Help Me Find This Bleach Amv

I'm making a bleach amv, and i'd like some help...?

Let's see... I don't know if you're planning to use episodes from certain arcs or seasons, or if you want to use whole series, but I've got:

Meet Rukia/ Seasons 1 + 2:
-Ichigo and numerous Hollow (I recommend Grand Fisher) (Episodes 8-9)
-Ichigo and Renji (both their first battle, with Ichigo's butt kicked, and their second battle, in season two.) (Episodes 16-17, 30-32)
- Uryuu/Ichigo and Menos Grande (Episode 14)

Rescue Rukia Arc/ Season 3:
-Byakuya and Renji (Episode 52)
-Byakuya and Ichigo (55, 58-59)
-Zaraki and Tosen (Episode 51, 53)
-Yoruichi and SoiFon (Episode 56-57)
-Hitsugaya and Gin (Episode 48, maybe a little at the end of 47)
-Uryuu and Mayuri (Episodes 43-44)

Bounts/ Season 4:
-A lot (I can't pick them out, there's quite a few if you watched the arc, which I skipped through.) See links below.

Infiltrate Hueco Mundo/ Espada Fights/ Season 8 + 10:
-Szayel and Uryuu/Renji/Mayuri (Episode 159, 164, 190-191, 193, 195-196, 198-200)
-Rukia and Aaroneiro (Episodes 153-155, 160)
-Nnoitra and Zaraki/Nel (Episodes 191-192, 194-195, 196 (maybe), 201-203)
-Ichigo and Grimmjow (Episodes 165-167, 190)
-Zommari and Byakuya (Episodes 196-198)

Battle for Karakura/ Season 11:
-SunSun/Apache/MilaRose/Allon and Matsumoto/Momo
-Ikkaku/Yumichika/Kira/Hisagi and Numerous Fraccion
-SoiFon/ Oomaeda vs. Nirgge and Ggio
Mostly battle for who season, so can't really pick and choose episodes. Any episode in this season will put you in the middle of one of these battles.

Reveal the Zanpakuto/ Season 12:
We've just started, so if you'd like to wait a few months, I'm looking forward to the awesome zanpakuto vs. Shinigami battles!

-Ichigo and Ganryu (Bleach: Memories of Nobody)

Bleach of course if full of kick*ss battles, some which I can't remember or didn't mention, so you've got loads of material to work with.


If you're a fan of Bleach, check it out!:

P.S. and i'm just kidding about being the best bleach amv all-time...just wanted a catchy title.....but maybe it is? XD

Where can i download Bleach clips for a AMV? here you have episodes from anime which you can use for your AMV

Song on bleach?

i beleive that would be NUMBER ONE. i like that one too just to make sure go here and check out the lyrics

Need to know this song in a bleach AMV. It's choir like, and it's used in the ichigo vs. byakuya battle.?

well, this is what one of the comments said =P

It's the theme for ghost in the shell: SAC, Aeria Gloris

Can someone send me some good One Piece, Bleach, or Fairy Tail amv links?

I'm a really BIG FAN of the show One Piece, and i just like Bleach and Fairy Tail along with it but not as much, and i saw an amv of One Piece with a song called "I wish it was just a dream". It really made me want to see more like that, and i know i can go look for one myself, but i want to have some recommended to me because its more fun that way lol i like surprises. So if you know any good amv links to one of those three anime's with an awesome song to it, then feel free to send me one/some, or tell me what to type.

P.S. Only comment if you are willing to helpfully respond to my question, and im not a big fan of screamo music, so no screamo please...Thanks!!

Rukia vs Momo bleach fight?

Yeah thanks for putting 2 of my favorite characters against each other! lol jk!

Anyways as much as I hate saying this, I think Rukia would win just because at the moment Momo isnt all up for the fighting and what not considering she still cant cope with the fact that the man she looked up to for so long is the bad guy. But I do think her kido is a little better than Rukia's. But if Ichigo and Hitsugaya were to fight each other with Rukia and Momo Im going to have to say Shiro chan would win just because he has a little bit more experience than Ichigo.

Im not sure how long the filler will be but just remember they cant last forever!


How did you find about anime and what was your first anime?

My first anime was Shugo Chara (it was around 2010) and I first watched it on YouTube(not entirely but the first few episodes and clips and such), that was when I started to browse the net frequently. If there is one thing that I am 100% grateful for YouTube, it will be for introducing me to anime, or reintroducing (because I used to watch Dragon Ball Z and Card captor Sakura as a child in Cartoon Network, just didn’t know they had Japanese origins).YouTube AMV(anime mix videos? Not so sure) videos were my source to discover anime and great songs! Now I just watch some AMV videos when I feel nostalgic about them and still am discovering great songs from it! (Not your regular girl who keeps track of famous songs)At present like reading manga more and am not so into anime. But still love them both.

Do Indians watch anime?

Do Indians watch Anime?Yes, Indians do watch Anime but the high majority of people in India don't even know the meaning of Anime.Over the past couple of years I've watched over 100 anime and also befriended around a dozen other anime fans. Its difficult to find other people who watch or at least understand about Anime in India but those who do will constantly search for others who share the same interest. So sometimes you might stumble over a few of them.There are quite a few Quorans who like Anime and most of them are Indians, so Quora is a good place to look for Indian Anime lovers.My parents don't really concern with what I'm watching thankfully so I don't have to explain to them.My experience with sharing anime with others has been quite mixed.Although some people shown their curiosity to understand more about Anime but a vast majority of them turned down my recommendations labelling them as cartoon which is only for Kids.Too bad for them they cannot enjoy the wise words of Hachiman.Or the battle between Light and L.Or Titans vs HumansOr time travel experience of OkabeOr the eargasm tunes of Kaori and KouseiOr the beautiful world ofSword Art OnlineLog HorizonTengen Toppa Gurren LagannOr epic unforgettable characters likeEdward ElricJohan LiebertGon FreecsLelouch Vi Britanniaand of course Oreki HoutarouI cannot blame the Indians who are missing out on such great anime,as the availability of any legal source to watch Anime in India is close to none. Not everyone can download and watch Anime consistently. The anime fans in India will therefore be limited for quite some time.Loking forward to meeting more Anime lovers in the future. ^-^