Help Throwing Up All I Eat

I've Been throwing up all day, what can I eat?

I was throwing up this morning, but now I feel better, and I want to eat. I'm borderline diabetic, and I can tell my sugars are getting low because I'm getting the shakes. I would just east some saltines and water, but were out of saltines, so what can I eat that won't upset my stomach again?

What should you eat/drink after throwing up?

Alright, being someone who has had my fair share of different kinds of alcohol, I can give you some advice here. No I am not an alcoholic but I have had the unfortunate experience of throwing up after too many rum and cokes, beer, tequila, etc. First off, stay calm, I think the best place to throw up is in the toilet, if you can’t then throw up in a garbage can. I know this might all sound disgusting but we are all human and I think a lot of us have had this unpleasant experience at some point in our lives. When you are done throwing up, get to the sink, spit, and rinse your mouth out. Brush your teeth. I have read stories about people who would binge and purge and they ended up with permanent damage to their teeth. The best thing you can drink after throwing up is water. Drink 2–4 servings of water. In terms of eating, I would recommend something light such as saltine crackers, wafers, or white bread. I wouldn’t recommend eating at a buffet after getting sick. Sleep it off and if symptoms persist talk to a medical professional. Feel better.

What is the best food to eat after throwing up?

Try something that does not smell too much like garlic, onions, or meat or fish. They used to encourage bananas, rice, apples and toast. You might enjoy potatoes, pudding, watermelon, pears, cucumbers for satisfaction and relief of dehydration and sore throat.

My dog has been throwing up last night, now she won't eat, help!?

If your dog ate a lot of different kinds of food yesterday, then she ate something that has up;set her stomach. She is throwing up because her body is trying to get rid of what caused it.
If your dog does not want to eat today, that's ok. The important thing is to make sure your dog drinks some water so that she does not get dehydrated. If you have to put a little water on her mouth to get her to lick it.
Your dog should feel better in a day or so, but if she is still is throwing up tomorrow then you need to take her to the vet, and they can give your dog medication to settle her stomach and stop the diarrhea.
Today watch your dog and try to make her comfortable. Also, from now on be careful what you feed your dog and how much you give them. Dogs have sensitive stomachs and there are some people foods that are them. Feed them dry dog food, and if you want to give the people food, then give them a spoonful of steamed vegetables, rice or chicken mixed in with the dog food. These foods are healthy and will not upset your dog's stomach, but still don't give them a lot.
Give your dog water to keep her from getting dehydrated. Watch her and she should be better by tomorrow. If she isn't then take her to a vet.
I hope your dog feels better soon. Best of luck with your dog. Hope I helped.

Can I lose weight by throwing up?

No.Just no.It doesn't make you skinny; it makes you ill. Firstly, the vast majority of calories from food are absorbed very early. Nutrients are absorbed later. By throwing up, you keep the calories but not the protein, vitamins, nutrients and so forth. This puts your body into starvation mode. This means the calories you eat are turned straight into fat, because your body feels like it's starving. It also increases your appetite, making you eat more; it make you tired and lethargic; it kills your willpower; it weakens your immune system; and it makes you loose muscle, which means that even after you leave 'starvation mode', you'll gain weight faster.As for safe? No. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Erica Challis explained the physical effects well, but I'll elaborate.What is throwing up?It's forcing your stomach muscles to convulse, suddenly and unnaturally. This causes muscle tears, strains and cramps. It can literally rip holes in your abdominal muscles.Vomiting forces your stomach walls to move in ways it shouldn't, bruising organs near it.Vomiting forces stomach acids - which can dissolve flesh and bone - into your intestines and gullet, where it can permanently damage membranes and cause internal bleeding. This is nearly impossible to treat.It pushes this stomach acid  into your mouth and over your teeth.Remember, stomach acic can dissolve flesh and bone. It dissolves the enamel on your teeth, leaving them blackened and with holes, and painful and open to infection.It also destroys your taste buds. So if you're throwing up so that you can eat whatever you like, that's not going to work. It means you literally cannot eat, because your teeth are raw nerves, your intestines are shredded, and your stomach  is dying.Please, god, don't. Speak to a doctor if you want to loose weight. Exercise moderately. Eat fewer carbs, more protein and more vegetables. Stop drinking fizzy drinks. Cut down on alcohol.But please, don't kill yourself by throwing up.

Does throwing up actually help you loose weight?

The strange thing about bulimics is that most that you see are kinda chubby, if not outright fat. Maybe if they weren't vomiting all the time they would be enormous. But still, it hardly seems worth it to have to puke your guts out all the time to have that chubby look. Anorexics, on the other hand, are a least thin. I can't remember ever seeing a chubby or fat anorexic, unless it was after they went through "recovery". Also, anorexia is easier, I mean, no vomiting required, however, it would require you to NOT EAT! Something you probably have not been too good at in the past, otherwise, you wouldn't be trying to lose weight. Anyway, have fun with it. Good Luck!

My dog keeps eating grass, and then throwing up.?

If dogs have a stomach ache they often eat the grass to make themselves throw up so that they will feel better. The same goes with humans, if someone has a bad enough stomach ache they might try to make themself throw up to alleviate the nausea.

My cat is throwing up foamy stuff. Some of it is yellow/white. What is this and what can I do?

Take it to the veterinarian... as in yesterday.As Catherine Spencer said it could be a hairball, but there are other (scarier) options.One of my cats got really sick, the same symptom, starting a bank holiday, I thought if it was hairball it would eventually go out.When I got my kitty to the vet she was almost dehydrated, and I was giving her water with a syringe (without needle, of course), but she vomited out more than I managed to make her drink in. So, make sure your cat is hydrated. My vet stressed it a lot.Second problem, if she has stopped eating it's a bad sign. As my vet emphasied cats should never fast, not even for 24 hours, it could damage their livers.Then, she would need high protein canned food to recover. Mine didn't like it, so I mixed it with water and I gave her with the syringe.As I found out, it is not normal for cats to vomit.The vet run blood-tests and x-rays to rule out some other disease, everything looked normal.Treatment:My kitty stayed half a day at the vet's hooked up to a drip administering intravenous fluids.She got two types of shots, one of them to make her stop vomiting, during five days in a row.The vet let me take her home with me, but we were visiting day in day out for almost a week.High protein canned food.Make her drink water.Recovery signs:When she drinks and eats by herself.We never got to know what was wrong, but she recovered just fine. My heart began to beat again, so happy ending for everyone.P.S. If you haven't got syringes, get some; they are very handy.

What happens if you throw up food right after eating?

If it happens just once, nothing. It's a sign you are sick or ate something you are allergic to.If it happens regularly, it causes s great deal of harm. The acid in the vomit damages your teeth, and leads to discolouration and decay. Your dentist will be able to see that you are vomiting regularly and may confront you about this behaviour.Regular vomiting damages the lining of your oesophagus - your food tube - and the valve that keeps food and digestive juices in your stomach. You may experience painful acid reflux - a burning sensation. You will need medication to help with this. It will be clear to your doctor that you are vomiting regularly and they will offer you help to stop the behaviour.Regular vomiting causes swollen glands in the face and neck. Your face may begin to appear swollen. This will be another obvious sign to medical professionals that you are indulging in unhealthy behaviour. Your friends and family might just think you are getting fat, but someone familiar with eating disorders would be able to see what is really going on with you.One thing that will not necessarily happen if you vomit after eating is weight loss. Many people who habitually vomit after food are a normal weight, or overweight. Self induced vomiting only removes part of the food you ate. It is not an effective way to empty your stomach.If you are considering vomiting after eating, don't. It is harmful and does not help weight loss. If you already started to vomit food, stop if you can. If it is difficult to stop, get help from your doctor. The longer it goes on, the more damage will be done.