Help Do You Think My Grandma Could Get Custody Of Me

How can I help my dad get custody over me? My mom’s side makes me feel depressed and scared to talk about it to anyone.

Full edition of the storyHow can I help my dad get custody over me? Me and him has been planning to bring this into court once I’m 14 (which I am now) since then they may listen to me a bit more, and because he lives in California while I’m in Arkansas. My mom side makes me feel like I’m suffocating because of how much they insult my dad side and the features I inherited from him. One time, after their week trip in Japan I heard either my aunt or my mom yell out “I wouldn’t care if she ran away, she’s just another mouth to feed.”. This totally broke me, I always wanted the approval of my mom and had A’s and B’s at the time just to make her proud. My grades dropped and are still low to this day because they never knew I heard them. I want to be with dad since he’s always trying for me even though my mom does everything to cut my summer breaks with him short, and I need to be in a better environment, I nearly killed myself because of what my mom side said. They were never married by the way.

Help! My grandma got me the worst back to school clothes!?
She got me 5, in pistachio
She got me 5, in pistachio
And 5 of these
And my mom won't let me get normal clothes, because I already have those. How do I convicne her to let me wear non-ugly clothes?

My girlfriends Grandma wants custody of me?

They cannot press charges on your gf or even get a restraining order without just cause so do not worry about her. Meanwhile you need to report the physical abuse and mental abuse to authorities. You can talk to your school counselor about this. Or you can call the Boys Town Teen hotline. It costs nothing at all to talk to them, the call is free. If you do not want to call from home ask a friend or the school counselor if you can call. Tell them the call is free.


These guys will help you.

How can my grandma get custody of me?

Anything is possible, but if your mother doesn't agree to let you go and live with your grandmother then it is unlikely that your grandmother will win.

Your grandmother would need at least $10,000 for the legal fees - and the longer the case drags on, the more expensive it would be.

But I have to say that I don't buy that you have it as bad as you think you did, and I'm guessing your bad behavior and attitude are significantly contributing to the problem. You complain she hasn't been grocery shopping in two months - which I assume you are sharing because you want us to think you aren't being fed . . . but clearly you are eating. You have a dog. You have your own room. You have "electronics." You aren't entitled to your own room or ANYTHING other than shoes, a couple of articles of clothing and a warm and dry place to sleep.

Your mother can take your room away from you and make you sleep on the couch - this would be legal. She can take your dog to the pound and have him put down - this would be legal. She can take your "electronics" and smash them to bits - and this would be legal.

If she treats your sister like an angel it is probably because your sister ACTS like an angel to your mother. If your sister was acting like a punk, your mother would probably be treating your sister harshly, too.

And if my adolescent son was stupid and rude enough to tell ME to be quiet in MY house because he was "sleeping" - you had better believe his $hit would be in the breeze.

Your mother might not be perfect. But YOU are a huge part of the problem. Stop behaving like a snotty, overly-entitled brat. Be grateful for what you have. And at least PRETEND to be respectful - and I'll bet she will calm down.

Can I get custody of my 14-year-old and 11-year-old cousins?

Some Background:
Recently, my two cousins have been taken into custody by my uncle of 27 years. Before living with him, they lived with my (our) grandma for years. However, she's too old to care for them any longer and now lives with a friend of hers. My cousins' mother is bipolar and an alcoholic. She's currently living with her lazy, unoccupied husband and 3-year-old son, and clearly isn't making an effort to win the other two back. I talk with my 14-year-old cousin Monet often and it's obvious she's unhappy living with my (our) uncle. Although she also tells me that she doesn't want to go into foster care in fear of being separated from her younger brother. Now, the two are rarely allowed to go anywhere, an exception being our (me, my parents, and my three brothers) house. This is when my cousin talks with me about her problems, and I know I'm the only one she can trustingly talk to about them. I've thought over and over again about this, and I'm considering taking custody over them in the near future.

As of now, I'm 17, live in California, and plan to save money in order to accomplish this goal. I'd like to have custody over them as soon as possible, though I realize first I must become an adult myself; I also realize taking care of kids (at any age) is a huge responsibility, but I'm willing to do what I can to help these kids.

If you're wondering what makes my uncle so bad, I'll let you know I asked the same question to my mother. My mother, 40, knows how he is (she took care of him when they were younger) and tells me that he thinks he's lived a rough life, and therefore has not one ounce of respect for his mother/my grandma. My grandma has lived with us before, along with my cousins, so we're pretty close. I don't like that my uncle mentally abuses my grandma and my cousins, however. It upsets me that he can be like this and think it's okay. I know from my mom that yes, my grandma was harsh when they were younger, but being a single mom with 5 kids and working two jobs, she made sure they had food on the table, a place to sleep, and clothes to wear. I love that my mom is thankful for having such a hardworking mother, it shows me that she's a very respectful woman and I look up to her.

Back to the original subject, I want to know what it takes to receive custody over a child/children. Would I be able to when I'm 18-19?

I am 17 and my mom lives in flordia. she has custody of me and i need to go to the doctor.?

You can always go to the ER. They can not by law refuse to treat you.
I had this same problem at 17 not living with my parents and needing to cash checks, graduate, get a driver's license and so on...
Look into emancipation. You still won't be allowed to vote but you will legally be an "adult" though still a minor. You could be awarded legal help for free being a juvenile. It might take a while though so if you are close to 18 it might not be worth it.

Look at the link I attached,it's an article called, "A Teenager's Guide To Emancipation."
Or you can call Statewide Legal Services 1-800-453-3320 and ask them any questions regarding your circumstances.
Good luck!

How do I get my child away from her manipulative grandmother? I have full custody but my mother won't let me take her because she's very manipulative, I need help.

Do you/ did you live with your mother? Why is your child there in the first place? Proceed with this plan: only when you have full custody, a place to house your child, a plan for taking care of said child which doesn’t involve her grandmother - including after school care.Drive to your mothers house and call her. Tell your mother that if she won’t return the child you are sending the cops to retrieve her. Tell her, that you are outside waiting fo your child and the child and any items that you’ve purchased for her should be returned to you. Be prepared to provide receipts for items that you’ve bought the child. Also be prepared t find many of them broken/damaged when they are returned to you.You can tell her that you are ready to take your daughter alone right now and can pick up the stuff later, at a specific dates. Have the exchange carried out at a neutral location - police station Parking lot of McDs. Do not bring your child to this exchange, leave her with a friend. She should not be asked to choose and she should not witness mother-daughter ugliness.Best of luck!

What are my options when it comes to giving custody of my son to his grandma? I have sole physical/legal custody but my son isn’t doing well living with me and his mom is unstable. Do I legally have to offer him to his mom first?

It is not likely that your mother would be awarded permanent custody of the child w/o his mother’s appearing in court, or her representative, which would be an attorney. She, unless she has signed those away, has superior parental rights. The court would not award custody to anyone else w/o her consent or knowledge.That said, you have options. If you want your son to live w/your mother, it is not necessary for her to have legal custody. Seek an attorney and get the paperwork drawn up so that she can be his guardian and seek medical care, take care of his school work and act as his parent in your absence. This can be done w/o court action, I believe, just as if you were going on a trip.Another option would be to examine why your son is not doing well with you and seek some help for that. Have you done this? Is he acting out bc of the relationship w/his mother, or lack of it? Is there a problem w/school? Are you giving him adequate attention? You could try to remedy the home situation and perhaps the change of custody would not be necessary.I hope you find the help you and your son need. Please bear in mind that I am not an attorney at all. I have dealt w/child custody and am familiar w/the laws; however they do vary. I wish you the best.

I’m 16 and live in California. My 30 year old brother has custody of me. Is there any way I can choose to live with my grandma? She lives in Nevada and my brother won’t let me move out.

Child custody can be a very difficult area of the law, and the law generally (but not always) sides with the adult. However, as you are 16 and almost a legal adult (18 years), you have at least the moral right to discuss your circumstances with your brother.You might ask if you could speak with him quietly - away from other family or friends - and ask what his objections are to your moving to Nevada. Behave like a sensible adult (no yelling, crying or getting dramatic) - hold your feelings back so that he will feel comfortable discussing the matter directly.There may be reasons he has not talked about for his wanting you to remain in his care. These could be things such as your grandmother may not be in good health, he may feel her home is not suitable for some reason, he might think the school system in California is better for your future or he may want you to get the benefit of doing your schooling in one place and not moving around. Or it could be something else!At 30, he has seen a bit of how tough life can be and he may well be simply trying to protect you. As your legal guardian, that is actually his responsibility and he can be punished legally for not doing it.Because it’s a matter of law, if you don’t agree with his answers you will have to show why - consider what he has said and research why you think he is wrong before asking to discuss it again.If he won’t discuss your request or refuses to listen to you, try to find an organisation which acts for children’s rights - such as the Alliance for Children’s Rights (About Us - Alliance for Children's Rights).Explain your situation and ask what your rights are. If they are not the right organisation, ask them to direct you to an organisation which can help.Even if you cannot move now, you will legally be an adult in just two years, and can move immediately, so if you wish to do so you might want to make arrangements such as putting aside some savings, deciding what you will take, and making arrangements with your grandmother as to where you will stay etc.