Help Getting These Really Bad Headaches

When I Get Mad I Get A Really Bad Headache?

You need to get a blood pressure check. If your pressure is already high, getting mad will make it even higher. If it gets high enough you can have a stroke. Go see a doctor just to be safe. Be sure to tell him that the headaches are related to when you get mad.

Is it normal to get really bad headaches while taking Adderall?

While it isn't exactly common to get bad headaches on Adderall, it isn't unheard of. Besides raising the heart rate and increasing blood pressure, amphetamine can also cause tension and sleep deprivation. These can lead to headaches.Although I don't think it's necessarily a problem, you should exercise caution while talking Adderall, make sure you're getting adequate water and food, and finally make sure that you are rested and that your blood pressure and pulse are within normal (for being on a stimulant) parameters. Of course, this is in addition to making sure you're taking Adderall at the prescribed dosage (again, “prescribed” is the important word) and talking to your doctor about any undesirable side effects.Although not prescribed as often these days, dextroamphetamine has fewer parasympathetic side effects. Dextroamphetamine is usually given in the form of Vyvanse (a “time release” formulation which is inhibited by the digestive system's ability to cleave lysine from the amphetamine molecule) and, less frequently, as the plain dextroamphetamine salt (immediate release).Please exercise some caution. Internet medicine and diagnosis is problematic, at best. In order to be sure you aren't suffering from a serious condition, there is no answer that you can get here which will be better than that of a medical professional who has examined you in person.

How Can I Help My Boyfriend's Headaches?

My boyfriend always gets these really bad migraines/headaches, and I massage his forehead and it doesn't make it go away but relieves it / feels good. Is there anything sort of specific massaging I can do to help the pain go away?

How can you treat a headache caused by smoking cigarettes?

Smoking, in addition to all the poisons, dehydrates you.Sometimes I'd smoke too much (often while boozing or stressed) and get sick as hell. My main issues? Headaches.Water is your best defense and some aspron.calm yourself down, too. Smoking increases heart rate which held a stressful thing.All these symptoms and results play a part in feeling I'll or having headaches when you smoke.Of course, quitting is an option :) Chantix or vaping. Cold turkey will shock your system more than you'd prefer. Trust me.

Are headaches that last for 4 days bad?

Before asking if you should go to the doctor, you should evaluate what you have done for this headache. Pain is your body's way to telling you something is wrong. Try to figure out what your body is telling you. Have you been especially stressed lately? Do you have a lot of tension? Both are common causes of headaches. Is your area experiencing weather changes? High and low pressure fronts moving in cause many people headaches. Have you recently changed your diet or activity level? Both can cause headaches.What have you done to try and make the headache go away? Over the counter pain medications, such as Excedrin, Aleve, or ibuprofen work for many people. Fresh air and exercise are also good remedies. Don't do anything too extreme, but a walk in the fresh air can help your headache as well as give you a chance to relax and reduce your stress and tension. Make sure you are getting plenty of water to drink, and are eating healthy, lots of fruits and veggies will help your body and give you needed nutrients. Make sure you are getting plenty of rest. Lack of sleep can also cause headaches.If all else fails and you still have the headache, talk to your doctor. It never hurts to get checked out. I do not, however, recommend going to the emergency room. A simple headache is not appropriate for the emergency room and you are taking time away from the doctors and nurses that could be helping emergent patients. Unless this came on suddenly, or is so bad you cannot function, chances are you do not have a tumor. In fact, you are more likely to get in a car accident on the way to the doctor's office then to have a tumor. If you are stressing over the idea that you have a tumor, you may very well be exacerbating the situation with the added stress you are giving yourself. Just relax!I hope you feel better soon!

Why do I get headache after crying?

Two reasons really. Physical (muscular) tension and emotional tension. Think about all the muscles you use when you cry. From the neck to the face to the head, especially forehead, your muscles are involuntarily contracting- tensing up in all kinds of ways. You can’t help it. That’s just what happens when we cry. These muscles are being used in ways they are not normally used. That makes them achey and sore. You usually won’t notice it until you’ve stopped crying, when the have a chance to relax again, but do so gradually, giving you a lingering headache. Then there’s the emotions that go along with crying. You wouldn’t be crying if you were not really upset about something or someone. Someone you care about hurt you. Someone you trusted betrayed you. A bad situation came up, maybe suddenly, unexpectedly. And a million other circumstances that can happen and drive you to tears. All these negative emotions make you feel bad. Your body produces adrenalin, cortisol and other substances that rile you up. And they can bring on headaches and other discomforts that maybe you hadn’t even noticed. Sometimes the best thing you can do is let out. Just let it go. Find a private place to go to where you can cry and weep and sob. There’s no shame in this. We all go through this type of thing every now and then. We wouldn’t be human if we didn’t. Crying helps release negativity. Most people feel better after a good cry. This goes for men as well as women. And afterward, try to lay down in a dark, quiet room with a damp cold or warm (depends on which makes you feel better) washcloth over your eyes and forehead. Take some Acetaminophen or Ibuprofen if you are not allergic and don’t have a problem that prohibits you from taking these meds. Call a close, trusted friend and talk about what’s bothering you. If you believe in a superior being (Buddha, God, Jesus, Allah, Goddess- whatever you choose to call the being,) Pray. Hope this helps.

How do you treat a marijuana induced headache?

As with any type of headache, you are almost definitely dehydrated so I would highly recommend that you drink at least half a litre (ideally more) of water within an hour. One of the other answers recommend orange juice but I personally find that any drink with sugar (natural or artificial) only intensifies the headache, my assumption is that the sugar leads your heart rate to increase meaning you use more energy so you use more of the limited water you have in your system but I'm no nutrition expert.Also, as with any headache I've experienced, the only real cure is a good night's sleep so that, along with plenty of water, will make you feel alot better.Some may suggest paracetamol or ibuprofen but that will only mask the headache which will come back as soon as the numbing effect of the pill wears off so I would avoid pills for any headache you may encounter.In terms of preventing the headache, I would take anothers answers' recommendation of picking out all the stem and even the leaves as that definitely can give you a headache (aswell affecting taste). If you're rolling a joint, limit the amount of tobacco you use, I try to not let the tobacco to weed ratio be higher than 60/40 ideally I go for a 40/60 (40% tobacco, 60% weed) which is best for your lungs as well as keeping a headache at bay.Lastly, know when you've reached your peak for the day, after a certain point you won't be able to get any higher whilst just putting your body through strain.Hope this helps!