs are heavily punished for all of their crimes, all other sides crimes were abolished - beginning with the ethnic cleansing in Croatia, ending with Albanian crimes toward Serbs in Kosovo conflict.

Biased and double-standards politics showed it's face in Balkan conflicts more than anywhere else. Western civilization, often a synonym for liberal, equitable policy, showed it's unfair behavior here.

I think, actually, that the western policy is the most hypocritical in the world and that it's a pure chase for their own interests. If you're in their interest, lucky you, if you're not - you're screwed.

Political court of Hague, Kosovo independence are a good proof for that.

And one more example - aggression of Georgia towards South Osetia last august. Completely illegitimate act opposing to peace deal between Georgia and Russia. All that Westerners said was - 'We support Georgia's sovereignty ', without any judgment on aggression and killing of civilians. Georgia/Osetia and Serbia/Kosovo are the best examples of double standards.