Hey For All You German Speaking People Music Artist Question

Why does the whole world listen to American music, you don't see Americans listening to German, Chinese, etc.?

On the most basic level it would seem that more people like American entertainment than Americans like foreign entertainment.
You seem to think there is something inherently wrong about Americans not listening to Chinese music. Do you think non-American culture is by definition better?
Should we force people all over the world to stick to their own "culture" or should Americans be forcefed your idea of culture?

What does German pop music sound like?

A lot like this, if you are talking about the artist singing in german:NENA Leuchtturm (2002)Andreas Bourani - Hey - Videolafee - Bing VideosBut there are also a lot of artists singing in english:Lena - Traffic Lights (2015)Ivy Quainoo - Wildfires (Light It Up) – Musikvideo kostenlos auf MyVideo ansehen!

Why do Americans & Brits tend to speak only one language?

Why do very few Americans and Brits speak more than one language?
Because English is a lingua franca, thus negating the need. Learning langauges is challenging, and not only do you need good instruction, you need regular access to reading, writing and speaking practice.

They find it astonishing that I can speak four, in Norway almost everyone can speak 3-5 languages.
False. You're not actually from Norway and have been here at most a few months.

Most Norwegians can speak English to some degree of profficency. Many are not comfortable speaking English at all. With Swedish, no most Norwegians don't speak it unless they have a need to. It would be fair to say that most are in the habit of being able to read it without it giving too much of a headache. As for German, that's the most common (mandatory) third language taken in vidergående, but it's not true that most Norwegians are profficent in it. Languages are "use it or lose it," and there's not a lot of opportunity to use it in thsi country.

Also, " there you're kind of seemed as stupid if you speak less than three languages." is completely false. That's not how society works here. This isn't a meritocracy, and people are judged on far more important traits.

Do they not have the motive to learn it, or are they not forced to as much?
If you don't have the need, haven't been exposed to other langauges, or have a very keen interest, it's really hard to maintain the focus it takes to learn a language to fluency. It also takes constant maintence. It's not a lazy thing anymore than it's not lazy of someone not to take the full calculus series and do differential equations in their spare time (and for some of us, at least, differential equations are far, far easier).

Why do other countries listen to American music, but we have very few foreign artists here (Non-English)?

I'm guessing because other countries demand or ask for other countries music, and also because most foreign countries second language is English or learning how to speak English am I right. But in America the language we mostly learn is Spanish that's why we have so many Hispanic singers and Hispanic radio stations. But hey some bands/groups/artist so tour down here like I went to 'Wonder Girls' concert in DC almost about a month ago.

What language do you speak, and can you say"Hello, My name is ____," or "How are you" or "shut up" please thnx

Simplified Chinese Character

Traditional Chinese Character
嗨! 我的名字叫___

What kind of music do you like and why?

There is so much great music from around the world and from past centuries. Sometimes it sounds and is composed so differently that it takes a bit of time to get use to it.I love Icelandic and Irish folk music as well as Medieval and Renaissance music when it’s properly played on instruments that are as authentic as possible. I also love intricate polyphony, especially the keyboard music of J.S. Bach and Scarlatti.I just recently started listening to American blues and bluegrass music, some jazz and old rock music from the 60s, I find the music of the middle east fascinating but I don’t know enough about it to really appreciate it yet. My ears just aren’t use to the many semi tones.It is pretty amazing how humans could come up with so many different types of stunningly creative and beautiful music.

Most classical music lovers, are familiar with the expression, WAGNER isn't for everyone: WHY, is this?

a cross cut from another singer. Wagner isn't for everyone to sing, either.
As mimi pointed out, many people have traded in volume for beauty of sound, and that is simply boring,if not off-putting. Even the opera fans of the times commented on how singing Wagner was sure to ruin voices, and add to the general declline of the beautiful singing voice ( bel canto).

Apart from the harmonic excursions, another point was that one couldn't walk away from a performance, humming a tune. ( Okay, maybe Senta's Ballad from Flying Dutchman, or the opening phrase of Lohengrin's Entrance " Mein lieber Schwan", but not really much else, huh? Toyotoho doesn't qualify as a tune) The passivity of attending a performance is enhanced if you can't take a tune away. Certainly, RW wanted that all-subsuming attention to his work, he demanded it of his family and Chancellery, but I don't know if he really expected the Everyman Opera Attendee to do the same. For EOA, it's frustrating not to be so involved.
Then there's simply the density of the orchestral writing. It's phenomenal, it was original, far-reaching, all of that. Have you ever sat through a whole Ring cycle live? Let alone tried to perform in one?
You might want to bring along the earplugs, just to soften the blow.
That's the beauty of the Bayreuth hall- you pack the orchestra into the pit down below and pop a lid over the top to dampen those sound ( shock) waves. the singers have a wonderfully easy time.
Anywhere else it's hard on the ears as well as the rest of the body. You are engulfed in sound waves. they are truly physical phenomena, and it can wear one out quickly without practising stamina and endurance.
If you are EOA you have nowhere to run and hide, where we singers can get off stage for a couple of minutes.
So apart from the political and intellectual grounds, there is also the physical discomfort to be taken into account for the statement, Wagner isn't for everyone.