Help Me I Am Anorexic

Am i anorexic?

if what your saying is true, that you think your skinny, you like it, and are not starving yourself then you are not anorexic. Anorexia is a disorder. An anorexic, is a person who purposely starves them self to become thin, they obsess over there body image, they do not think they attractive. Just because someone is thin does not mean they are anorexic. As long as you like it, who cares about what everyone else says. If your not healthy though, then thats a problem. You want to gain a few pounds, go ahead, but do it for you, not them. My advice would be to go to a nutritionist but just so you can see if your eating right for your body, and also they can tell you if it would be in your best interest to gain weight. i hope this helped.

Am i anorexic?

You are on the thin side of average for your height. You are far from fat. You do not weigh a lot, and a specific weight doesn't make you anorexic. Anorexia is an obsession with weight that leads to unhealthy restricting of calories and often occurs with body dysmorphia.
It sounds like you do have an eating disorder. I recommend getting professional help to try to overcome this. The way anorexia makes you think will have you believe you are never skinny enough. You will always see the fat and not the overall picture until you are conditioned otherwise.
Please get help, you sound like a very sweet and beautiful girl who just needs a little help.

Am I anorexic?

let me start by saying I am no dr. But if you are eating 1000–1300 calories a day, you shouldn’t have to worry about being anotexic. I eat that or less and still do bodybuilding healthily. But if you are having issues, you may want to look st what you are eating. Are you getting enough nutrition with those calories? My caloric intake number is low, but is very high in specific nutrients to stay healthy. You also are way too young to be worrying about your BMI. Your metabolism should be good at your age and you have to be careful not to kill it. 16.4 BMI is very low, underweight, and that in itself could be your issue. I don’t want to lecture you on that part, because it’s not what you’re asking, but keep in mind, it’s not good for you. The target is 18+. You need “enough” to keep your body going. Why do you eat so little? And why do you think you are fat? Maybe talking to a nonjudgmental person and figuring out the issue would help? I totally get it, but I wouldn’t want to see you take it too far either. Seek a nutritionist maybe, who can help adjust your diet to something more beneficial, rather than a regular dr who will just tell you to eat more and gain weight. Good luck.

Am I BECOMING anorexic?

Yes that is anorexia. I suggest you talk to your mother and get some professional help. This can be very deadly. When you starve yourself your organs start to fail. The first ones to go are your reproductive, skeletal and bladder. You bones will become so brittle that you will break a hip by walking down steps. Your bladder will become so weak that you will not be able to hold in your pee. Your hair will become so thin and your nails brittle and your skin pale and scaly. Once you get to the part of your bones breaking though that is the point of no return even if you do recover. You will be in pain and you will struggle with issues for the rest of your life. You might have to wear those adult diapers in your 30's and be in a wheelchair because your skeleton isn't strong enough to support your weight. You are damaging your body now. This isn't something where you can say well I'm going to get skinny and will eat when I see the results I want. When you are at that point your body will be so far gone. Here is a site you can go to that has a list of a few health effects of anorexia and other eating disorders.

Am I becoming anorexic?

Please talk about this with your therapist before it gets out of hand. You are already unhappy with your body, and your present mindset will make it only become worse. It's a proven fact that the more you diet, the uglier you find yourself. It's a mechanism that your brain cooks up so that you feel in control of sómething, because you feel so out of control in other parts of your life. And the more you diet, the more you feel in control, so your brain will be fooled into thinking that dieting is a good thing, since it makes you feel better.But the control you have is a fake control, because your life won't be better. You need to discuss this with your therapist, so that he can teach you better ways of getting more control over your life. That way, your brain will stop looking for other ways to feel in control, and your urge to diet will slowly disappear.Do you really want to go for a fake solution, that in the long run will be even more damaging than the other mental issues. Your bones will become more brittle and easier to break, you will start losing energy because you don't get enough fuel to keep your body going, you will start being cold all day long, your internal organs can get very damaged to the point that you will sustain irreparable damage that will cause you physical problems even when you manage to gain wait again. And that is just a small selection of the vast amount of bad consequences. You should not want to let it get that far.So please talk with your therapist. Anorexia is not a rare thing and you can't help that your brain is making you think about it. Nip it in the bud, you are worth so much more. Your therapist will really not judge you for thinking these thoughts, you have nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed about.

Am i becoming Anorexic?

Hey!! i'm dominique! i'm 14 and in 8th grade. I have been dieting for almost a year. I started off just trying to lose weight to get the guys. I started off eating around 800 and working out 24/7. I lasted two weeks and lost 8lbs. Then I went on a soup diet eating 500 calories. But i didn't lose weight. Then for, it seems like forever, i went on a 700 calorie diet but worked out 2 or 1 hours a day. I lost around 20lbs. I was still not happy though. Then i found pro ana online. I began eating under 400 calories and slowly going down until i was eating less than 100 calories. My family and friends said i was skinny and had lost so much weight. I was happy when they said that but the happiness soon faded. I went on an other diet. This time it was a liquid diet that i heard mary-kate olsen went on. I only lasted 5 days and then binged. that diet and binge cycle went on for weeks. Though it was unhealthy i lost weight, about 15 to 30lbs. And that brings me to now. I'm too scared to buy a scale but i think i weigh around 110lbs. I want to be a flyer next year on the cheer team, so i started a diet of drinking tons of low calories drinks, eating a small jar of peanuts a week and working out. About 6000 calories a week eaten. a lot burned
btw you burn 2000 calories a day by just living

Why are people mad that I am anorexic?

Because they are concerned for you.Sometimes when people are worried and struggling to fully understand something, their anxiety comes out as anger. I've experienced this with my own mental illness, especially from my parents. They just want to see you healthy and happy, but they don't know how to help you get there.Anorexia is a serious condition, please consider asking your doctor about the consequences as they can tell you far better than I. If you're female, your fertility can be seriously affected, to the point that you may not be able to have children after recovering from anorexia. For anyone with anorexia;You can eventually experience organ failure, heart attacks in particular are a common way for anorexics to die.Your bones will be damaged, especially if you're a child/teen/young adult. Osteopenia (loss of bone calcium) occurs in the majority of long term anorexics. Osteoporosis (loss of bone density) is common too and this is usually irreversible.Your brain will shrink and be permanently damaged as it is deprived of nutrients.Aside from the physical risks, you will most likely experience isolation and depression. Your relationships will crumble as you slowly become more and more obsessed with your weight and exercise and food. Your friends and family will worry, get angry at this disease that is warping you and taking away the person they care about. In turn you will get angry at them for not understanding and seeming to reject you. You will push them away so you can keep focusing on what anorexia tells you is important.Please seek help. Anorexia requires medical help in order to recover. If you're scared to speak to a doctor alone (there's no shame in that, mental illness is hard to talk about) I'm sure one of these people who's mad at you will go with you. You may find they're suddenly not angry once you try to seek help!Please try to remember; they care about you and you are worth more than this illness tells you, you are. You have value no matter how big or small your body is. You matter, end of.Good luck, I hope you're able to seek help and that your journey back to health is as quick and painless as possible.