Help I Am Scarred Of Ending Up Like A Group Of Autistic People

I'm very depressed and scared of death?

Lately i've been very depressed and i was looking up near death experiences in Google and read all those stories about people see'ing white lights and everything. It made me really sad knowing that i'm gonna die eventually and its made me really depressed to the point of me not wanting to do anything with my life and not even wanting to go to school anymore because i don't see the point of going to school since its all just a big waste of time. I feel like i should be doing something more meaningful with my life but nobody understands me and that makes me even more depressed. I'm also scared of death because i dont know whats going to happen to me (bear in mind i dont believe in hell.) I just want someone to tell me what i should do because i've been starting to comtemplate suicide but i dont want to hurt my family. Should i even keep going to school? because since im in high school i'm required to go but i really loathe everyone there. I need someone to help me because i'm tired of feeling like this. Please dont tell me to take some kind of prescription drugs and/or suicide hotline. psychiatrists i just cant afford (although i wish i could because then i would be going.) I will really appreciate a thoughtful answer because this is something very serious in my life.

Why don't some people vaccinate their kids? Do you?

The number one reason why people refuse to vaccinate their kids these days is because they are scared the kids will develop Autism from the vaccines. Right behind that are religious objections. Neither of these reasons is valid. Vaccines DON'T CAUSE Autism- that has been shown by repeated studies over the last 16 years or so since Andrew Wakefield's FALSE report was published. Current thinking about the disorder is that Autism is largely GENETIC, and therefore, it may be hereditary in origin. It has also been learned that the genes which are thought to cause Schizophrenia and those that cause Autism are closely related to one another. And it really is just a matter of time before the Autism genes are discovered. When that finally happens, it will become possible to develop gene based therapies for the disorder that will prevent it from occuring in the first place. Whichever scientist or group of scientists makes these discoveries will be candidates for a Nobel Prize, you can count on that.

There are some kids ( and adults, too) who tend to react badly to vaccines. That is also a reason for refusal.