Help Living On My Own

Why am I living in my own hell?

The days are blurring together and my grasp on reality is slipping. The things that wld bring me back no longer help me at all. I'm just trapped in the same routine everyday. I'm almost watching myself fall apart. I want to kill myself but the guilt of hurting others is probably what's stopping me. What's my reason for living? Because right now, i dont have one.

Living on my own at 17?

If you have your parents permission and an understanding landlord and a willing parent to sign a lease for you, you should be fine if your parents are also financing you. Most of the liability falls on your landlord for allowing a minor to live by them-self. Your parents will also need to establishing all your utility accounts too. Getting a discounted rent is great but heat, electricity, phone, water and tv/internet isn't free. Then you need money for food, laundry, transportation, fun and a hundred other things that "come up". If your parents aren't willing to cover your rent plus kick in another $500 each month, you will never be able to survive on your minimum wage part time job in your own place.

New to living on my own . . . how to get used to it ?

I'm positive minded, bright attitude with life, yet have never lived on my own, at 50 this is new for me . . . suggestions for help while getting used to it ?

Lived with room-mate when I met my husband to be at 20.

Married at age 23.

Was married 23 yrs.

Peacefully divorced 5 yrs now.

Have three kid (14, 17, 20. . .eldest is off at college)

Kids have always primarily been with me.

In last few weeks, teens made choice to try spending more time with their dad so I allowed them the freedom to explore that so they are with him most of the time now. Don't want to be married to their dad yet he is a good enough dad, kids love him and want to explore more time with him.

While I'm positive minded, value myself and others, generally happy ... living alone is very new and hard to get used to.

And...please no comments about getting a room-mate...want to keep home open for when kids visit me. And, dating...I do so when that comes problems there.

Thoughts ?

How do I start living on my own without any help from my parents?

Living on your own means being self sufficient independent. I moved out of home in my second or third year of college and have been independent since then. The main things you will need is somewhere to live. This can be sharing an apartment with friends, finding a small one bedroom or apartment (or bedsits we call them here). If you need transportation you may have to buy a car, a motorbike or bicycle depending on your needs. Cars require a parking space, gasolie, insurance, registration and regular maintenance. You have to factor those costs in to your budget.If you have an apartment will it be already furnished or do you furnish it yourself. Usually you can bring stuff from home but you may need to buy a refrigerator, microwave and cooking utensils. Over the years I have built up an impressive collection of cooking ware. (word of advice, sometimes its better to spend a bit more on quality. it lasts longer and you dont have to keep replacing it. Good quality kitchen knives are worth their weight in gold).Living by yourself you will have to learn how to cook use, appliances such as washing machine (unless you go to a coin laundry) how to use an iron and vacuum cleaner. Invest in some good quality easy to understand cook books. You can learn how to make simple tasty meals for a few dollars per meal.(Like you Im single, I make stews and then I freeze them, its just a matter of defrosting and heating them up). Looking how to cook for one requires practice as many recipes assume family-size servings. either reduce quantities or freeze-bag in single-serving portions.Learn about how to use washing powder, detergent and bleach (some bleaches are for white-only, others are for mixed color fabrics). There are techniques for getting stains such as pizza sauce, wine and even pen stains out of shirts. Learn how to wash wool in cold water and not put it in the dryer as it will likely shrink.

How to live on my own and go to college?

I can truly understand what you are challenged with. Unfortunately in today's economy it is very difficult! Unfortunately your parents may not truly understand how difficult it will be OR they may just feel that you can handle it and that the experience will make you stronger and independent. Regardless of their reasons: You need a solution!

There is not one solution that can fix this problem. Each person will have a different path.
Below are many suggestions that can help. If one doesn't seem plausible for your life then just don't do it.

1. Join the Military Part-time. The military is NOT for everyone. I did it for 8 years and it was rewarding for ME. It may not be right for you. But if you go in part-time after your full-time training you will have a few thousand dollars saved up and you will work one weekend a month making a couple hundred that weekend. Plus they can pay you just for being a full-time student.
2. Grants. Apply for FAFSA (Free Application for Student Aid). Depending on what you are qualified for you can get money that you will not have to pay back. This can go towards tuition, books and living expenses.
3. Apply for Scholarships. Some scholarships include room and board.
4. Maybe if you find a job that will allow you to have time to do school work. My friend works at the help desk of a Mall and there are not a lot of people there. When it gets slow he reads for his classes.
5. Look into work-study programs in your areas. I am not familiar with those, but I heard they can work.
6. Move to an area that is cheaper, but still close enough to commute to school. (keep in mind though you will have to pay for bus fare or gas to get to school and that costs money too).

Can i live on my own at 17?

I am a 17 yr old girl who is about to be 18 in about 8 weeks... my dad is who i live with and he always puts me down saying that i wont be able to do it... i am just ready to be on my own and i have someone who will be my room mate which is one of my best friends... but with how negative my dad is i just dont believe that i can do it... i mean i know that i have to have a job and i know that i have to know the responsibilities which i do cuz ever since i was little i was always home alone... i know how to take care of myself but i just have the doubt because of my dad...

How to live on my own at 18?

Find and maintain a job as soon as possible, save, manage your money, only spend it on things you absolutely need and avoid buying things that you "want", pay with cash. Its as simple as that, living on a minimum wage job is possible but will be stressful. You can actually get decent paying jobs these days with just a high school education, now I'm not saying to just get your HSD and not try to further your education but I'm saying the sooner you start working the more experience you get under your belt the more doors that will open for you.

I'm not sure if your a female or a male but you could look into the oil/gas industry or even the mining industry and make a very relaxing income if you're not afraid of getting a little dirty. I have a few friends who work in the mining industry and make around $70,000/yr after taxes and they only have a high school diploma.

I want to live on my own.?

I am not sure what the price of living is at where every you are, but 800 a month is very tight, does your college have dorms, do you know any one that owns property, can he/she help you out, are you willing to work off some of the rent, I have asked people about working off the rent (painting, mowing, cleaning), My friend worked with the property manager painting, cleaning the apartment to pay for rent but he had to move to the apt. when he was done and clean it out if the renters left stuff behide (which is pretty gross if they do, because they don't care food in the oven after a month starts to stick) than he would paint, than he would move to the next and so on.
My bother in-law, did a 50/50 thing with a house, he would work on it and than pay to stay when all the work was done. But he works on houses for a living.
Around here you can get a nice house for 700 a month, than tax's, than all the other stuff garbage if you want that.
I was talking to a guy and he lives on less than 450 a month, but his land is paid for and he hunts and fish's, and no AC, but has cable. Good luck

I forgot little old ladies, they have rooms for rent and they are really cheap, people get lonely and need someone to talk to, If you can find one of those for 25-30 a week go for it, everything is covered, trash, heat, cooling, light, cable, water......
Don't listen to the food stamp stuff, you have to be young with kid, kid under 18, over 60, or an immigrate, trust me my mom just tried to get food stamps, she was out of work for 9 months, I never had a real job and tried they said no.

Is it possible I can live on my own?

It's not about what it will cost you, it's about what you will be able to afford.

First, you need to have an income, preferably long before you move, most landlords won't even look at you if you don't have an income or a good credit score.

10% of your monthly income should be going to long-term (retirement) savings.

15% goes to debt repayment/emergency fund; once you get that job, all of this money from here should be going into a regular savings account until you have at least 6 times your monthly income; this budget is built so that you can afford to save for this after you move, but the more you can save before, the better.

35% goes to housing (rent, mortgage, bills, utilities, insurances, etc.): All-inclusive you can afford UNDER this amount; put left-overs into another savings account for repairs and household needs. Before you move, this money should be put into your emergency fund; you'll learn to live without the money and drastically boost your savings at the same time.

15% goes to transportation (gas, insurance, repairs, bus). Any money not used here can be put towards the other savings accounts.

25% goes to life (food, entertainment, clothing, gifts, travel, medical, wants, phone, internet, cable, other).

So if you decide to go apartment shopping, take the number they're giving you as the rent (all-inclusive with ALL the bills), and divide it by 0.35; that's the amount you would have to make to be able to afford the place. Shopping this way is going to get you pretty depressed though, so get the job first, calculate how much you can afford, and then shop for places that are in your budget.