Help My Body Itches Like Hell

Why does my body itch after taking my bath?

Because you're doing everything wrong. Don't worry and it's not personal —everyone does.First, soap. It is alkaline and rips out too much of your skin moisture along with the daily bodily juices and dirt and all. Use instead a low pH soap substitute. “Perfume-free” and “natural” and “"added anything “ is still soap.Second your water is too hot. I'm not saying you must have cold showers only less hot. You'll get used to it. “But I love how i feel while under a hot shiwer”. And suffer for it.When washing your crockery do you use warm or hot water? Hot. Why? because it gets the oils out. OhThird, rehydrate. Apply a thin oil layer within two minutes of coming out of your shower (and patting dry not rubbing). People with really troublesome dry skin can make up a mix of Vaseline with say ten percent liquid paraffin.You probably sleep too hot like most of us. Waking in the night if you discover your skin is swesting that proves it. That breaks down the skin as you would guess.And we shampoo too frequently too. I'm not advocating extreme “"trust the rain” but certainly not daily. your scalp might be quite happy with a non-shampoo water rinse most of the time.

Bleaching my body hair makes me itch...?

I bought some of that hair bleach for the body stuff. and it was the bleach stuff and u mix it with activator and then u put it on for 10mins. but wen i put it on after like 3mins, it starts going bubbly and it makes me itch like crap but i dont cratch it or i'll get it everywhere. so i'm dancing around the room trying not to scratch this stuff and its itching the **** out of me. and it said to leave it on for 10mins but i was so ******* itchy that i rinsed it off after 5 mins and i looked in the mirror and my skin was blotchy red and white and it was still itchy but not as bad. so i was scratching away for like 5 mins...i was wondering if this is suposed 2 happen and if not then what did i do wrong... (and yes, i do know that your suposed 2 put half the amount of activator in as the bleach.)

any help would b appreciated. thx.

My body itches like f*ckin crazy!!?

for the last few weeks everytime i take a shower, after a few minutes of being in their, my skin starts to itch like crazy. like it doesn't itch, it burns. and i have to run out of the shower, put tons of baby powder on and then lotion then socks. its mostly my feet and legs, and the tops of my hands. im pretty sure its because the weather is cold now so thats what is drying out my skin.

can someone tell me any good body washes and lotions and just any tricks that i can use so this doesn't happen anymore? the shower use to be fun but now its a living hell :( and ive never had allergies before, and im 13

thanks, and sorry for the bad grammar. im really tired and i cant think straight

What can I use to stop itching all over my body?

Get your LFT done immediately. Also, you may need to get a test for Jaundice or Hepatitis, cuz sometimes itching is an ONLY clear symptom.Anyway, it is extremely important to get a proper history and a thorough examination before anyone can make a diagnosis sand treat accordingly. I’m afraid that gets us back to the same old same old - consult your doctor immediately -Benadryl is only a symptomatic treatment you can take it thrice a day, don’t drive. You can try soak/bath for 20min in oatmeal mixed water. Dab to dry using a soft towel instead of wiping with pressure. DO NOT SCRATCH, that’s really for your own good.

My face and chest itch like crazy after a shower?

After I get out of the shower my face and chest itch so bad and I have no idea why. In additional I have also started breaking out and also getting skin colored small bumps on my forehead which personally I think is related to the whole itching thing.

I use Johnson's baby lotion bc I've never really had a problem with skin before or moisturizing so I never really needed to use a good moisturizer, just lotion. I try not to use face wash or soap because it jus makes my face itch more afterwards.

So far I have thought of these possible causes: length/temperature of shower, dry skin, "hard" water

I live in western Washington and I'm not sure if the environmental conditions affect this too.

Please help because this is driving me freaking insane

My new tattoo is itching like crazy...HELP!!?

It could be normal, or it could be a reaction. You'll find out if you swell and lose color. If you stick to your aftercare sheet rules you'll be fine. Aquaphor or A&D for the first few days, in VERY thin applications not more than three to five times a day. Like the other people said, switch to non scented lubriderm lotion after that and apply like the ointment. Make sure you're cleaning your tattoo with gentle, antibacterial soap in between applications of ointment or lotion and pat dry with a clean towel. Don't rub or wipe.
Some people just itch like crazy and there is nothing you can do about it. Don't get any fancy creams or think it's okay to rub up and down over your clothing to alleviate the itching, because it's just as bad. I once woke up to a bleeding tattoo because I was scratching it on my ankle in my sleep. It caused loss of ink and I will never forgive myself...and it was in my sleep!!! lol, what could I do?
You'll be fine. If it's an allergic reaction to the ink, you'll know soon enough and you can contact the artist if you suspect that. Red and yellow inks are the most common culprits in these instances. Just try really really hard not to itch.

Why does my scalp itch like crazy when I get nervous?

When you suffer from anxiety you may experience some emotional as well as physical symptoms. One of the many symptoms of anxiety is profuse sweating or hyperhidrosis. Sweat provides an ideal site for bacteria and the presence of these bacteria can cause you to itch. Because your head is covered in hair it may not always be so easy to get rid of all the sweat and if you suffer from anxiety you may find yourself sweating anyway the moment you step out of the shower.Sweat is unfortunately not the only reason for your itchy scalp. A condition known as neurodermatitis, where you experience an itch without any physical explanation is a very common side effect of anxiety.

Why does my scalp itch like crazy after I take a shower?

One of two things.One or more of the ingredients in your shampoo is causing an allergic reaction from your scalp.  Ever read the ingredient list on a bottle of shampoo?  Forget it!  That’s the longest list of unpronounceable words you’re likely to find.  Anywhere.  Even if you get the pronunciation close, what do those chemicals do?  You can spend the whole day, or more, researching usage, actions, reactions and side effects on Wikipedia and WebMD and still not know much more than when you started.  Every chemical listed has the potential for a reaction, allergic or not, with your skin.  With many shampoos that is dozens of chances of reactions before each “rinse and repeat.”You may have skin that is sensitive to the drying action of shampooing.  If you have a dry scalp to begin with some shampoos can make it worse.  A few things to try.Baby shampoo.  Baby shampoo is pretty mild and gentle.  Not so drying as shampoos marketed to adults.Shampoo with conditioner or conditioning your hair and scalp after shampooing.  Rinse the conditioner out of your hair afterward.  You want it to moisturize your hair and scalp not hang out, dry, and get crusty up there.  A simple conditioner is balsam conditioner.  It’s been around forever.  Old fashioned, simple, but effective.Instead of following the directions, “Wash, rinse, repeat” just “Wash, rinse, dry.”  Your hair and scalp might not like being “squeaky clean.”  Only hair with NO oil on it is “squeaky clean.”There are some very good shampoos on the market.  They are often made by small companies or individuals and sold in health oriented stores like Whole Foods or health food stores.  Buy the smallest bottle you can and try it.Good luck.

A red painful line is across one of my toes. It itches and feels like something is under the skin.Why?

I know this might sound like belly aching but I need to know what the hell is wrong with my toe, that would make me contemplate slicing it open. The toe closest to my big toe has a red line going across it. It itches like crazy and causes a dull pain when you touch it. It annoys me so much that I literally want to take a knife and slice it open. What do you suggest I use to help it?

Entire Body Itching and im 28 weeks pregnant, is this normal?

One night, about a week ago i woke up and had to scratch everywhere!! My legs, arms, face, stomach (which i know is normal from stretching). I have no rash, my skin is not dry and I have not changed laundry detergent or done anything out of the normal. I am 28 weeks pregnant. Like mentioned, I am itchy every where. It comes and goes throughout the day. Currently, ive been scratching for the past 2 hours. I have my next check up on wednesday and ill deff bring it up to my doctor.