Help Will Weight Loss Stop

If I stop eating sugar will I lose weight?

I'm really overweight and I was wondering if I stop eating sugar and drinking pop and eating fast food and processed food, will I lose weight? I have a really bad foot problem so I need to lose a little weight by my diet and then exercise to gain muscle. Thank ya! No judging or hateful comments! JUST HELP! Thank ya!!! and i just wanted more answers so i reposted it!

Health: If you stop eating will you lose weight fast? Is it safe?

If you stop eating,  you will starve. Eventually you will die. No, it is not safe.Initially your body will burn off the energy and nutrients you consumed just prior to deciding to Starve.Very quickly, likely within the first 48 to 72 hours, your body will realize that you are being a very naughty person, or that someone is being very cruel to you, and it will decide to run on hibernation mode...Practically speaking, your metabolism will slow to the bare minimum, as your body desperately tries to prevent you from using too many resources too quickly.After your body has burned all the free glucose in your system, it will convert to ketosis and begin to burn fatty acids, and you will burn fat. Your brain will adapt and you will begin to feel foggy headed as you use an inefficient method energy consumption. During this time you will begin to eliminate more rapidly and may become dehydrated as your body tries to help reduce the stress on your kidneys. Because the brain cannot live on fatty acids efficiently, after about 3 days your body will also begin to cannibalize any available protein - aka your muscles -, which it will then turn into glucose in order to give you some form of energy.Your body will also pull minerals out of your bones in an attempt to balance electrolytes.  At this point you will be at your minimum in terms of energy and mental function, but you will be able to survive for about 70 days before you die.That is, assuming you do not die from immunodeficiency caused by lack of nutrients, from a heart attack due to electrolyte imbalance. Generally speaking after 70 days, with no food at all. You will have lost weight... and your life.

How do I stop hair loss after weight loss?

Depending on how you lost the weight, it’s most likely due to one of two reasons. First, if you were on a very restrictive diet then it could simply be a micronutrient deficiency. When people focus on and restrict calories, they tend to lower their intake of needed vitamins & minerals. Your body (not considering hair to be life or death) chooses life over limb & sends the micronutrients where they are needed most. This can be countered by adding quality supplements to your daily intake. Second, if your program was built to drive testosterone production (a great way to decrease bodyfat) then you may have increased your DHT (dihydrotestosterone) a derivative of testosterone. This is the number one cause of hair loss in men & women. There are plenty of DHT blockers out there that can combat thinning hair.Now, it is likely that you have a combination of the 2. If that’s the case you’ll want to look for a complete formula to help combat & reverse the effects. There are drug based formulas that can help, but they do come with a list of potential side effects that I did not want to deal with when I noticed my hair thinning.I hope this helps. Let me know if you have any further questions.

My period stopped due to weight loss...?

If you want to have baby's you need to see a doctor and find out whats causing the issue

dieting doesn't cause it, but being underweight could cause it..if your under 19 BMI it would be underweight enough to stress out the body, but don't worry about it if your BMI is normal. What really matters is your fat%. 10% is enough to mess with your cycle..30% is normal for a woman, we need a certain amount of fat so we can hold hormones,and have baby's, and we need to have stored vitamins in our fat,bones,and organs to help grow and support a fetus. There are certain vitamins that are only fat soluble like A,D,E,and K.

you need fat to produce hormones like estrogen and progesterone for a healthy pregnancy,not to mention that having low estrogen can contribute to osteoporosis.

being too skinny isn't always the could have a cyst, have hyperthyroidism, be pregnant,have PCOS,be under stress, or just be irregular naturally

edit: I was reading about this,and turns out eating too little calories can make this happen to you, (just eat a little more healthy fat in your diet,and add a couple hundred a day..of foods high in nutrition)and I guess 15%-17% is enough to lose your period..there is so much conflicting information out there I am person tells you you're fat, the next tells you you're too skinny...and if you're an athlete or dancer they tell you to have low body fat for your sport..i just don't know

and the people below me are kind of right about getting control of the obsession through counseling before it controls you, because when it starts to affect your life,your health,and your relationships you know you're starting to go down with this obsession (the obsession of wanting to have a perfect body) just try to keep a balance, and not listen to people telling you what to do...after all anorexia is sometimes just caused from wanting to have a little control in your life...if that is the only thing you have control over (because your being emotionally abused) then some of us have conditioned ourselves to not eat when we feel overwhelmed the control others have over us.

Or it just could have been a diet gone array...sometimes when us woman diet we are so excited by all the attention we get, we just keep going...just keep in mind your long term health is more important then looking good in a dress for one night.

Can acupuncture stop overeating and help with weight loss?

Acupuncture can definitely help with over-eating and weight loss but you have to understand a few things.   Acupuncture is but one mode of treatment in what is referred to as Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).   This style of medicine also includes herbology, dietary treatment, medical massage, and a host of other treatment modalities that work together to bring your body to a healthier balance.In the case of overeating and weight loss, there is no permanent benefit from just acupuncture if your dietary habits are not addressed and/or corrected.   A good 'acupuncturist' will address that first.   Having said that, you also have to consider the experience/skill and specialties of your practitioner - the wrong one can be totally ineffective for you, whereas the right one can totally change your life (for the better).Is your doctor a quack?  Who knows!   But what is important is that if you want to 'try' acupuncture, you should find someone who has proven experience with your condition.   If you're promised big changes within a week or two, then you will be disappointed.   A real practitioner will let you know results only come with consistent treatment and especially in your case, adhering to the dietary guidelines and probably taking some herbs (not just any herbs, the herbs that are prescribed to you by a practitioner who evaluates your condition).Also, in many places medical doctors are legally qualified to 'do acupuncture' without much real training.   It doesnt take much for someone to learn a recipe for ear acupuncture treatments for weight loss but know nothing about the theories and proper application.   These 'doctors' might get some results with a chosen few but are not really doing their patients or the medicine justice.  If you plan to go ahead with acupuncture/TCM for weight loss, find a 'real' acupuncturist with experience in not only the medicine, but specifically your issue.  You WILL get results you're happy with.

How much weight will i lose if i stop drinking soda/pop?

No one can tell how much you'll lose primarily because it still depends on your body and many other factors. Most people will lose 5-10 lbs the first few weeks but this is mostly fluid lose, not fat lose, that weight will most likely come back unless you stay on a good diet. Soda has a lot of sodium, sugar, and carbonation. That combination causes fluid retention, high insulin levels, and leaching of minerals from your bones. So depending on how long you've been drinking it, your diet, and how your body reacts will make the difference. After being totally off of soda for a month, your body should start repairing. Thats when your body can start losing fat with a good diet and proper exercise. Getting rid of processed foods and junk stuff like soda, you will put your body in a position to where it can lose fat. Most of the processed stuff causes your body to retain weight and fat making it impossible for some to lose weight. I would highly suggest dropping the Gatorade, it is full of sugars (the diet kind is worse than the full sugar kind, both bad). With milk keep in mind that most processed milk in the stores are full of hormones and grains that cause weight gain. If you go for milk, try fresh raw milk for best results. Don't forget to drink good quality water, water makes your body work properly and helps to expel the body of toxins etc. and keeps the cells healthy.

Gatorade: If you are otherwise eating right and only use Gatorade after a good workout, it won't be too bad for you. However; they have changed the way they sweeten the drink so it would be better to find another way to get your electrolytes and minerals.

Teas: Many are good but be careful, some are processed with floride and formaldyhyde which can be harmful.

Sounds like you are already active which is good, skipping all soda and processed foods will improve your game and make it easier to get toned. Many ball players have greatly improved their speed and strength by eliminating the soda. Good luck, the first month is the hardest.

Does not eating after 7PM really help weight loss?

No. in fact, you should eat right before bedtime. doing this helps keep your metabolism working and burning fat through the night. the reason why people say its bad to eat late is because the foods that are generally being consumed are unhealthy ie: ice cream, cake, pizza or some other non healthy food. the amount of calories you eat in a day is what really matters, not how big the meal is. try eating something small and that is slow digesting like oatmeal or peanutbutter.

also try to eat at least six small meals a day rather than three large ones.

If i stop drinking soda, how much weight can i lose?

Depends which soda...

Let's say it's Coca Cola you're drinking, for example. I think there's about 142 calories in one or something like that. So 142 calories multiplied by 5.5 cans per day is 781 calories. 781 calories per day, multiplied by 31 days in a month is 24211 calories. There are zero calories in water, and approximately 3500 calories is a pound of human fat. 24211 divided by 3500 is almost 7 pounds you would lose. This is assuming you replaced the soda with water for 31 days and left the other parts of your diet and exercise alone, which I doubt you could do all at once.

I say this only because your body will go through a withdrawal and since you don't seem too overweight right now, I am assuming most of your daily calories come from soda. This is terrible and unhealthy, and will lead to diabetes, hypertension and a slew of other health concerns. Don't take me the wrong way, I'm not saying you won't lose weight if you stop drinking soda- I'm just saying that with this much soda, your weight is the least of your problems.

Will removing soda from my diet help me lose weight? I drink about 5,000 calories worth of soda a week.

Liquid sugar is one of the WORST things you can put into your body. You’re better off eating sugar from solid foods than sugar from soda. If you STOP drinking soda, you’ll lose a lot of weight.I once knew someone who lost 50 pounds just by eliminating soda. Your body responds very positively when you begin to remove certain food items or sugary drinks from your diet.Sometimes this is the BEST method for weight loss, just slowly cut things out week to week, month to month and before long you’ll notice a drop in weight.Now when you get to a place where everything you eat and drink is healthy and fat loss suddenly stops (which it will) you’ll have to change it up.This is where caloric deficits and adjusting macros come into play.Here’s a little formula you can use once you’ve stopped losing the weight by reducing the kinds of foods or drinks you are putting into your body.Go into a slight caloric deficit. Nothing to extreme just 250–300 calories below maintenance.When the weight loss stops again , cut another 100 calories for a few weeks and keep repeating this cycle.Keep carbohydrates to around 0.5–1 grams per pound of body-weight.Keep the protein 1 gram per pound of body-weight.Get enough healthy fats in your diet as well.Drink plenty of waterGet 7–8 hours of sleepHere’s 8 possible metabolic fat loss boosters to lose pounds of fat FAST and the TRUTH about whether they work=>8 Metabolism Boosters for Rapid Fat Loss