Help With What A Dream Means

HELP!! What does this dream mean?

I had a baby sister, like 14 months old lol.
And my brother was in it but we were trying to kill my dad with an axe and my "baby sister"
killed him.. but we were in a game so she got 2 kills because she killed this other person too.. And the grim reaper was in my dream telling "us" to use the axe and he kept coming around and peeking through doors..
I know this is a really horrible dream, more like a nightmare. I'm just really curious as to what all of this means??

Help me ! I don`t know what this dream means?

I'm thinking that there may be something lacking in your new relationship that was present in the relationship with your ex, and something inside you is missing that. Some relationships can be more passionate than others, and passion - sometimes expressed, and felt, in the Positive (feelings of romantic elation) and sometimes in the Negative (conflicts/hurts), can be like endorphin 'high' time. That's chemisty. What's the chemistry like with your new b'f? Is it enough? Compared to what you experienced when you were with your ex, ask yourself if it's enough to satisfy you. But ultimately, you need to be with a man who's going to look after you well and provide you sufficient passion to keep you interested as well. :)

What does my dream mean?????? HELP?

House To see a house in your dream, represents your own soul and self. Specific rooms in the house indicate a specific aspect of your psyche. In general, the attic represents your intellect, the basement represents the unconscious, etc. If the house is empty, then it indicates feelings of insecurity.If the house is shifting, then it suggests that you are going through some personal changes and changing your belief system. If you live with others in your walking life, but dream that you are living alone, suggests that you need to take new steps toward independence. You need to accept responsibilities and be more self-reliant. If you are locked out of the house, then it represents rejection and insecurity. You feel you are being left behind. Trees To see a falling tree in your dream, indicates that you are off balance and out of sync. You are off track and headed in the wrong direction. Car Accident To dream of a car accident, symbolizes your emotional state. You may be harboring deep anxieties and fears. Are you "driving" yourself too hard? This dream may tell you to slow down before you hit disaster. You need to rethink or re-plan your course of actions and set yourself on a better path.

Apparently you need a vacation.

Can you help me figure out what my dream means?

What a cool dream. I'm surprised you are left feeling troubled. First of all, dreams are usually exaggerations (because dreams don't have any of the limitations that conscious thinking has - no boundaries) of thoughts, feelings, barely conscious or unconscious events/feelings/thoughts that we had during the day. Our minds don't have time to work everything out at the moment that things occur,and dreamtime is a good time to finish unfinished work.
No one can know for sure what someone else's dream means, but good questions can help guide you to your own answer. Were you thinking about doing something conventional perhaps (getting married is conventional and expected, but you may have been actually thinking of something far less serious - remember, dreams usually exaggerate), but it was not what you in your heart wanted to do? In fact, the idea had been taken pretty far (marching down the aisle!) before you could no longer stand it and said, "No!" It takes a lot of courage to change course when something has gone that far, but you rose to the occasion and put a stop to it. (especially if you're a young girl, I would wonder if someone was pressuring you to do something that you did not feel ready to do?) In your confusion, you began to cry, but before long, others recognized that you had been courageous and right, and they crowned you and your friend. Realizing you had done the right thing, you smiled and knew you would be okay - even though you had gone against convention!
Your dream may be about something you have already done, a hint at an action you may need to take in the future, or something you will do when the need arises. I'd say, "Congratulations! you have the inner strength to do what's in your best interest, even when many people would cave in!" Way to go. Thanks for sharing your dream.
If you're a teen, you may enjoy other topics from my website that is about teens (although in the form of resource for parents of teens):
The site is 100% non commercial and non religious! - no hidden agenda. Berater.

What does my dream mean? Help please!(:?

Most dreams are messages from the subconscious mind. You are just processing daily thoughts, feelings and events in the dream. I liked the first person's answer and would merely add that energetically, you are putting out the vibe that you are still married. Perhaps you have not yet let go of your ex. this was a great dream as it was telling you that men won't approach you until you let go.

What does this dream mean?? plz help!!?

This must represent what happened in your self (unless this part is lucid dreaming/astral travel which seem virtually the same). Either you were visiting other worlds, or possibilities, went "too far out," were in "another world" for a while, or you really went all the way and beyond in a good way.
It could also mean you being out of control and I think this is it. You are speeding beyond the earth and don't know where you are. So you are way out in that way I think, because of what happens after.

Talking banana means something talked to you, in you. Did the banana represent the fruit of your escapade? Ha, and maybe not an orange or apple, because a banana is bent, if that can indicate how slightly askew or bent this space is. It may have been the only sane or earthly part giving you the message to get out of this vacuum.

Because suddenly it made you go fast into a black hole. That is not good. It sucks all light, energy, everything into itself.
A flash is of realisation.
A HUGE golden metallic owl: Golden is treasure, what is of value in you. Owl is solitary - so this reflects you or at least in this experience, nocturnal which is about your dark side, and maybe seeing in the dark, and it seems it does mean wise too (saw 2 dreams recently with an owl).
..screeching so loud that I went deaf: You couldn't hear your individual wisdom, I'll guess. Perhaps for the common din of the world, in your head.

You couldn't hear again, to gain control, like with the sunny, wise banana of goodness, and so were catapulted into chaos once more....
Flapped its wings really hard and it was like a tornado: A tornado is like a black hole too, sucking everything in and wrecking it. So it's the same ruckus of life or your head causing everything to go everywhere in disarray.
then the wind just caused everything to go black is the end result was nothing.

So can you place the experience?

Please help me figure out what this dream means?

i cant seem to get this dream i had a few nights ago out of my head!

let me give you a lil basics before i tell you the dream:
-im 19 and have been with my boyfriend for over 2 years
and he is my true love and the one i want to spend the rest of my life with.
-im a virgin! i have never had sex.
-i used to say i never wanted kids.
-my boyfriend has warmed me up to the idea of one
when we are older, married, well-off, and ready.

now to the dream...
i dreamt that i was sitting in the bath running water with my baby
between my legs...
the baby looked a few months old...
well the doorbell rang so i went to answer the door and when i
got to the door i realized,

I killed my own baby... on accident.
then i started pumping at its stomach and breathing into its mouth,
it woke! my dream ended there.

im so confused and bothered by this dream...
i think a main reason i am bothered is because normally
i see my dreams in 3rd person...
and this one i was watching through my own eyes...

can you help me figure out what this means?
i hope nothing bad....


We are the creator of the dream. We make them to help us to learn. There is never a singular meaning which allows us to use a dream like a key that opens many doors into who we are.Lets look at the dream in where we help someone. If the dream has an individual in whom we know, a friend or associate then the dream may have an external theme since it is using an actual person. In this sense it is our action that tells us that we want to assist the individual. At the same time this person also represents our self since the person in the dream is created by us in order to mirror that individual who is alive, then in this sense we are helping ourselves. This also can be the same way to look at it if the person is not know in oour waking reality, then this individual becomes a reflection of who we are and we are working at helping ourselves learn something.Also when you look at a dream like this look at what you are helping the individual do, this may also be an insight to the dream meaning. If you are helping them repair a wall in a house you could be helping to improve the structure of your mentality or consciousness or strengthening your ideas.In the end, the multiple meanings can all be useful in telling you something about the inner workings of your psyche.

Can anyone help me decipher what my dream means?

The airplane represents your relationship. It flying/not flying relates to you having/not having a relationship with this boy. The fact that you are seated within the airplane far apart from each other also represents how far apart you are even within the relationship. The 'dad' flying the airplane could mean lots of things, including strong attachment to parents/home life, the fact that you feel the males are driving your life more than you, fear of parental disproval. The 'friend' with the coffee is panicking because this relationship is taking you away from her, away from who you are with her. Whether or not she represents an actual person or just a metaphor for the person you want to be doesn't matter. The plan crashing, but everyone is ok, is pretty self explanatory and the friend coming out with the coffee is her reconnecting with the thing she lost while you were busy flying/not flying.

Werid Dreams? what does it means?

I'm going thru divorce and i been having alot of werid dreams. The 1st one was i dream about big and small Black rats, I was inside a boat and some man had a cage full of rats big & small, but they all where black, So i was looking at the rats, intill my ex to be husband grabs my hand to get me out the boat. But then i woke up.
My 2nd dream was, I was inside a White Room, with my ex to husband, there was only a bed, walls where bright white, I was dress in white and he was also, and when he try to talk to me inside the room. It was werid. So i sit on the bed, and so he did too,but he hold my hand.but what was so werid about the dreams, my ex inside my dreams.
what do these dream MEANS? anyone help..