Help With My Grammar And Make This Sound Better 10 D

Attention grammar pros - "I'd like to RSVP for me and a friend" or "myself and a friend"??

So here's my final version - "A friend and I would like to partricipate in the xyz etc."

what I learned from the answers:
* List the friend first
* Use I to eliminate the me/myself mess
* Avoid using the word RSVP

so thanks a bunch :)

English grammar?

1. Which of the following is the best opening sentence for a business letter that you want to sound fairly informal?
A. I am in receipt of your order of February 10.
B. This letter is to make you cognizant of our receipt of your order.
C. Your order of February 10 arrived in our office today.
D. Please be advised that I've just received your order. ans: c
2: Which one of the following sentences contains two ideas joined by a connecting word?
A. Frank went fishing on Saturday he caught many fish.
B. Tina arrived at work earlier than usual.
C. Mike ran after the bus.
D. Sally lives with her parents, although she could afford her own apartment. ans: d
3:Which of the following is a way you could begin an essay that's about the medical uses of iodine?
A. Last summer, a splinter in my brother's leg became infected, which led to blood poisoning. He could have prevented the problem with a few drops of iodine.
B. The Winter Olympics of 1980 took place in the beautiful area of Lake Placid, New York. Lake Placid is nestled in the Adirondack mountains.
C. Silver iodide is used in photography. Photography is a widespread form of art, and it has become more popular than painting.
D. Although iodine is useful for medical treatments, so are other elements like oxygen, radium, and barium.

Correct grammar? She is myself or she is I or she is me? 10 pts PLEASE?

so i originally wrote

She is me and every other person in this room. *the sentence makes sense I promise haha
but i am confused as to if it is correct grammar to say either
1. She is me and every other
2. She is I and every other..
3. She is myself and every other..

Am i a good writer? Does this sound good? (p.s im 13 years old trying to become a writer!)?

I'm 17, and i've been writing since I was little. I used to write stories like this as well, and it took me a long time to realize what I was doing wrong.
I'm not talking about your grammar and spelling like everyone keeps referring to. You can fix that on your own. What you need to take another look at is your story itself, and the way you bring it about.

When you begin writing, you should have at least a vague idea of how the story is going to turn out. Also, you need to begin with something that will catch attention. I would never start out with an introduction. Never. Most of the time, you'll lose your reader right then and there. The way you wrote yours also makes your main character sound very immature. I know she is supposed to be 13, but the way you write as her makes her sound 8. (Also, refrain from using the word "stuck upey"). While I was reading, I got bored pretty early and it didn't get better. There didn't really seem to be any big underlying story in there.
A 13 year old girl Brittney who is not preppy and has a twin. Her neighbor is a cute boy named Danny. Her twin sister is a model who is coming home after being in Paris a long time. Danny and Brittney go to a friends house.
That's basically your first chapter stripped down. By the end of your first chapter, your reader should have a better idea of what is going on. If you decide to make your story one of those that starts out vague and reveals more as it goes, that's fine too. Just make sure you write it in a way that makes them want to keep reading. Spice up your plot.

One thing I personally would change that you don't really have to change is the point of view. My preference is to write from a third person pov. That way, youre not stuck in the mind of one character and you can branch off into anything you want. When you write in first person like you did here, we are confined to the thoughts of this 13 year old girl and what goes on around her that she perceives. Sometimes you may want to get out of that. At least, I do.

But whatever you do, don't give up. Whoever said you won't be a writer until you are 40 doesn't know what they are talking about. As long as you want to be a writer, you should keep on pursuing it. When people give you criticism, take it constructively, and let your writing grow. The more you work on it, the better you will get.

Good luck!

Is my grammar correct? We'd like to inform you that the check payment for annual membership dues is now ready for pick up.

The grammar is correct, but the rhetoric is faulty. In other words, I have no idea what it means. Please provide the logic: who is addressing whom, what is the situation, and what is expected to happen after the communication is completed?“Grammar is concerned with the thing as-it-is-symbolized. Logic is concerned with the thing as-it-is-known. Rhetoric is concerned with the thing as-it-is-communicated.”—Sister Mary Joseph.

Which of the following is the best open for a business letter to sound fairly informal?

A. I am in receipt of your order of February 10.
B. This letter is to make you cognizant of our receipt of your order.
C. You order of February 10 arrived in our office today.
D. Please be advised that I've just received your order.

Grammar questions !!!! :D?

11. Amanda loved the sound of the orchestra at her school’s winter concert,and she decided then to study the violin.

12. Amanda’s first violin was not the standard size,for she was still quite small.

13. When she started the sixth grade,however,Amanda was playing a full-sized violin.

14. She did not always enjoy the many hours of practice, but they were necessary because playing the instrument is complicated.

15. Amanda knew that playing the proper notes could be especially difficult on a violin.

16. On a keyboard instrument,.you simply press a key and hear the note for that key.

17. On a violin, however, the placement of a finger on a string can affect the pitch of a note.

18. If the pitch of each note is not exact, even a common tune can be difficult to recognize.

19. Once a student has mastered finger placement to some extent, he or she still has a great deal to think about; posture, hand position, and bowing technique all require great concentration.

20. When students can actually create music with this stubborn instrument,they have reason to be proud.

Classify each of the following sentences as simple, compound, complex, or compound- complex.
11) compound, 12) compound 13) compound-complex 14) simple 15) complex 16) compound-complex 17) compound 18) simple 19) complex 20) complex
cann someonee please check if the answerss above ^ aree right? :D i did them, but i'm really bad with grammar. i don't know if they aree right or not! please check (: thank you!

Can someone correct my grammar real quick? How do I say this sentence?

i want to say that this baby is cute... how would i say it?

1. that has got to be the cutest baby i ever saw
2. that has got to be the cutest baby i have ever seen

this may be a stupid question, but i want to make sure i'm using my language correctly Lol