Help I Dont Know What To Do

Help!!!!! I Dont Know What To Do!!!!!Im Horny!!!!!?

Heyy everytime i get out of the shower i get really horny and i hump my pillow. What should i do to stop or should i just have sex with my bed? NO guys like me so that is not an opption HELP!!!!!!

Please help me. I don't know what to do.?

Wow, this really is a complicated situation.
You need to face the situation full on and ask your boyfriend some really important questions. For instance, you need to ask him to tell you in detail about all the little amounts that he supposedly withdrew: without losing your temper, ask him why he did that. See what he says. Try to be non-threatening and try to see if he can explain himself. At the same time, keep your bulls*** meter turned on and try to be awareof lying too.
You say he may just be being paranoid since you let him take money off your debit card. Are you sharing your debit card with him and not asking him to tell you when he takes money off it? Did you give him access and then he took advantage of that access to the debit card - which was fine - but now he thinks he might have 'overdone' it? Then you're not being clear enough about boundaries and limits yourself.
You say he has lied to you often. Are you the matronly responsible person in this relationship, handing out privileges (like the debit card) and he's the child-like one who isn't expected to discuss what he's doing, so he just takes?
I wouldn't be mad that he lied. I'd be mad that I let him have the information that allowed him to use my credit card! Yes, lying is bad. But this is a mom-child situation, from the way you describe it. You kind of want him to 'get what he deserves' - well, that would be just dumping him as your boyfriend, for starters.
This isn't a really healthy relationship if it is that responsible/irresponsible, giver/taker, mom/child kind of situation. And he's suckered into it as much as you are - it takes two to do that.
If it turns out that he does admit to taking the money, I'd ask him to pay me back and I'd break up with him, simply because it's not a good relationship. Tell him to check back with you in a couple of years when he is financially responsible. Ask yourself how you ever got yourself into the situation where you were giving someone a debit card, basically. Next guy you date, be on an equal footing with, financially.

Dont know what to do... help... 10pts?

Evangelista Torricelli was the first person to realize that we live at the bottom of an ocean of air. He correctly surmised that the pressure of our atmosphere is attributable to the weight of the air. The density of air at 0°C at the Earth's surface is 1.29 kg/m3. The density decreases with increasing altitude (as the atmosphere thins). On the other hand, if we assume that the density is constant at 1.29 kg/m3 up to some altitude h, and zero above that altitude, then h would represent the depth of the ocean of air. Use this model to determine the value of h that gives a pressure of 1.00 atm at the surface of the Earth.

Answer in km.

Help i dont know what to do for taxes?

I have a pay per essay web site for college students. When we recieve an order we then forward it to an indivudial freelance writer who we pay per page. I now need to know what tax forms i need to fill out if any for my writers ( who are more individual contractors.)

Please help me! I dont know what to do! plzzz?

Using all digits 0 through 9 only once, create multiples of 4 that will sum to the smallest number possible. An example is shown below:

1472 + 956 + 308 = 2736

The three numbers are multiples of 4 and use the digits 0 through 9 once and only once. (However, the sum of 2736 is not the smallest number that is possible.)

After solving the problem, you must write a brief paragraph that explains how you solved the problem. This should include specifics on how you determined the addends.

2 points for correct number sentence and solution
8 points for clear and coherent explanation

Please help me!!!!! I just don’t know what to do? Why did he do that?

I’ve been with him for over a year. I am clingy and very jealous. And I’m not proud of it. I’m trying to work through it. I check his phone the whole time and don’t see anything. He got annoyed and changed the password. Fair enough. I know he’s getting fed up. He has left me before because of this. I know I really need to work my stuff out. It’s not personal to him. I’m like this with everyone. But today he changed his profile pic to his abs and changed our relationship so only his friends could see it and not as ‘public.’ Obviously I got upset and explained to him that. Then he changed it all back to a normal photo and changed our relationship to public. Why does he do this seriously? Is he testing me? Wants attention from others? It’s just ridiculous. How can I change if he acts that way?