Help Cant Decide Which Highschool

How to decide on life after High School?

I dont understand why kids who have little life experience are expected to figure it all out and head off into college directly after high school. I can't envision what i want to do for a career, let alone decided on it now, pick a college, assume debts, and start life. I am absolutely not ready for any of that.

Im a 16 year old junior in HS. Next year will come and go and then, BAM. you are on your own, to live life as you see fit, and do what you want to do.

Being 16, I don't have any idea what i would choose for a career for the rest of my life. How could I?

I don't want to just devote my life to study and work. Even if it does "pay off", the riches I seek are of a different kind. You may want money to afford this or buy that, and so that is why you work. But i want experiences and memories. Id much rather be broke traveling the world than be rich and working a job. Call me a bum if you want, but on your deathbed you won't care about the size of your house or what kind of car you own.

My overall goal in life is to own a boat and sail the oceans. I will work toward that. I also want to be content in life. However, money is always a concern. So being 16 in high school, how i see it as, its either A- work for money and potentially be miserable, or B- live life but be a broke nobody. Im sure there are ways to bring the best of both worlds together, its just I don't know how. WWYD?

How can I decide what to do after high school? I have no direction and don’t want to waste my life. I’m depressed and don’t trust myself to complete long-term goals.

Whoever suggested you have to decide your life’s direction right after high school? Or right after college? Or right after your first job? Or by the time you’re 30? Or 40? Or 50?Key point: no time spent on self-discovery and self-improvement is wasted time. You are always your own best investment.There’s no deadline, and you’re always allowed to change your mind.Find something that will sustain you—a tolerable job and a decent living arrangement you can afford.Get in the habit of setting aside money for something else now. It literally doesn’t matter how much—more that it’s consistent. It doesn’t have to be your retirement—just something that gives you options in the future.Spend the rest of your time and money exploring. Learn. Travel. Try different things. Meet new people. Don’t worry about goals right now—you need more experience first.Avoid commitments like the plague. Don’t get married, don’t have a baby, don’t buy a house or car you can’t really afford, don’t start running up credit. This is when you have to start making long-term goals—when you start taking on long-term obligations. I’m not saying those are bad things—just don’t take them on until you’re ready for them, and you’re clearly not, by your own admission.In short, don’t worry about it. Go explore and experience, and just try not to screw it up too badly. Revisit it at least once a year. I promise you, your outlook will have changed every time you do, and at some point, you’ll a clearer idea of direction will emerge for you to pursue.

I can't decide what High School I should go to?

honestly if you really do enjoy performing arts and would like to do it and have the chance to go for a school for it I would do it. It's not easy switchings schools, I would know cause or high school I switched to a public school and I'm telling you, I knew NO ONE. But honestly in the end it was the best switch I made because I still have kept my old friends but I also made soo many more. It was really nice to expand on my friends. But don't chose based on what someone tells you, you need to decide for yourself. Also keep in mind high school you want to have fun! So I'm sure either way you would have a great and fun high school experience.
Good luck on whatever you chose =)

I am in highschool and I can’t decide whether I should stay with my love forever or not. What choices do I have?

Let’s first focus on the fact that you are 17 so you have a huge amount of time ahead of you as it relates to your love life. While it is possible you could make that decision now, it is highly unlikely you could make that decisioin anyway so why worry about it. Just enjoy being in love and let time decide the fate of your relationship. It is ok to feel like it will last forever, but be honest with yourself that you will have no way of knowing that today, so why fret about it. Fretting about it only takes away from your enjoyment of the person you are currently with. Decide at that time in your life when you have to make such a decision which I suspect won’t be for a minimum of another 5 to 10 years. You just don’t need to know the answer to that question today. You should not know the answer. You will only know that answer when it is time to make that decision. If it turns out that the one you are with is still with you at that time, great. If it is someone else, great as well!

Should i take french or spanish in high school?

I took French in high school because I thought it was "prettier" than Spanish, but I regret it. I love French, but considering that I live in California, Spanish is MUCH more useful. After I graduated from college, I ended up traveling to South America to take Spanish classes because I felt I really needed to catch up to all of my other peers who speak Spanish fluently here in the US.

Spanish and French are both very popular in college. I wouldn't base your decision on that. Also, colleges don't prefer students who have taken French over Spanish or vice versa. Take whatever language will be most useful to YOU. Do you live in CA like me? Do you want to live and or work in Latin America? Take Spanish! :) Do you want to live and work in France or Quebec? Take French.

What will be your advice to a high school senior if he can't decide on the college major?

Question Asked: What will be your advice to a high school senior if he can't decide on the college major?My Answer:Not to worry.An estimated 50 to 75% of college students change majors one or more times in college after they gain some course experience. Colleges are aware of this and most majors require what are called General Education or Gen Ed courses in the first two years. These are courses such as history, physical sciences , computer science math, English and other languages, and allow you to transfer majors without losing a lot of credits for work already completed. Moreover, Gen Ed. courses help us place our college studies into a broad ethical and national/international cultural context, introduce us to aspects of “critical thinking’ and abstract reasoning, and provide a “taste” of the content and approach of a wide variety of fields. For example, you start out thinking that you want to be an engineer, but discover you and calculus don't get along.—- change major. You love history, but discover there are not many job openings for undergraduate history majors. So you switch your major to education and teaching history, or to library science where you can use your “content” background in history.If you are still uncertain after a semester or two, head on over to the counseling office and see your academic adviser for some help. If you are still uncertain after that, consider a Liberal Arts degree that will permit you to design your own four year program. Other more generalist majors are psychology, marketing, and sociology.In addition, unless they are working in a field that requires specific technical knowledge such as engineering, computer science, or statistics, not many people end up working in jobs in which they hold their degrees. Surveys suggest that anywhere between 30% to over 50% of employees are not working in fields in which they have earned degrees. What seem to matter most to employers are people skills, the ability to communicate well, and the ability to work well with others in a group setting. Throw in the critical thinking and abstract reasoning skills and you have a pretty well-rounded potential employee.All the best luck.

Did you smoke weed in high school?

every single person i knew in high School smoked weed at least once, and the only ones that are "failures" are the ones that choose being in a STREET GANG, but if you dont choose to be in a gang or do something stupid, but keep on your study and all that then you can smoke all you want.