Help Me Differentiate

Can any one help me to differentiate between Minitab and lean six sigma (black belt certification) and will it be helpful for HR professionals?

Many people have already answered the first part. I’d answer the second one..Please find below my answer to a similar question…This is one very interesting question, thanks for asking. My simple answer to your question is, Six Sigma can be applied to all the business processes BUT (and it is a very BIG SIZE BUT............pun unintended!), it would not help you change the behavior of people. Believe you me, try to avoid doing six sigma projects in the behavior side of the people in any organization. You may come out with a lot of data analysis but when it comes to implementing solutions, it is one hell of a task. It is very difficult to tell someone what is good for him unless he is willing to change himself and most people in an organization do not want to be told to change. People who are ready to change, they normally are proactive people and they need not be told to change as they themselves find out ways to improve either by watching good people or by asking. People change when managements want them to change and for that managements have to apply tools that we all know very well.Many readers might not agree with my views but that is OK. Lot of people take improvement projects to reduce attrition rate. Again, I would advise you to be very cautious in taking up this project as this is a double edged sword. For this, you will have to go to the root cause of the problem and there comes the biggest pitfall. Mostly, we all know the reasons as to why people leave organizations and that is very very personal mostly related to the Character and personality, aptitude, adaptability and lot more things like this. Its very difficult to convince people for these unless they are willing to change themselves.Another very big issue for higher attrition comes from the managements of companies. No management wants to accept that they are not the best of employers and then wonder why people leave their organization. If you take up a project in this area, you are most likely to fall flat on your face.Having said this, where can you apply Six Sigma in HR? may do some projects in the administration side of your area for improving facilities, leave management, transport arrangement, recruitment etc, that's it.One important advice...please never do a project on Incentive schemes.Hope this helps, thanks again.

Please help me Differentiate the function?

Using (a+b)^2 = a^2 +2ab+b^2,
you will get d/dx[1+2*sqrt(x)+x]
Differentiate term by term,

=1 + 1/4*sqrt(x)

Please help me differentiate this? Y = t/(t - 1)²?

For t
dt/dt = 1

(t-1)^2 = t^2 - 2t+1
d/dt = 2t-2+0
so t/(t-1)^2 = 1*(t-1)^2 - t(2t-2)/(t-1)^4

then u can simplify and get the ans.
(t-1)^4 = (t-1)^2*(t-1)^2= (t^2-2t+1)(t^2-2t+1)

Can someone help me differentiate (sinx)^3*cos3x + (cosx)^3*cos3x?

(sinx)^3*cos3x + (cosx)^3*cos3x
= cos 3x * (sin^3 x + cos^3 x)

=> d/dx [cos 3x * (sin^3 x + cos^3 x)]
= - 3sin 3x * (sin^3 x + cos^3 x) + cos 3x * [3sin^2 x cosx - 3cos^2 x sinx]
= 3sinx cosx [sinx - cosx] - 3sin 3x [sin^3 x + cos^3 x].

Please help me differentiate this 5 poems in 10 sentences....?

Cherry-Ripe by Thomas Campion; Rosalind's Madrigal by Thomas lodge;Sonnet 18,Sonnet 29, and Sonnet 116 of William Shakepeare....

Thank you!!!more power and God bless!

Calculus ; Please help me differentiate this? f(x) = 3x² - 2cosx?

d/dx (3x² - 2cos(x))
= 3(d/dx (x²)) - 2(d/dx (cos(x)))
= 3(2x) - 2(-sin(x))
= 6x + 2sin(x)
= 2(3x + sin(x))

Can I get a proper coding tutorial that can help me differentiate between Microservices and monolithic architecture in Node.js? I haven't been able to find a proper coding tutorial on the internet, everywhere, it's just theory.

What this means is, for monolithic nodejs app, u put all your API in a single app/service, while in micro-services each API would have it own nodejs app.A few reasons why you would want to choose a micro-services - separation-of-concerns.Unless you error catch properly, in a monolithic nodejs server, an uncaught error can potentially crash the whole service. And this means everything goes down and u need to figure out which API cause the crash.It is much easier to debug and fix for a micro-service as they are independent from each other. Only the affected micro-service will fail ( usually).Another problem with monolithic architecture is the APIs are too tightly coupled. Harder to be reused.E.g. App A uses API 1, 2, and 3. Sometime down the road, u build App B which needs to use API 1 also.In a monolithic way, u would clone that part of the code and make it part of App B.What happens when API 1 got a critical bug? U need to find out which App has API 1 and fix all of them.The same goes for versioning. What happens when some API needs to be updates to v2 while some remain v1. And u need to maintain both versions for backwards compatibility for x periods?A monolithic architecture needs everything to be updated at the same time. Micro-services remove this limitation because each service is standalone.Maintaining and fix each API is easier for micro-services than a huge app with many API where many parts can go wrong.

Can someone who knows latin help me differentiate these two?

Hi, I need to know the difference between "dimitte tibimet", "condona tibi ipsi", and "ignosce tibimet". The context I am trying to use it in is, "forgive yourself for what you did not know" but all I need is "forgive yourself". Can someone please help me and tell me which one would work best for the context I am trying to use it in?

Calculus ; Please help me differentiate this? f(t) = cot t/e^t?

f(t) = cot(t)/e^t

Use the quotient rule

df/dt = [ d/dt(cot(t)) e^t - cot(t) d/dt(e^t) ) ]/[ e^t ]²
df/dt = [ - csc²(t) e^t - cot(t) e^t ]/[ e^(2t) ]
df/dt = [ - (e^t) ( csc²(t) + cot(t) ) ]/[ e^(2t) ]


df/dt = - ( csc²(t) + cot(t) )/e^t

Can someone help me differentiate between interdependence and interrelated?

For a start, you are trying to compare a noun with an adjective. Better to turn the former into an adjective and say ‘interdependent’.‘Interdependent’ is to take a number of different things or people and explain in what way each one needs the other. For instance, people: ‘The doctor depends on his patients for his (or her) income, but the patients depend on the doctor for their health.’ Things: ‘In the flight control surfaces on an aircraft, the rudder depends on the ailerons to maintain the correct line in a turn, but the ailerons depend on the rudder to maintain the correct height.’‘Interrelated’ is when different people or things have a relationship with one another. For instance, people: ‘My uncle and my daughter are interrelated, being part of the same family.’ Things: ‘The pistons and propeller shaft on a car are interrelated, since any action on the part of either causes action on the part of the other.’