Help Expanding My Vocabulary

Help with my vocabulary?

Plaese help me finding some words as my example

Ex: "Another way of saying get fat" - POW Words: Put On Weight

Ok? now help me please

A film is divided into several ( missing word ) - It begins with S.
Money you borrow from the bank - B L
A film in a foreign language is is either D or S
You can do it in case you have an accident on holiday - T O T I
See the interesting things in a city - G S ( Is "Go Sightseeing" correct? )
What you look at in the country, e.g.hills, lakes, etc.


How much will reading a dictionary help expand your vocabulary?

Frankly, to use the reading of a dictionary as your vocabulary building and generation strategy is a very long shot.This is because, to make it work for you, you really need sheer memory power, as you are learning words in isolation, and not in, most instances, contextual applications.To me, the systematic use of an Index Card Strategy, which I have had frequently talked about on Quora is a much more efficient and effective strategy for vocabulary building and generation. Here's a quick web-link to one of my write-ups on Quora: Say Keng Lee's answer to How can I memorize lots of English words easily?Nonetheless, despite what I have said, you may want to read this fascinating news report:Single mother in China memorises English Dictionary for autistic son Back in Singapore, many years ago, I have had come across a local Straits Times news report about a young student who came from China to Singapore to study, but his English was weak. So he took upon himself to memorise the entire Oxford Advanced Learners' Dictionary. He eventually attained what he had set out to in Singapore.Godspeed to you!

How to expand your vocabulary?

You could:
- simply read a book and stop at every new word or at any word which you might have heard of but do not know how to explain it.....(if u do not know how to explain it, u just don't know it well enough)
- open up a dictionary everyday and whichever word comes infront of you, learn the definition OR
- you could go online for example at, and there you'll find a section saying "word of the day"...where they tell you a new word everyday to learn with its definition
once known the definition (whether of the word from the book u read, the online word seen, or from the dictionary)..., use that word in every sentence possible throughout the day so that you could have it as a "new" word in your list but do not find it difficult to use it in a context the next time you need it...practising it will make it easier for u to use it frequently as if it were an easy word, although the fact will be that its a new word u've learnt...

hope i was clear enough
and really hope that helped! :)
good luck (Y)

Help on my Vocabulary please?

Adjunct means something added to another thing but not essential to it. so it doesn't really fit the first sentence.

Maybe say:
The adjunct of the highlighter on the vocabulary word list.

Enjoined means to prescribe (a course of action) with authority or emphasis:
The doctor enjoined a strict diet.

I'm not sure about my first sentence but the second one is definitely true.

What are some books that can help me improve my vocabulary as well as my writing?

My suggestions for you to improve your vocabulary are as under:The key to improving your vocabulary is identifying the new words that you come across in your reading.Try and understand the usage of the word in the context of the meaning of the sentence.Then try to define the meaning of the word in your own words.After the above, look up the meaning of the word in the dictionary. Also look up the synonyms in a Thesaurus.If possible, try to form a few sentences incorporating that word in it. Test the correctness of the usage of the word by asking someone who is fluent in English to correct the sentence or the usage of the word in the sentence.Try and use the word in your conversations during the day and also in your writing.Example for you to try: I heard the growl and my hair stood on end. I was petrified. There was no way I could retreat but going ahead was fraught with risks. Standing still was near impossible, my legs were quivering with fright.Identify the words you are not familiar with. Make a guess about what each of those words mean. Find synonyms for those words. Try and rewrite the above in your own words, taking care not to distort the meaning.To improve your writing skills my suggestions are :Ideally have a topic title or subject line that outlines the gist of what you plan to write on. This will help you focus on what needs to be told in the narrative.Use the 5W and 1H to help you get started.Identify the style of your narrative; it could be chronological or historical or key point wise or use sub titles to help develop the flow of the writing. You could also use the mind mapping technique.Always keep the reader in mind when writing. What they seek, how they want it and why is it important to the reader are critical reference points for you to structure and present your narrative.Avoid repeating words and instead try to use appropriate synonyms. This is how you use the new words you learn to make your writing more readable and engaging.You may find the inputs in my Inspirational and Motivational blog Actspot's Blog relevant to understand how I use the above technique in my writing.

How can I configure Microsoft Word to help me expand my vocabulary?

In response to the thrust of your question, I like to introduce you to a more effective method, drawn from my own experience:Use Index Cards, say 3x5, with the incorporation of the Frayer Model Diagram, which is self-explanatory, as shown below;The rationale for index cards: pocket portability for “learning-on-the-go” and/or “just-in-time revision”;You can re-demarcate the card to capture characteristics and traits of the new word, plus all the grammatical variations, synonyms, antonyms, word parts (prefix, root, suffix), in addition to dictionary definitions;Create sentence constructions on your own with the new word on the flipside of the card, to show that you know how to use the new word;Whenever you come across different or novel ways of the known word usage from your reading [the editorials, economic analyses, political commentaries, and technology reviews of your daily English newspaper is a superb source] and/or other perfunctory observations, write it down;Whenever you come across a masterfully constructed language expression with a new word, write it down on a new card, with the original sentence captured on the flipside.Develop a roving ear for masterful or powerful language expressions, while watching movies or talk shows, as they are a great source of new vocabulary;The foregoing captures are called “sentence mining”, which helps to create the multiplier effect on your vocabulary building and generation;Always have a new set of completed index cards with captured new words as you commute daily, so that you can apply “learning-on-the-go” and/or “just-in-time-revision”;By the way, you can even use index cards of different colour to help create your own personal and professional lexicons;I must add that the ultimate fire test of using index cards in vocabulary building and generation is not just the passive capturing; it’s more about the active usage of the newly captured words in your everyday life conversations and other workflow activities, like dialogs with clients, writing reports or proposals, making sale pitches, writing correspondence, etc.;Godspeed to you!

What are some tips to help me increase my vocabulary?

The best ways to increase your vocabulary are to read a lot. You will come across unfamiliar words and will have the opportunity to learn them through context or using a dictionary. Another way is to play word games, such as cross word puzzles or Apples to Apples. Finally, this is not a tactic I use personally, but some people learn a new word a day using the dictionary or an online site. Good luck.