Help Me Health Question

Help with health questions?

They are all multiple choice

The risk factor that also determines an individual’s sex is

Heart attack, atherosclerosis, stroke, and high blood pressure are all different kinds of

cardiovascular disease.
type 1 diabetes.
type 2 diabetes.

Maria has never exercised regularly. She is concerned that if she does not begin exercising regularly her personal habits could

make her more susceptible to injury.
lead to a lifestyle disease.
increase her need for sleep.
shorten her lifespan.

Help with Health questions?

K12? I'm doing the same test..

I'll help with the first 5 kai.

1.Promoting policies
2. False
3.Does the info have glossy photos
5. Media messages, school grades and your friends

Good-luck, you should really read the studies, they're helpful. :)

Need help with health questions please?

1. Unhealthy behavior involving food that often involves an emotional problem is called ________________

2. a person with anorexia nervosa eats ____________________

3. an eating disorder can cause severe health problems that include__________

4. eating disorders are most likely to occur in the _______ age group, especially among ____

5. one of the warning signs of an eating disorder is _______

if you can find anything that can help me that would be great, thanks D=

Help with health questions please?

I need help with some health questions, thank you.
1. Risk factors for Diabetes include all of the following EXCEPT
(- overweight- eating sweets- high alcohol use -little to no exercise)

2. In certain instances, if you do the correct exercise routine, you can turn or change fat into muscle.
( true or false)

3. Why is a restraining order good to get if you are being stalked or threatened?
(-You can show it to your friends. -None of the above
- It can be used as an official record and will assist in getting the stalker arrested.
-It will annoy the stalker
-It will protect you from getting hurt.)

4. If you concentrate on a particular area of the body, you can lose fat from that area. For example, by doing sit-ups you will lose fat around your stomach
(true or false)


What are the best questions about Health on Quora?

Health experts say you should eat dark chocolate to prevent heart disease. You can eat your way to a longer life with just a few everyday foods that will keep your heart healthy, experts say.

What are the most common pet health questions?

Most of the times , I cam across the following questions:Why does my dog stink?How do my pet’s ears manage to get so dirty?Does My Pet Need a Dental Cleaning?What Flea/Tick Meds Do You Recommend for My Pet?Is My Pet at a Healthy Weight?Source:

Health question / bad leg pains?

I know this is probably the wrong place to ask about my health but I've been waking up with pretty bad leg pains for awhile. its always the same leg. I'm 15, and I run but I also have an eating disorder. It always wakes me up in my sleep, and it's been happening for about 1 month now. Yesterday, it hurt more than ever. I was laying down and the pains came again, before I knew it I couldn't think straight and I was squeezing a pillow as hard as I could whole crying. It's hard to te how long that lasted but it went back to the usual pain after maybe 10 minutes. I took ibuprofen (600mg) and it didn't do anything. My leg isnt swollen. It's hard to explain but its like throbbing, that jets up my leg and I can't move it. My leg feels hot, then cool. Are these growing pains? or perhaps related to my sport or diet?

What health question are you afraid to ask your doctor?

Happy to answer Amy. I can not recall any health questions I’m afraid to ask my doctor.In my experience, best to find a doctor you feel you can trust. If we find ourselves afraid to ask our doctor a question, perhaps note to ourselves why we are concerned. Have we given this doctor a chance? If we still have reservations, honesty is key in doctor patient relationship. I’d offer switch doctors and find one you feel you can trust. It is that important.Hope that helps,Dan